
"Your body speaks up for you when you do not speak up for yourself."

I invite you to listen to myself with my favorite colleague Barry Shore where I coach him around the idea of Branding. 

It is a topic I explore in my new book “The Body Knowledge Entrepreneur How to navigate your Unique Style for Business Success.”

Footnote from Stephanie: Watch and listen how I Coach Barry with a practice from my Body Knowledge Entrepreneur playbook.  Barry’s challenge today is understanding how to coach his clients better around creating their Brand. Now Barry is a seasoned Coach himself and will interject his coaching philosophies as we move through our time together. My intention is to showcase both of our coaching styles. So, enjoy and take from our coaching conversation whatever suits you. 

After Listening

I invite you to participate with my OASIS Entrepreneurial Style Assessment (takes 7 minutes, not even).

Let us talk about how this all applies to you!

Take the assessment then Book a conversation with me at:

Entrepreneurial Success Through Mind-Body Connection

Stephanie emphasizes the body-mind connection

What can this possibly have to do with me being an entrepreneur?

Let’s find out

One of the most exciting aspects of the Body Knowledge Dance is its focus on stress reduction and clear thinking, which is perfect for the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship you’re in. You know that stress can be a constant challenge on this journey, but through the dance’s mindful and meditative qualities, you’ll find a space for inner peace and rejuvenation. Release that physical tension as you focus on being present in the moment, calming your mind and reducing anxiety like never before.

Coaching with Stephanie
With Stephanie’s coaching, her client rediscovers her body and invites her back in

Client: Back in December, I went to the Emergency Room for chest pains. All my tests came back normal and the doctor there diagnosed me as having a panic attack. He had me follow up with a cardiologist and that doctor came to the same conclusion. None of my friends or family were surprised.

The thing is, I felt like the stress was fueling me to do my job well. It was like a high. Sure, I crash every so often, but I thought it was working. Now, for my health’s sake, I’m trying to work from a calmer and more regulated place. That’s my intention, but when I think about making it happen, I just feel lost. 

Client Challenge and ‘Ha-Ha!’(Revelation)

Stephanie: You got so accustomed to the dance of stress and anxiety, you’ve forgotten your body’s dance all together! Never fear – we will recover your steps together. How can we best create a connection between your body and your state of mind?

Client: I usually visualize my intention.

Stephanie: Wonderful. Let’s visualize that intention and bring it to life. When you’re ready, I want you to close your eyes and picture yourself embodying calm and regulation as an entrepreneur.

Client: So I say out loud : ‘I embody calm and regulation as an entrepreneur.’

Stephanie: Indeed! Now it’s time to let that visualized intention guide your body as it moves. As you move your body say your intention out loud. ( you are your own choreographer). Yes! Move your body in any shape or form you want. What is happening

Client: I already feel a little calmer, but I feel more alive too! I never knew I could have energy from calm instead of being fueled by stress. I feel hopeful for the first time in awhile!

For you to know

My clients often come to me exhausted and at the end of their rope. Our culture teaches us that we must force our bodies to conform to our version of success, but the Body Knowledge Entrepreneur learns that she doesn’t have to sacrifice her own well-being to achieve success in the business world.

Take the Oasis Entrepreneur Style Assessment

To further your understanding of who you are so that taking your talents out into the world as an entrepreneur are successful and practical.

Listen to my Podcast with Thao

around How to Practice Body Talk

Let’s understand how listening to your Body’s Voice (and you have every right to disagree) communicate.

Better Business Decisions made Easier

There are many things I am thankful for this week, not the least of which is my close relationship with my body. That interdependency provided the confidence I needed to become a successful professional.

Refreshing Your Memory about the Body Knowledge System®

Athletes, dancers, and actors know the feeling of trusting their physical selves to perform and succeed on the field, stage, and film. As a professional dancer and choreographer, I matured with open communication between my mind and body. That relationship benefits my entrepreneurial side, starting and managing several small successful businesses using my Body Knowledge System® as a basis for all of them.

Brief History of Understanding your body’s Intelligence

Body acceptance, body positivity, and body confidence are modern terms to free today’s women from the negative influences of the media, their families and friends, and significant others.  All babies are born confident. The separation between mental and physical selves occurs when we understand our dependency on others for survival.

Pleasing them replaced pleasing ourselves. 
Not that our mothers’ judgments of what we ate and wore didn’t influence our self-image throughout childhood; they did.  After leaving for college, marriage, or work, the media’s impossible standards took over her role of body shaming.

So how do you Practice your personal Body Knowledge?
My Business Coaching reconnects my clients with the intimate relationship they had with their bodies at birth. My clients move from being stuck in their mind space to genuinely enjoying their body space.

