
"Be yourself with your body; remember your body is your personal barometer."

Come Back to Your Body Confidence


My client Maggie is beginning to understand her unique Body Knowledge System® better and better.
Let’s hear her journey

As the founder of the Body Knowledge System®, my coaching method to reacquaint my clients with the brilliance within their own bodies, it’s always exciting to learn something else as I did a few days ago when I answered my office phone expecting a call from my scheduled client. Instead the caller’s voice belonged to the manager of our local bank. Margaret, “Maggie” to her friends, requested a coaching session to prepare her for an upcoming presentation to the stockholders and investors.

She’d been my client several years ago when she returned to work as a teller after her youngest child went to school. After congratulating her on her professional success since our last session, I asked how I could help her.


“I guess I need a tune-up, or something, since I’m ten years older and probably ten pounds heavier since our last coaching session,” she laughed.

“So is this about weight loss?” I replied.

“No, No. It’s about confidence, mine—now that I’m a woman of ‘a certain’ age.”

Curious, I continued. “Tell me more.” The last time I saw her, she looked terrific and seemed her normal authoritative self as she took care of her family and the hectic business of banking in the suburbs.

“My body knowledge system works great! I practice my dance and dance my practice


Click  here to have a conversation with Stephanie on how to ‘practice your Dance’

1st answer these 5 body confidence questions to prepare


 Thanks to your coaching I’m no longer a slave to a number on the scale or a label on my jeans,” she said. “In fact, Pretty Lady (the name she gave her BFF, her body a decade ago) and I really enjoy our process with your system…it’s still fun, but…”


“What does Pretty Lady say about your confidence levels?”

“Oh, my BFF, laughs out loud when I bring any body image issues up—she reminds me what I value in my life and that I really do “have it all”.

Maggie sighs. “So, why does my head think I need a tune-up when my BFF, my body knows I’m great just the way I am?”

And that was my AHA! Moment: her query made the light bulb go off in my head. I realized that in fact, body confidence has always been a by- product in my coaching process, it just didn’t have a name. Perhaps it was time to bring it front and center in the guaranteed results!

Since the beginning of my Body Knowledge System ® coaching, more women have resisted the idealized, and impossible brush stroke standards visible in the media, and have pushed back privately if not publicly.  My clients are in touch with their bodies and understand and accept her as she is. We embrace her, our own support system.  We no longer resent her for our perceptions of her imperfections.

“Here’s your tune-up, at no charge to you.” I said. “After hanging up the phone, put on your happy feet music so that you and Pretty Lady can practice your dance, then check in with her where her confidence levels are, and I’ll bet her body confidence becomes your head confidence by the time your dance is done…if not, call me back and we will schedule a refresher session.

The phone remained silent for the rest of the day, and a week later, Maggie called and invited me out to lunch to celebrate her success at the recent presentation. A GREAT BIG THANK to understanding Body Knowledge System ® which continually gives you the opportunity to create and initiate your own body confidence.

Click  here to have a conversation with Stephanie on how to ‘practice your Dance’

To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

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