
"Your body is not the enemy."

Celebrate the Season

Celebrate the Season

When you have knowledge of your body, you listen to your body. As long as the lines of communication remain open between you and your body; you and your body will eat, drink, and be merry throughout the holidays—and for every day of the New Year. 

What is the key to enjoying the holidays? The parties, the gifting, the visiting, the entertaining, the family and friends are there for you to celebrate, appreciate and make life long memories to share with others. When you accept an invitation, plan a party, or purchase tickets to a special event, remember to extend an invitation to your body to join you.  When you consciously include your body in everything you do, you enhance the experience for both of you.

Happy HolidaysThe holidays are all about learning, sharing, and enjoying; as is the Body Knowledge System®.*  Use the Body Knowledge System® this season to get the most out of every event you attend, host, or experience. Love rather than fear the food, the drink, the company.  Whether you and your body attend a party, host a dinner, or participate in an event; as soon as you accept your body as your buddy, your friend, your partner; you will bring out the best in both of you.

“All I want for Christmas is…”

Our Christmas gift to you is the ease of getting to know your body through the Body Knowledge Dance®.  It’s easy, practical, and economical.  You already have everything you need. Nothing special to buy, borrow or wear. Come as you are, whenever and wherever you are. Simply move something, or everything, any part or all of when you move, you practice the Body Knowledge System®. Regardless of your athleticism, your physicality, your rhythm, coordination, or energy level, if you move any part of your body you are practicing the Body Knowledge Dance®. And when you practice your dance, you dance your practice…and with every motion, you get to know your body and your body gets to know you.

“Getting to know you, getting to know all about you…” Rogers & Hammerstein, The King and I.

invitationYour body accompanies you to the party, the dinner, the event. This is a good thing on so many levels. When your body is with you, someone always has your back and you’re never alone. It’s no longer about self-control or self-discipline.

Last year, you said “No, thank you” and held your hand up to prevent seduction from the cheese puffs or fudge truffles on the silver tray. This year, you’ll say
“Yes, please” and accept with pleasure the offerings you and your body agree work for both of you.  No longing, no denial, no guilt. Satisfaction from sharing a common incentive: health, wellness, feeling good on the inside and looking good on the outside.

The more you practice the Body Knowledge Dance®, the more you learn about each other and the more comfortable you become with each other. Trust increases. Confidence builds. Choices are opportunities more than challenges, and the results benefit both of you.  The better you know each other, the more fun you’ll have with each other. During the holiday season and for the rest of your years together to get the most out of your life, get to know your body—and let your body know you. Together, you’ll live together, love together, learn together and enjoy life together—in the most wonderful way.

So, Happy Holidays dancing your practice, and practicing your dance! Celebrate the New Year with the Body Knowledge System® as it enriches your experience every day of your life.

*Learn more about The Body Knowledge System® at

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