
"Dance is the hidden language of the Soul."

Convert your runway into a Funway!


Project Runway’s new policies toward real women (see Previous Blog Post) inspired me to change my thinking about the runway as the platform for fashion icons aka human hangers for clothing tailored to impossibly thin bodies.

Those models don’t just walk on the runway, they strut down the narrow path in front of critical eyes judging the clothing they wear. Of course, if the designers’ creations do not fit perfectly, then the observations include the women wearing the presentation. Hence the human hangers rather than real life, off the rack bodies who purchase their knock offs, or mass produced and altered to fit clothing available in the retail outlets.

There is no reason each of us can’t walk the runways in our lives as if they were funways, i.e. happy paths toward our future. When we adapt an attitude of fun and optimism toward our daily activities, we convert the slump and stumble into a stride and strut.

This pays additional dividends in what comes our way, as well.

You put good vibes out, you get acceptance and approval back. It’s nature’s way of encouragement!

So give it a try!

Practice the Body Knowledge System® to release your inner body confidence and join us on the FUNWAY of life!

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