
"Your body only wants the best for both of you."

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Body Conscious

The ghost is back in the closet where it belongs, and you breathe a sigh of relief that you have 364 days to plan for next year’s costume decision. A glance at the calendar indicates you have enough time to do what it takes to get into that skinny, sexy black dress for this year’s Christmas party, or maybe by next Halloween to go as Vampira rather than Casper.

Body Confidence

However, time is NOT the issue. Your body is the issue, and it’s time you became aware of your body, not as your enemy, but as your BFF.  In order to get some body confidence for yourself, you can learn to accept your body for her support, and then welcome the guidance she’s ready to supply for both of you.

Body Knowledge

The Body Knowledge System® is the access point to your body’s friendship. As soon as you learn the system, you realize the benefits this new relationship with your body bestows upon both of you.

Contact Coach Stephanie Wood to learn more about it.


It’s that time of year again. What costume are you going to wear this year for Halloween? The slinky, sexy number that belongs on Dancing with the Stars, or the sheet from Ghost Busters?

Body Shame selects the sheet, Body Confidence picks the flowing gown that brings out the best in you? If you’re still finding a cover up to hide behind instead of the tailored figure fitting number featured in the fashion forward departments of modern boutiques and name brand stores, listen up!

It’s time to step into the sunshine of today’s body knowledge! It’s not about self-conscious, it’s about self-acceptance.

Self-conscious is negative, self-acceptance is positive.

Which will you choose?

Whether you wear a king size sheet, or a pillow case for your costume, it’s not the wrapping that’s attractive, it’s the contents.

The trick is the negativity from self-conscious shame, the treat is the positive energy that attracts other positive people into your environment.

Make this Halloween all about the Treats!

Contact Coach Stephanie for today’s Body Confident Treat!



A simple formula that works for more than acquiring body confidence,

A + B = C.  Beyond the first simple equation we learned in Algebra 1, and thought we’d never use again, yet there’s a reason those letters linger in our consciousness into adulthood. Regardless of what each letter represents, the result of the formula is true. Simply combine A and B in order to get C.

In this case, if you combine the law of Attraction with the Body knowledge system, the result will always be body Confidence. As a lifestyle coach for over a decade I have taught my clients the Body Knowledge System® with influence of the Law of Attraction built into the process…because both practices use the power of positivity.

The message is as simple as ABC, when you apply positive thinking to the Body Knowledge System®, good things happen.

Find out how by contacting Coach Stephanie Wood for a conversation about your Body Confidence!


The Law of Attraction works well for those who understand it, and as a certified Law of Attraction Coach, I understand the Law of Attraction and want to share it with you.

The Law of Attraction is a method of getting us what we want, or something better. As explained in a popular video, “The Secret”, over a decade ago, the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. It’s basic karma: express positive feelings and receive positive results in return.

There are three basic principles:

  1. Identify what you want
  2. Eliminate what you don’t want
  3. Open yourself to receiving your desire or something better.

The problem with the basic formula is it overlooks a necessary element: action. For the Law of Attraction to be effective, the practitioner must take action. Without the energy action produces, there is no re-action (a primary law of thermodynamics). So without action, there is nothing for the Law of Attraction to use to return the desired results.

If you’re reading this, you are interested in acquiring Body Confidence for yourself. If you are already familiar with the Law of Attraction, yet it is not delivering the results you want or expect, I have the solution for you: the Body Knowledge System®.

Beyond vision boards, meditation, and daydreams the Body Knowledge System® is the action that energizes the Law of Attraction for your Body Confidence!


As we discussed on Tuesday, understanding some of the hormones that aid or detract from our weight regulation efforts is part of our overall Body Knowledge. Understanding the roles of each hormone is already present in our body, but as her BFF we owe her awareness of the actions of those hormones. Too much of one, too little of the other will alter your metabolism in unfavorable ways.

If your objective is to lose weight, help your body along by feeling full after a satisfactory input of food. In other words, enhance the release Leptin not only by how much you choose to eat, but also what you choose.

There is an ironic twist to the balance between these two hormones: you have an ideal appestat set point, when you have exceeded it (ignoring your body’s signals to stop eating NOW!, or making consistently bad food choices, or comfort binging rather than responding to hunger signals) with a weight gain. Your appestat will re-set to accommodate the excess weight.


In this case: more is less.

The more weight you gain, the less leptin will be released to tell your body to STOP eating!

Find out more than you want to know at the website listed above. And how the Body Knowledge System® is the simple solution to restoring the balance between Ghrelin and Leptor.


Yes! The circumstances around the levels of your appetite are less important than the effect your environment on your hormones. Another fun segment on GMA last week about natural metabolism regulators available to all of us when we pay attention to our bodies.