Yes! Connecting with your Body Knowledge enhances your business opportunities

Eliminating judgment of ourselves and others, we enjoy the steadfast support from our bodies and see no need to seek validation elsewhere.

Feeling stuck, pressured, insecure? 
Those feelings occur in your mind but show themselves in your body, in your body language.

How often has your mind said “yes” when every muscle in your body screams “No!”

You can trust your body because she always tells the truth.
Your Next Step
Enjoy taking this brief OASIS Entrepreneurial Style Assessment

After receiving your results go to my calendar to find out more about yourself in order to make better decisions in your Business and Personal Life.

Final Note:
I coach women entrepreneurs who want to integrate better business skills into their business and most importantly to enhance their confidence skills

How? With my Body Knowledge System® and my experience with owning, creating and managing several profitable businesses. Book a call with me

Talk Soon

To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

Practicing your personal and professional body knowledge helps build confidence to function better during each day.

Let Marty share her evolution with her own body Knowledge
Find out yours right now
Click Here To Take The Oasis Assessment

Let’s listen to Marty:
As Stephanie’s client, I ended my estrangement with my 55-year-old body. She pointed out that at birth, our body and our mind are one unit. As we mature, our mind turns its attention outward to the environment to fulfill our body’s needs. We respond to external stimuli, and the separation increases, further distancing our body from our mind. 

I was ready to look at my relationship with my body as more than just taking up space on the planet. Rather than micromanaging my physical self, I embraced her, began to listen to her wisdom, and became comfortable with the knowledge that my BFF was there supporting us in our best interests. 

Until our move to Montana from Southern California, my exercise was aggressive tennis four times a week.  I love our ranch and the surrounding beauty, horses, dogs, and trails to hike. I spent days at the PC ghostwriting, and I had absolutely no desire to do aerobics to a video, run the trails (grizzly bears and mountain lions are out there), or do yoga without a skinny yogi ordering me into another pretzel pose.  

Most of us live daily without awareness of our unique, individual approaches to every aspect of living. As a child, my mother signed me up for years of ballet lessons, which I loathed. I am built like my father, a former professional football player and coach. Floating  about a stage in a leotard, a powder puff tutu, and painfully restrictive toe shoes is a humiliation I carried into adulthood.

If I was an Organized or Analytical Style, the ballet or a regularly scheduled gym class might work. Spontaneous styles look for pick-up basketball games on the neighborhood courts, drop-in hot yoga sessions, or at the 24-hour Jazzercise studios.

I have identified my dominant style as Inspirational as I sought an exercise that I would do! Freeform dance to rock ’n roll was my answer. Playlists to sweat to, stretch to, and smash writer’s block anytime, anywhere. The magic is always in the movement, and the music creates inspiration, fulfilling my style as I accomplished my goal of burning calories and getting in touch with my body, my BFF.

Inspirational, my dominant style, which is also evident in my career choice (writer/producer) and fortunately for my producing hat, Organizational comes in a close 2nd at work and at play. (Tennis foursomes, weekly court times, Bridge card games.) When shopping, I make a list, then forget to bring it with me…so I rely on memory and inspiration after arriving at the store.

As soon as we identify and accept the specific style that applies to eating, exercising, relationships, shopping, working, and playing, we derive more benefits, enjoy the activities more, and reinforce the closer relationship we have with our bodies. 

Knowing your style in relationships, as well as that of your significant other, parents, children, and associates, will strengthen your understanding. If you feel generous, go beyond your simple observations, and educate them in Coach Stephanie’s Style system. 

The Body Knowledge System’s value is its ease of restoring the confidence you were born with in this original, sensible, and provocative process. My only regret is not knowing about the Body Knowledge System ® in my teens or twenties, as the principles in the process are lifelong guides to my personal and professional success.

Thank you, Coach Stephanie; for me, better later than not at all!

To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

Stephanie’s emphasis for any entrepreneur is Intention

“With your intention in mind, let your dance reflect it. If your intention is to lead with grace and assertiveness, move with a blend of poise and power. If your intention is to shatter stereotypes, let your movements be bold and transformative. As you dance, your body becomes a living embodiment of your commitment to combating disrespect.

Allow your intention to permeate your thoughts and emotions. Let it resonate within you like a mantra, infusing your dance with purpose and meaning. With each motion, remind yourself that you’re the orchestrator of this dance, the driving force behind your journey to conquer disrespect.”

