
"Your body speaks up for you when you do not speak up for yourself."


Instant Response= Clarity of Relationship

At birth, the clarity of your relationship with your body provided instant response to your every need and most of your wants. Your survival, growing up depended upon repressing your body’s stimuli in favor of your judgment on what behavior was required to fulfill your wants and needs.

As an adult, your level of happiness depends on how aware you are of your body’s communications to you. Her wisdom, knowledge and instincts are pure, non-judgmental, and always have your best interests as her only priority.

What else do you expect from a BFF?

To prove it, pinch yourself hard.

Do you feel the pain? Immediately, right?

That’s your body’s communication to you.

And she has so much more to share, once you learn how to access her knowledge.

For a short cut: contact Coach Stephanie today

mind body

The Short Cut to Body Confidence.

The first and most essential step to Body Confidence is found in the Body Knowledge System®. It is re-establishing the relationship with your body you had at birth. The closeness you enjoyed then provided both of you with support, security, and therefore an organic confidence from your unity.

There’s comfort in sharing experience with another. In this case, the really “significant other” was your body. Your body with whom every experience was shared. If it was pleasant, your body reacted positively. When it was uncomfortable, your body experienced it negatively.

And then you reacted immediately without censorship to every experience.

The BKS® returns your birthright, Body Confidence, to you in your adulthood.

You are not alone

After decades of experience as a dancer/choreographer, then personal trainer, healthy life style coach, I realized my clients came to me with their minds resenting what they perceived as their bodies letting them down.

It didn’t take long for me to realize they had their facts reversed.

It wasn’t their bodies letting them down, it was their minds ignoring their bodies.

My education and experience realized there was a disconnect between their desired outcome from our work together, and what I knew was the only approach that produces real, sustainable results.

The Body Knowledge System® is the result and it begins with the body, and re-establishing the individual’s awareness of their  body.

Listen to Your Body

Body Confidence Begins in Your Body!

The lesson from birth is the body knows what is best for you, and for your continued happiness you need to be aware of her knowledge.

Without your awareness, you are unable to take care of both of you.  As a child, when hunger or thirst struck, after your body alerted you to your need you went to your caregiver to provide it.

With maturity came independence.

And when your body alerted you to her needs, you took care of them yourself.


Outside influences distracted your attention from your body’s directions in the form of “shoulds” rather than “wants”.

Give Thanks to your BFF, Your Body!


Today is all about gratitude.

So, while you count your blessings, remember your BFF, your body.

She deserves your appreciation for so many reasons, so take a moment and list them, then communicate with her and await her response of appreciation for you.

For you both to feel better today: Begin with a smile

  • Move: dance, walk, sway.
  • Meditate: Still yourself for seconds, moments, to bathe in white light.
  • Breathe:
    • Inhale deeply through your nose
    • Hold it for 4 seconds
    • Blow the breath out through pursed lips

Enjoy your day in the grace of gratitude.

pictures of baby smile

Of Course it does…

Look at any baby who’s been fed, watered, changed and put down in a comfy, warm container for a nap. Sometimes there’s a smile, but always that is a face of contentment.

After the initial parting scream when the baby emerged from mother’s womb to indicate his or her body’s discomfort, the baby’s body communicates his or her needs, wants, desires. The body’s cries are intended to get the caretaker’s attention to fix the body’s discomfort. When satisfaction is achieved, the cries cease.

Hence, the innate body confidence at birth.

For most of us, when our body communicated, our caretakers responded.

That connection fostered the body confidence in the future, until the estrangement began when we became outer-directed rather than inner directed.

But it’s never too late to return to our source: our body!


A Practical Practice to Body Proud

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” And who is the “eye of the beholder” You!

What is the point of sneering, resenting, belittling your body?

Does it make you feel good? No!

Does it make you feel better? Definitely not!

And to point out the obvious, the eye of the beholder belongs to your body, so get over yourself!

Change the paradigm from judgment, criticism, and anger at the physical part of yourself that has taken such good care of you thus far…

You are reading this,

You are thinking about my message,

So, what are you going to do about it?

To feel good, to feel better, turn to where your feelings reside: your body!

To learn how to open those lines of communication vital to your well- being, begin with your body’s wisdom.

To learn how to access that knowledge, contact Coach Stephanie Wood for a free conversation on the Body Knowledge System®.

fear of shopping

Get over your body anxiety.  Discover your body confidence.

Take Action

To deal with the anxiety you feel about your body, you spend some time with her.

1) Find a Mirror

Look at yourself. Think of your body as a friend, and not an enemy.

Then SMILE at Your Body, because she’s smiling at YOU!

2) Talk with your Body

Be honest about your worries and concerns with her.

Maybe you feel, “Yuck, my baby weight is still there…”

Maybe you’ll start picking on her, “Thighs, elephant knees, where did my lap go?”

Maybe you see a few things you like. “Well, I still have my waist…”

Be honest about these words and emotions.

3) Learn to Listen to your Body

What does your body need from you?

“Next time, take the stairs.”

“I could use more water…”

Remember NO BODY is perfect!


mind body

The Body Knowledge System® won’t eliminate self-conscious moments, instead as soon as you learn my system and practice the parts that work for you, you will TAKE ACTION to deal with the anxiety and restore you and your body to normal.

What is your “normal”?

One of the many useful techniques available to those of us who practice the Body Knowledge System® regularly, is knowing what is “normal” for us. When I say, “us” I refer to each of my clients in the plural, because my system applies to the two of you who make up the total package: You!

Without getting into the metaphysical aspects of individual’s compositions, I deal with your mind and your body as one unit. Many of my clients complain to me that they live totally in their heads, so my insistence in acknowledging their body’s contribution to their lives meets with resistance. Those who object the loudest are the same women who haven’t given a moment’s positive thought to their physical sides in years, if not decades.

Mind-Body = Body-Mind Connection.

Much has been written about the mind-body connection, so I won’t belabor the point. Suffice it to say, my Body Knowledge System® sprang from that proven principle. Even for those of you who already believe you acknowledge that connection, my research indicates the need to go beyond mere acknowledgement and acceptance onto take ACTION to create a true connection, by establishing mutual communication channels.



More specifically, do you have anxiety around your body’s image?

At times in our life, we have anxiety about our appearance, our bodies.

Blemishes, Bed Head, and Belly Bloat?

Bad Hair Days, the zit on the end of your nose before the class or company picture, monthly bloat, or shopping for a bathing suit, bridal gown, or business suit, sends the stress meter through the top. The Body Knowledge System® gets you past those anxious moments by giving you the tools to cope with events, circumstances beyond your control. Better yet, the Body Knowledge System® teaches you how to take back the control you were born with.

Pause, Breathe, Share, then Practice your BKS® Practice…

When facing any of the above-mentioned stressors, simply talk to your body, and await her answer. Those who know and use the Body Knowledge System® often need a reminder when the anxious moments override your everyday actions. For those of you who have yet to experience the benefits of the Body Knowledge System®, help is as easy as an email away.

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