Did you know that your body wants to talk to you? This is a conversation started a long time ago. Your Body Knowledge began at birth but time and technology throughout our lives have silenced those ongoing conversations.

Those intimate exchanges are necessary for our growth, maintain our health, and make good life choices. That kind of communication enhances our well-being every day of our life. When we allow distractions, or interference from societal demands, or look outside of ourselves for answers to challenges, we regret our actions based on the answers we receive from web searches, psychics, television “experts,” or APPS.
When we replace our gut reaction with information gathered from impersonal sources, we discover “one size” rarely fits all, particularly you or me! These digital resources are universally available through our advanced technology, but
- Can we rely on the information?
- Are the suppliers well informed, knowledgeable, and experienced?
- Should you trust un-verified data?
There is one reliable resource available to each of us, all of us; and it is on demand, 24/7/365. Technology provides overwhelming amounts of information. Our
challenge is to discover what applies to us.
Objective data rarely substitutes for knowledge gained from our best friend, our body.

With the first breath we draw, we are at one with our bodies. The body feels and we react. Our body responds to our basic needs for security, shelter, food, and water with an immediate direct expression of our discomfort. Traditional “normal” birthing establishes a direct communication link, first between the infant and his body, and then between the infant and his primary caregiver, his mother. The mother provides for her child’s every need—often before the baby expresses hunger, thirst, or chill.
Instead of clear stimulus and response between warm sentient human beings, we insert a filter. The intrusion of technology in our relationships, particularly this primary one, alters the course of the rest of our lives…and not in a good way.
In so-called “primitive” cultures, the attachment between mother and infant lasts as long as instinct requires. Technology brought us a replacement for the natural nursing process with the invention of a nipple on a bottle. Hard glass or plastic filled with mother’s milk or formula places the infant one step away from his or her mother, regardless of who holds the child during the feeding. As the child matures and is capable of sustenance from a “propped” bottle and eventually a portable bottle, he or she becomes aware of a separation between his or her “self” and the sentient body containing the “self”.
Traditions develop from successful practices within a culture. When our bodies experienced hunger, approximately every 3-4 hours, we ate enough food to satisfy our body’s need to maintain our health. Our sleep cycles evolved from the sunrise and sunset. Without artificial light and with the hard work to ensure our survival, our bodies dictated the amount of sleep we needed every day. There is no word for “insomnia” in primitive cultures, as sleep disturbances do not exist; human beings slept when tired, awoke when rested, and filled their days productively.

The more “socialized” we become as technological advances replace traditional solutions to human activities, the effect creates challenges to the individuals taking advantage of this progress. Time saving, energy saving, and in some cases cost saving, technology enriches our lives. At the same time, it deprives the individual of the most reliable guidance system available to him or her: their body, their instinct…their body knowledge.
Isn’t time to get to know your body’s knowledge to help you navigate your body’s intelligence to make the best choices ever?
This was an excerpt from the Body Knowledge System© playbook. If you would like to read more, click here.
Tags: Body Knowledge Articles, Mind Body Connection
Tomorrow morning pay close attention to your cat, your dog, your gerbil, your hamster, or your ferret—as soon as they open their eyes to greet the day. The first thing every mammal does after waking is to systematically stretch every muscle, elongating tendons, and breathing fresh air into every cell.
What did you do this morning?
Slap your alarm clock until the noise stopped, throw yourself out of bed, and stagger to the bathroom. Perhaps your morning routine is a shave, a shower, a pass by Starbucks on your way to your desk for the next 10 to 12 hours. Perhaps there is a trip to the gym on your way home, or a pub, and then rushing to pick up your children at school or day care. At home it’s homework, or housework, meal prep for the rest of the family, children’s bedtime routine, a few minutes for your partner and then falling into bed for not enough time asleep.
Your pet or any mammal on the planet knows better.
From birth, every mammal is aware of the body, their body—because their survival depends upon their bodies, not their minds, not the weather, nor other members of their pack, herd, or extended family.
In addition, is their awareness that the survival of their species also depends upon their body and its ability to reproduce. Without human distractions, such as greed, lust, envy, and competition for status and power, the mammals maintain their awareness of their bodies from the first breath they inhale to their last exhalation.
During the day, your cat or dog’s awareness of their bodies continues in the forefront of their minds. An injury, an infection, an illness gets immediate attention. The body’s ability to perform the basics required to survive is the paramount value in every mammal’s life. When the animal senses a weakness or a vulnerability, all activity takes a back seat to healing their personal primary survival tool: their body.
When injured, your dog or cat will apply healing saliva to the open wound to prevent infection. When ill with a viral or bacterial infection, your dog or cat will retreat to a safe place to rest and sleep off the invader. When aging makes the end inevitable, the elder will not waste energy in futile attempts to escape his destiny, rather he will do what is necessary to survive for the remainder of his time on earth.
Tonight, pay attention to your pet’s nighttime routine. A dog will circle the den checking for snakes or poisonous insects before flopping onto the sleeping place to refresh their bodies in order to survive another day. Listen carefully. Preceding sleep will be a deep inhale followed by a loud exhale that guarantees total relaxation for a sound night’s rest.
What is your nightly routine?
A glass or two of wine, an hour of mindless media entertainment on your TV or PC, floss and brush your teeth, perhaps popping a few sleeping pills before falling asleep over a book, a magazine, or late night TV. Do you take the time to ease your body into sleep through meditation, yoga, breathing deeply or simply smiling about what a wonderful day you have just experienced and in anticipation of a better day tomorrow?
Mammals have one important and significant advantage over human beings, and that is their ability to “live in the now”. By being present in every moment of every day guarantees their well being and fulfills their purpose on the planet.
Body Knowledge contributes to fulfilling an individual’s purpose (for mammals lower on the food chain, it’s reproduction). Feral animals experience the purist form of body knowledge. Sensitivity to their physical well being contributes to the quality of life as well as their longevity. Domestication of any species creates space between the natural existence and a life imposed upon the animal by others.
As human beings, we are the most “domesticated” species in the food chain. Therefore, experience the widest gap between the body knowledge we were born with and the influences of our environment. As individuals, in order to conform to external rules, we learn to ignore our bodies, our intuition for guidance. Under the misconception that our survival depends on external elements, we widen the separation as we accept values and standards that are created by others.
If your life is less than perfect, it’s past time to return to the gift everyone was given at birth: body knowledge. Pay attention to your body again.
As your awareness of your physical well-being increases, so will your overall comfort level. Respect your body, listen to it, take the time, and spend the energy to make it feel good not just on the weekends or vacations, but every day for the rest of your life.

Tags: Body Knowledge Articles, Mind Body Connection
So I was talking to a friend the other day, and he starts telling me about the trouble he’s been having with working out lately. This is what he said:
“It was Sunday night and I set my alarm for 5:30 AM. I went to bed early and was feeling great about getting up to go for a run the next morning. But then….when the alarm went off, I looked out the window…. and saw it was snowing. Dang! L Here we go again! I don’t get it! As soon as I try to start getting back on track, nature conspires against me and I can’t even take the first step. EESh!”
Sound familiar? Have you ever felt this way? (It’s totally not your fault, if you do).
I know the feeling. But unlike my friend, I chose not to stay there because the Body Knowledge techniques I created helped me out.
So if your story is similar to my friends, why not give me the opportunity to share with you the tools that will help you stop pushing that convenient snooze button. (ouch!)
Are you ready for us to make a plan to keep you from self-sabotaging for the rest of your life?
Let’s get on the phone and work this out.
Email or call me at (866) 76-COACH by the end of the day with
a few times that work for you in this coming week and we’ll work it out from there.
Don’t wake up tomorrow and hit the same damn snooze button.
Stop creating silly excuses for yourself.
Learn the techniques that helped my friend and hundreds of other people attain the goals that they’ve set for themselves the night before.
Tags: Body Relationship, Mind Body Connection, movement
Cathe: OK, I heard my body tell me her fatness was to get my attention…well, she got my attention all right!
SW: Is this her usual strategy with you so you pay attention?
Cathe: Yes, as I look back in time, she gets my attention with weight gain. Now I know the stress brought on by this presentation is not about my kids, it’s all about me—and my fear of success. But stage fright? Now? At my age?
SW: How can you and your body be more comfortable with your speeches and bringing your talents to an audience that respects you and wants to get to know you?
Cathe: Not sure. I was a speech major in college, for goodness sakes!
SW: What’s different about this presentation?
Cathe: A really BIG promotion is tied to my success…or f-f-f-failure in front of everybody!
Cathe: I am sooooooooo afraid of failure!
SW: What does your body tell you? Is she afraid you’ll fail?
Cathe: Uh, I haven’t asked her…yet.
SW: There’s no time like the present—Let’s put down the phone and start moving, practicing your dance.
[A thud, the sound of fabric, some humming, a growl of disgust, a stomp then]
Cathe’s voice: Nada, nothing, zip, zero. She’s not talking and I need a confidence boost from someone, somewhere…please
SW: Oh, she’s talking all right—keep listening. Was your practice easy, flowing, or hurky-jerky, stiff and forced?
Cathe: (a long pause) The last part—it was more like the elephant dance than swan lake…
SW: Ok, How about: Take a very deep breath, all the way down your abdomen, pause, then let it out through pursed lips oh, so, slowly. Then think of, “Hail to the Chief” or “Jump” or “When the Saints Come Marching In…” and practice your dance.
Cathe: (doubtfully) Okay….what are you going to do?
SW: Move, of course!
few moments later.
Cathe: Ahhhh…I, er, we feel so much better! Up, lighter, and optimistic! I’m even looking forward to the presentation!
SW: Your body is always there to support you…you are never alone, because your body shares your feelings and awaits your communication with her, so that she can share her confidence, her knowledge of you, and will always give you the boost you need to do what’s best for you!
Cathe: I feel like Rocky on the steps of the Philly Museum—
SW: Fortunately you don’t LOOK like Sly Stallone…
Cathe: Thank you. I feel good, really good about me today…and with further conversation with my BFF, we’ll get there confidently and FEEL great about our presentation! I will call you when I get home.
So what did you think? If Cathe was inspiring to you then you must learn about an upcoming teleseminar I am co-hosting with Judith Wentzel called ‘Magic Recipes for Your Life, Business Passion and Inner Health’.
This unique interactive teleseminar will let you discover how to access your body’s knowledge so that you can nurture the passion and inner health necessary to live a healthy life for yourself and your business with ease.
You will come away with two (2) original techniques which you can implement immediately for a healthier body and business life, plus a lot of bonuses just for attending.
Stay tuned for more into coming soon and make sure you save the date, Saturday, March 16th, 2013 from 1pm-2:30pm, Eastern Time
Tags: Body Image, Body Relationship, Dancing, Mind Body Connection, movement
Last week and the week before, I told you about one of my favorite clients, Cathe (not her real name), volunteering to open up and share her progress (and setbacks), her ups and downs, her challenges and triumphs during our coaching calls for a few weeks.
If you missed last week, no worries . . . you should be able to jump in the middle of the story no problem at my blog.
[These events and their outcomes will resonate with you. Perhaps you can identify with them and certainly you’ll learn from them beyond the value Cathe’s received. She learned to love her body and how to showcase her new self- image to create more prosperity in her business through our time together…]
***[This week (#3) Cathe realizes how her body is playing an integral part with her business decisions and continues to use some Body Knowledge System® tools to help her move forward]
Come to the call…
For a risk free peek into my coaching process with Cathe.
SW: So where do you want more clarity today?
Cathe: (happily) I, uh, “we” accepted the offer, and we’re going on the cruise.
SW: So what did you do differently from the last time we spoke?
Cathe: (with confidence) I moved more, and paid attention while moving.
SW: And?
Cathe: It’s not just about moving for motion’s sake…it’s about meaningful motion with intention. My dance, practicing it, not perfecting it, you know?
SW: (with humor) So sit-ups aren’t part of your practice?
Cathe: (laughs) They belong in my fitness program, not in my practice! When my body and I dance our dance, we move meaningfully and then we can hear what each other is saying. We exchange information through graceful, free flowing motions…that’s when I know this system is working.
SW: How did this conflict lead to a better understanding?
Cathe: Well, quite frankly conflict brought me to more understanding of knowing what she wanted for me at the same time what I wanted for myself. I thought about my choices during our practice. It was neat to notice how my mind & body considered our options, the advantages and the disadvantages of going or not going, helping me make our decision.
SW: (curious) Did the answer come quickly?
Cathe: (laughs) No way! My body was pissed at me for neglecting her in the most meaningful way…not consulting with her when the issue first came up. Instead, I excluded her.
SW: (verifying) By keeping it to yourself, in your head?
Cathe: My mind focused on what I knew to do: to eat less and move more. She sure fooled me, didn’t she?
SW: She did a great job of getting your attention by making you feel uncomfortable in your clothes.
Cathe: (knowingly) Communicating in the only way she knew how, now that we had lost touch with each other. Separating myself from her, being unaware of her, and not bothering to listen to her input came from my head… not her heart.
SW: (smiling) Her heart is your heart. Your head is her head.
Cathe: Next week, I want to explore how to gain more confidence with my cruise presentation.
Message: Your body always supports your best interests. Your body ALWAYS tells the truth.
Learn to listen to your body, befriend your body, benefits both of you!
You can experience the same thing by joining this teleclass…for a risk-free peek into my coaching process.
January 29, 2013 at 3pm Eastern – Learn that the “E” Word (Exercise) is Easy and Fun
- Learn how to naturally incorporate exercise into your pre-existing lifestyle.
****Coming in March: Magic Recipes for your Business Passion and Inner Health****
Look for next week’s transcript with Cathe to read about her progress in our coaching calls.
Why not come to the teleclass this month or contact me directly today for a no-cost Healthier You session.
Tags: Body Image, Body Relationship, Career Transition, Dancing, Life Balance, Mind Body Connection
Although hurricane Sandy has taken its toll on the Northeast including a lack of electricity for a couple of weeks now at my current residence, I wanted to let you know that I’m still able to offer my free tele-classes to you over the coming weeks!
The holidays can be a stressful time so now more than ever, it’s important for you to pay attention and connect with what your body is telling you.
November 17 at 2:30pm – Learn how to Bring Your Body to the Party, Eat, and Be Merry
- Get control of your eating patterns during any event.
- Envision your body and you having joy plus control when in new environments or away from home
December 10 at 3:00pm – How to Listen to Your Body during the Holidays – Body Talk 101
- Make exercise an enjoyable part of your day!
- Jump off your weight loss plateau!
December 15 at 2:30pm – Learn how to Bring Your Body to the Party, Eat, and Be Merry
- Get control of your eating patterns during any event.
- Envision your body and you having joy plus control when in new environments or away from home
December 18 at 1:00pm – How to find time for Movement with your body during this Holiday Season
- There’s a relationship between your personality style and what exercise works best for you.
- Discover your ideal movement/exercise style so you’re empowered to create a fitness strategy that you will look forward to everyday!
Make this Holiday season different. Let me hold your hand through Thanksgiving and Christmas, so that by the time New Year’s Eve hits, you can still fit in that black dress that you look so good in.
So if you know this is right for you . . . if you know it’s exactly what you’ve needed over the Holidays for a while now, get started today by clicking on the session you want above!
If the dates or times of these free group teleclasses are not convenient for you, contact me directly so we can create a date and time between us so that you can still experience and practice this Holiday Material.
With the black dress in mind.
Tags: Body Image, Body Relationship, Eating Healthy, Mind Body Connection, Reducing Stress
The quality of questions I’ve been receiving has been incredible and leads me beyond the easy answers from my body knowledge into your body’s knowledge. Many of the questions cover topics found in the Table of Contents of my book, Body Knowledge System®.
Here are your questions answered:
Q. What do you mean by “practice”? Is it about communicating with your body?
A. Practice means a habit, an ongoing exchange of information between me and my body. Since my first love is dancing, one form of communication between my body and me is spontaneous motion. Moving my body quiets my brain and allows me to hear my body’s information. PLUS it brings us both JOY!
-Penny S, Newark, DE
Q. Events? Environment? And my body?
A. Those three words appear to have no association with each other—until you acknowledge the impact the first two have on the third, your body. The only control any of us has is over our self and how we respond to events in our environment. Stuff happens, and our response determines the outcome. