
"Be yourself with your body; remember your body is your personal barometer."

Does Body Confidence come from intrinsic motivation?

Dance freely

From the experts, “Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself, and exists within the individual rather than relying on any external pressure.” or extrinsic motivation, i.e. awards, promotions, money, status symbols. (

Unlike the intrinsic motivation, an essential component of the Body Knowledge System®, extrinsic motivation is always about competition with others. Studies prove that extrinsic motivation provides short-term rewards without long-lasting positive effects.

Let’s look at weight management programs: The ones that work have intrinsic motivation to inspire the user to lose or gain the weight he or she desires. To avoid the Yo-yo syndrome familiar to all of us who have tried to lose or gain weight, and then maintain our success, the program must be intrinsic!

Your Body Knowledge System® begins with your relationship with your body. Renewing it, and re-establishing the open communication that began before birth, to guide you to achieving your goals. Especially the ones that go way beyond weight management.

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