According to Dr. Jen Ashton, MD there are hormones that control your feelings of hunger or fullness. Your body sends signals to your mind about your need to eat, and then when to stop eating. They are known as the “hunger hormones.”

1.  The hormone Ghrelin increases appetite and therefore plays a role in body weight.

2.  Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells and decreases your appetite giving you that “full” feeling.

So how do you reduce Ghrelin levels to lose weight?

1.  Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night.

2.  Eat animal protein at every meal

3.  Increase Omega-3

4.  Reduce stress. …

5.  Eat High Fiber Foods to fill up your stomach …

Check in on Thursday for the other half of the hunger hormone equation!  Oh, and don’t forget, the Body Knowledge System® brings the balance back!


The easy answer to clear up any confusion about Body Confidence and what it is:

Find a baby and observe his or her behavior.

Well-being expresses itself when the baby is awake, asleep, or anywhere in between. Baby’s body and baby are in constant communication with each other. When baby’s body experiences hunger, pain, fear, anxiety, tiredness, thirst or any category of discomfort, baby’s body reacts with cries in expectation that the caretakers will supply what she needs to fulfill the need or want. After the need is satisfied, the baby returns to well-being.


And there is no pause, no space between the stimulus of discomfort and the outcry indicating it. Baby doesn’t bother with appropriate expectations or behavior; baby is oblivious to others’ expectations for her; and lastly, baby is focused on getting her needs met, the sooner the better for all those in her environment.

Ok, that behavior is tyrannical, and goes way beyond body confidence.

But it’s a start.

As an adult, body confidence takes a step back. Our body knows what she needs, and instead of relying on her caretakers, she has transitioned to depending on you, her BFF to fulfill those needs, wants, desires.

Your body was born with body confidence, and therefore so were you. As you matured you have lost contact with your body and have ceased to listen to her for guidance.

To get in touch with your birthright, the body confidence you were born with, you need to get back in touch with your body. It’s never too late to listen to your body.

Contact Coach Stephanie to learn more about it.

All babies are born with body confidence, because they communicate to their significant others all they need, want, desire to feel good about themselves.


Ok, it’s not Steve Harvey, but in my recent survey, I sent out to a list of women who are not my “peeps” (yet), I was shocked to discover 100% of them had never experienced Body Confidence, and were not clear what the term means even though they were familiar with it from the media.

Aside from the fact they were not sure of the specific meaning of the term or how it would apply to them, they were “jealous” of those who had it and wanted it for themselves…just didn’t know how to get it.

Granted the check-in was designed for answers from impulse response, because those are usually truthful. If you want more info, please click the link above and see for yourself.

In the meantime, take my word for it that from the hundreds, maybe thousands of women who received the emails, their responses indicated a real need to learn more about body confidence and how to re-awaken it in themselves.

So, as the founder of the Body Knowledge System®, the sustainable solution to body issues for women of all ages, I recognize the challenge before me: to educate women about their birthright: Body Confidence!

Thanks for paying attention, and there’s more to come

white and gray  minimal living room

If you haven’t read Tuesday’s words of wisdom, click here then come right back for the rest of the info.

There are several resources to get your genetic eating plan that provides body confidence for what’s best for you to fuel your body efficiently, effectively, and healthily. As reviewed by Dr. Jen Ashton, there has not been enough data to determine the outcomes, but the placebo effect works 3o % of the time.

The most expensive at $309 examines your DNA, metabolism and blood work from an at-home test to determine which one of 7 categories fit you. In addition, they supply some coaching, online App, and follow up recommendations.

The Orig3n service at $149 looks at your DNA from the saliva sample you mail in from home. Those results will provide dietary suggestions to achieve your goals.

There are others popping up online if you Google them, however the Body Knowledge System® can supply all the information required for a successful eating program to achieve body confidence.

Take the short cut to body confidence, contact Coach Stephanie to learn how to talk to your body and stop your war with food!

stop dieting

Ok, first let me assure you we at Body Confidence know that the word “die” introduces the word “diet”, and therefore we don’t believe in deprivation to solve any body issues. Rather the essence of Body Confidence is listening to your body’s recommendations about what belongs in her and what doesn’t to promote wellbeing for both of you.

Of course, we can train you to open those channels of communication to listen to her suggestions, or you can spend some money, take a simple swab test and ship it off to one of the laboratories specializing in your metabolism requirements.

The jury is still out, but the responses of those who have tried to follow the recommendations suggested by the technicians who have analyzed their genes are optimistic.

As reported on GMA last week, one happy responder says,

“Don’t know about any weight loss yet, but I’ve lost inches where I wanted to lose them.”  The DNA experts pointed out that any weight loss needs to be slow and steady to be effective long term.

Check back Thursday, for specifics from Coach Stephanie.


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