
"Allow your Body’s wisdom to take center stage in your dance of life."

How to Enjoy ANY Event (No Matter What Your Role Is)

Your Personal “Fun Factor” always guarantees a great time!

Regardless of your role at the event, put the JOY back into en-joy-ment!

JoyFACT: You will be relaxed, happy, and enjoy any event as soon as you discover your Style and apply it to your role at the event.  Ask your body, ‘Are we having fun, yet?’  Your answer depends on your personal comfort zone…beyond the physical; your comfort zone includes your emotional, spiritual and psychological state, as well.

Your body never lies. When you listen to her answer, you learn what you feel like in your comfort zone anytime, anywhere, with anyone.  My clients check in with their BFFs, their bodies on a regular basis by asking that most important question: “Are we having fun, yet?”

Events & You

GuestAs an invited guest:       

  • Wear comfortable clothes, shoes, and a smile.
  • Just before entering the event, dance your practice, practice your dance
  • Control your consumption of food and alcohol
  • Keep your foot far from your mouth
  • HAVE A GREAT TIME meeting new people and catching up with familiar friends and family

As the hostess:                

  • Wear comfortable clothes, shoes, and welcoming smile.
  • Dance Your Practice and Practice your Dance.
  • This is YOUR party so do it YOUR way!
  • Decorations, Food, Drinks, and Favors are simply a conversation away—with YOUR BODY.
  • There is Magic in Motion:

    • You and your body circulate to create associations among your guests;
    • Spread your positive energy around;
    • Steer potential friends toward each other, potential enemies away from each other; and
    • Set the fun example, by having a GREAT TIME at your own party!

As the honored guest: 

  • If you’re the bride, take off your Jimmy Chou’s after the ceremony and replace them with bunny slippers!
  • If the attention on you creates discomfort, help the hostess with her social obligations. Helping always contributes to increasing your fun factor!
  • If you LOVE being the FOCUS of everyone’s attention, DO NOT DISAPPOINT! Talk to your body and ENTERTAIN THE TROOPS with song, dance, speeches, and pictures of your last vacation! (I’m kidding about the pictures)

P.S.  When you “Dance your practice, practice your dance!” the whole world dances with you!

Do this to increase EVERYONE’S FUN FACTOR!


If you would like to have a conversation with me, please contact me, or if you would like to be in a free group tele-class, learn more here.

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