
"Your body only wants the best for both of you."

Emotional Media and You


In our last post, we shared what all practitioners of Body Knowledge already know: our emotions reside in our body. We think because we respond verbally either by voice or on our digital keyboards, that the reaction comes from our minds. Perhaps the details of the expression are mental, but the intention behind them is totally physical!

All the more reason to get to know your body at a more personal level. In earlier posts, we’ve discussed the power of the pause, but with current instant between social interactions online, it takes more than a simple pause to sort things out in order to avoid trouble (trolls?) online.

Certainly, a pause is an immediate positive reaction when you perceive an insult, disrespect, a slur directed at you or someone you love.

So what do you do with the pause?

Feel your blood pressure rise?

Feel your shoulders tighten?

Feel your head begin to throb as you compose an angry retort to post as soon as the pause is over?

Every one of those emotional reactions occurs in your body, but what do they mean?

Really mean: your feelings are hurt and you will react in one of three ways: flee, freeze or fight back.

Your weapon of choice will be the words you respond with online. In order to make them the right words, our recommendation is to consult with your best friend forever, your body.

How to do that, and so much more, is available to you when you access your body’s wisdom and intimate knowledge of you. Your authentic self, your best self, your true self can be discovered in ongoing communication with your body.

Learn how with the Body Knowledge System®

The Body Knowledge System® makes it easy, fun, and worthwhile in today’s digital, informational social system. For more information, please contact Coach Stephanie Wood for a pleasant conversation about how to get in touch with your intentions without fear or frustration.

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