
"Speak up for your body!"

Emotional Media Meets Body Confidence

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Where does the pain from hurtful comments on social media directed at our appearance, our image, our body or parts of it, hurt? Because reading those comments occurs in your mind, you assume that’s where the pain is, but you are mistaken.

Those criticisms and judgments are aimed at hurting your feelings, not your intelligence, and your feelings are physical reactions, not mental. If you allow the opinions of others to penetrate your mind to the exclusion of what your body knows is true, then your hurt feelings can continue indefinitely…even if you fight back.

The only way to eliminate them is to go to the source of the pain. Whether your physical reaction is a headache, tension in various parts of your body, or stomach upset, or just a compulsive repetition of the commentary, the cure lies where you feel the pain: your body.

The fast way to relief is to return your focus to where it belongs: your body. If you’ve already studied body knowledge (or more specifically, the Body Knowledge Systen®) you have your dance embedded in your muscle memory for moments of discomfort such as these.

Our motto: “Dance Your Practice, Practice Your Dance!” is the go-to solution for almost any disturbance occurring in your life.

As soon as a troll posts a nasty judgment about you or someone you love, the solution is as easy as moving your body in the dance you both created, or create a new one, and feeling better fast is the dependable result, every day, every time.

The other benefit with your body knowledge practice is it’s the direct way to discovery. To identify your true intention, your highest self speaks through your body, and as soon as you learn to listen, your body’s wisdom creates comfort for both of you.

There’s lots more to know about the Body Knowledge System® and your path to Body Confidence, so check in regularly for more information, or contact Coach Stephanie now for an informative conversation about you and your body.

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