Client Challenge and ‘Ha-Ha!’(Revelation)

Client: I have struggled with people pleasing my whole life. I feel like I end up absorbing so much in an effort to make everyone at work feel happy. I’m exhausted and catering to everyone is holding me back.

Stephanie: You’re dancing to someone else’s tune right now. Let’s get you back in sync with your body so you can find your own.

Client: I am ready to begin.

Stephanie: Let’s start with your intention. What would that sound like? Give me a short sentence please.

Client: Ugh. ‘I just hope I can learn how to stick up for myself.’

Stephanie: Let’s explore reframing your language with more definitiveness: Your turn:

Client: ‘Sticking up for myself empowers me!’ This feels and sounds better.

Stephanie: Okay, Let’s try describing how you’d show up if you had no fear! 

Client: ‘I intend to show up boldly, to know what I want, what I need and to act those things out in a kind but firm way!’ Now these words inspire me!  And Yes Stephanie! I remember what to do next…dance and move with my words! Plus moving with the words of my Intention makes my intention stronger and believable so that my mind and body remember the feeling of my Intention. 

(The Body Knowledge Dance) The Body Knowledge Entrepreneur: How to Navigate your Unique Style for Business Success.

One more step-Now it is your turn

Finding out about your style to move forward with all your business challenges.

Let’s now make a date for your customized coaching session. 

To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie


Courtly Confidence

‘A famous Tennis Player can give you insights inside of your own body confidence’ Body Knowledge System® with Coach Stephanie Wood, PCC

Body Confidence Boost
Before reading take 10 seconds to inform yourself of your own personal body confidence confidence
and then resume reading

One of my recent clients, a professional athlete on the verge of the biggest competition in her life to date, called to thank me for getting her there. She gave credit to me, but it belonged to her renewed relationship with her body. Throughout her coaching sessions she applied the body knowledge she acquired to her performance on the tennis court.Successful physical competition depends on the conditioning we provide our instrument, our bodies. To raise the effort into eligibility for the winner’s circle takes confidence in our bodies to achieve the win. To obtain that body confidence requires the practice of your personal body knowledge system.

Get Your “A” Game On!
Your body knowledge system establishes the direct lines of communication between you and your body to take your talents from the practice courts onto center court in whatever arena you choose to compete! Whether launching your new business, trying for a promotion, or looking for love in all the right places, body confidence contributes to your “A” game.

Magnetize Your Positivity with Body Confidence
Magnetism, the force behind all attraction, draws similar or improved outcomes into the individual’s reality. Those of us who express body confidence can’t avoid attracting like-minded individuals into their sphere of influence. Those associates’ positivity contributes to the higher vibration already present in the individual with body confidence.
As soon as your relationship with your body returns to the loving, trusting, supportive relationship you were born with, the positive energy ignites to attract the success you seek—personal, professional, on or off the court.

Game, Set, Match!
Over our bi-weekly sessions, my client referenced her upcoming tournaments and what specific issues concerned her about her body’s response to her training regimen and mental preparation for each potential opponent.

Time to take 10 seconds to see how your personal Body confidence is doing

Committed athletes accept the mind-body totality to bring their best performance to the court, field, pool. Unfortunately, many of them see the axis as two individuals: mind, body. The Body Knowledge System dissolves the separation and unites the elements to create superior performances wherever they occur.
Entrepreneurs (committed athletes) face the same challenges when launching and succeeding in business…even though the opponent is rarely across a net, a field, or a lane. For most entrepreneurs their opponent is themselves:

  • Inertia
  • Procrastination
  • Fear of Failure

All of these “opponents” live in their own minds! The way to defeat them is through BODY confidence, and the way to get body confidence is through your body knowledge system!

Go ahead and answer my body confidence questions; just 10 seconds


We are athletes, too …


Successful athletic performance has always been a confidence builder for women regardless of the fame, income, or respect gained after winning an event. Whether in the professional arena, or simply for the pleasure of knowing your actions led to a win at school, on the court, or on the golf course where you are only competing against yourself—each success builds our confidence quotient.

Some sports require a specific height, weight, or shape to enhance the competitor’s chances for a win. Until recently, clothing manufacturers catered only to male athletes in design and function. Athletic women were on their own to find functioning clothing for their events.

My client Patty was a championship swimmer during her college days.  Her specialties were the butterfly then and she continues to compete in long distance events. The English Channel was prominent on her bucket list.

Although we’ve never met, I understood she was physically qualified for these competitions, and referred to her athletic body during our regular coaching sessions over the years.

“It was pure joy I heard over the phone when she announced Nike’s new Plus Size line of sports clothing for women who enjoyed athletics whether in competition of not AND have the curvy mannequins online and in stores to showcase this type of beauty.”

