
"Your body speaks up for you when you do not speak up for yourself."

Your Coach, the Cure for Weight Management, Body Confidence follows

Stephanie Wood

According to the June Issue of Consumer Reports Health magazine, studies @ confirm what Weight Watchers already knows, to lose and/or maintain improvements we need to be held accountable to someone else for short or long term positive results.

DIY, Do It Yourself, applies to many things in our modern lives. Painting the guest bathroom, pulling the weeds in your garden, baking a special cake for your husband, re-finishing your grandmother’s rocking chair all can be done with patience, knowledge and commitment.

DIY does NOT APPLY to weight loss, or getting into physical condition, or feeling good about yourself. If it was that easy, we’d all DIY.

Repeated studies have confirmed what popular, successful weight loss programs already know: accountability to someone else until new life style choices become habits is essential to long term success in all matters involving your body, your- self.

When you are ready for a positive relationship with your body, stop the insanity, stop your frustration, and contact Coach Stephanie Wood, for your accountability coach using her successful Body Knowledge System®

Your body will thank you for it.

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