Cathe: OK, I heard my body tell me her fatness was to get my attention…well, she got my attention all right!
SW: Is this her usual strategy with you so you pay attention?
Cathe: Yes, as I look back in time, she gets my attention with weight gain. Now I know the stress brought on by this presentation is not about my kids, it’s all about me—and my fear of success. But stage fright? Now? At my age?
SW: How can you and your body be more comfortable with your speeches and bringing your talents to an audience that respects you and wants to get to know you?
Cathe: Not sure. I was a speech major in college, for goodness sakes!
SW: What’s different about this presentation?
Cathe: A really BIG promotion is tied to my success…or f-f-f-failure in front of everybody!
Cathe: I am sooooooooo afraid of failure!
SW: What does your body tell you? Is she afraid you’ll fail?
Cathe: Uh, I haven’t asked her…yet.
SW: There’s no time like the present—Let’s put down the phone and start moving, practicing your dance.
[A thud, the sound of fabric, some humming, a growl of disgust, a stomp then]
Cathe’s voice: Nada, nothing, zip, zero. She’s not talking and I need a confidence boost from someone, somewhere…please
SW: Oh, she’s talking all right—keep listening. Was your practice easy, flowing, or hurky-jerky, stiff and forced?
Cathe: (a long pause) The last part—it was more like the elephant dance than swan lake…
SW: Ok, How about: Take a very deep breath, all the way down your abdomen, pause, then let it out through pursed lips oh, so, slowly. Then think of, “Hail to the Chief” or “Jump” or “When the Saints Come Marching In…” and practice your dance.
Cathe: (doubtfully) Okay….what are you going to do?
SW: Move, of course!
few moments later.
Cathe: Ahhhh…I, er, we feel so much better! Up, lighter, and optimistic! I’m even looking forward to the presentation!
SW: Your body is always there to support you…you are never alone, because your body shares your feelings and awaits your communication with her, so that she can share her confidence, her knowledge of you, and will always give you the boost you need to do what’s best for you!
Cathe: I feel like Rocky on the steps of the Philly Museum—
SW: Fortunately you don’t LOOK like Sly Stallone…
Cathe: Thank you. I feel good, really good about me today…and with further conversation with my BFF, we’ll get there confidently and FEEL great about our presentation! I will call you when I get home.
So what did you think? If Cathe was inspiring to you then you must learn about an upcoming teleseminar I am co-hosting with Judith Wentzel called ‘Magic Recipes for Your Life, Business Passion and Inner Health’.
This unique interactive teleseminar will let you discover how to access your body’s knowledge so that you can nurture the passion and inner health necessary to live a healthy life for yourself and your business with ease.
You will come away with two (2) original techniques which you can implement immediately for a healthier body and business life, plus a lot of bonuses just for attending.
Stay tuned for more into coming soon and make sure you save the date, Saturday, March 16th, 2013 from 1pm-2:30pm, Eastern Time
Share Tags: Body Image, Body Relationship, Dancing, Mind Body Connection, movement
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