“At last, I don’t have to ignore those size 0 mannequins when searching for sports clothing to wear when I’m working out or practicing—now there’s a model who represents my body in a bathing suit, sweats, spandex…”Patty giggled. “What a time saver! And it feels so good to find us represented’



blk mamequin

Sarah Hannan, Nike’s General Manager, stated in a recent USA Today article, “With the incredible momentum in women’s sports…athletes have a desire to get the best fit and function in their apparel and they want to feel good!

Client Patty exclaimed ‘A curvy mannequin empowers me to honor my body as she really is! Thanks brand Nike for taking the lead with this evolution.’

Coach Stephanie’s message:

There’s no doubt competition creates confidence, and athletic confidence depends on body confidence. However, body confidence is no longer restricted to male athletes and is available to all women with a thorough knowledge of their bodies.


The best way to achieve that body wisdom is through your custom Body Knowledge System®. When you practice your Body Knowledge System®, body confidence is more than a by-product: Body Confidence Becomes a Way of Life!

To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

Body image

Body Confidence: How to triumph over weight bias, aka fat shaming, with your custom Body Knowledge System®

As you read my short message around understanding your own weight bias, I also encourage you to participate with my Body confidence questionnaire .

Take the Body Confidence Check-in Quiz

In today’s world, weight bias refers to the reaction people in our culture have about “overweight” people. Beyond the obvious objection to how we define “overweight”—the number on a scale, a BMI number, the number indicating a pants size—is the connotation assigned to the term.  As the word “bias” implies, that reaction is usually negative.

Furthermore, as you may be on the path to lead a healthier lifestyle (losing weight as a part of this equation) you may be shaming yourself as well.

You may know that genetics and environment play a part of having a heavier body shape.


What I want you to know is that learning environmental coaching from my Body Knowledge System ® will greatly increase your education around improving your lifestyle choice.

Client Experience:
A client of mine wanted to begin exercising but because of fat shaming, going to a public gym was not going to happen. So, coaching with my Body Knowledge System ®  WE created new environments in her home (playing DVD’s in living room) and out in nature (taking walks).  Both these environments created the privacy she could thrive in.

My personal experience with weight bias
Judging others when their weight is out of control may be what all of us do at one time or another.  To my amazement as I have grown into my own body knowledge and body confidence, I realize body weight comes in all shapes and sizes.

As I walk down the street and view all of these body shapes, I feel more body confidence in that all shapes are created equal. I appreciate the different shapes and I appreciate my own body shape.
No more shaming. My body confidence soars and I am truly BFF with my body and admire other’s body intelligence and my own.


When I see a body shape that is different from myself, I honor my shape and theirs.
Take the Body Confidence Check-in Quiz


Confidence, body confidence, can help everyone get past weight bias personally and professionally. When one person expresses body confidence, it’s contagious. Others feel emboldened to discover their own body confidence and share the acceptance of others’ differences to eliminate any kind of shaming for any reason.

It all begins with your Body Knowledge System®

To your freedom,Coach Stephanie

Love yourself

If so, you are not alone.

Recent studies indicate the more time spent on social media, the lower your self-esteem. The increased popularity of Instagram, an app that focuses on faces, has increased the numbers of followers who hurt their own feelings when seeing others’ selfies.

The motivation for posting selfies is to gather “likes,” and if the expected number falls short, then the hurt goes deeper. Unless you practice the Body Knowledge System®.

Body Confidence, the by-product of the Body Knowledge® system, allows you to participate in Social Media for all the right reasons. If you’re having a good day or a good time, or simply want to share yourself with others, you post a picture reflecting your positive spirit.

Your posts are not motivated by an insecure sense of counting “likes” rather you’re posting to share your best self, your body confidence, your positive body knowledge spirit.

That generosity of spirit will inspire others to share with you, too.

Not “fake” confidence, but authentic confidence, a result of practicing Your Body Knowledge System®

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When everyone else is counting the days until Christmas, most of us are counting the days until the holiday is behind them and we can return to normalcy.

  • No more irresistible temptations
  • No more high stress social situations
  • Guilt-free time for self-care

The Body Knowledge System® practitioners look forward to welcoming the holiday season because of the solid body confidence they practice through out the rest of the year.

The Body Knowledge System® has a solution to dealing with all events without creating stress in our lives. Regularly occurring events requiring preparation and celebration, as well as those that pop up suddenly to demand our attention, are easily handled by those who practice their personal body knowledge.

Your practice depends only on your willingness to discover the wisdom your body yearns to share with you. The discovery is as simple as contacting Coach Stephanie Wood.

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