
"Your body only wants the best for both of you."

How to Enjoy Entertaining Folks in Your Home

EntertainingWhen you apply the Body Knowledge System®, you and your body will host a very successful event with confidence, because you are doing it your way! When you obligated yourself to provide the celebration, you owe it to yourself to celebrate with your guests. When you have a great time, a glorious time; your guests will share in your spirit, especially the affection everyone has for the HONORED GUEST.

  1. Become the generous hostess who provides all your guests people with all of the food, frolic and fun but please yourself and your body first—
  2. Work WITH your body when making decisions as to the Who-What-Where-When-How of the event. What makes her feel good, makes you feel good, too.  Fun for you, means fun for your guests!
  3. You are NOT responsible for anyone’s expectations, only your actions

No Early Bird Specials, Chez Stephanie!

Me timeI truly enjoy entertaining guests in my home. Rhythm (my body) and I take great delight giving dinner parties, because we schedule “Me Time” to take care of ourselves first.  After spending the morning giving to myself first, by the time the first guest arrives, Rhythm and I welcome them into our home in eager anticipation of giving to others.

PS: Why stop the celebration when the door closes behind the last guest?

Dance Your Practice and Practice Your Dance to keep the spirit going, and the spirits flowing.

If you would like to have a conversation with me, please contact me, or if you would like to be in a free group tele-class, learn more here.



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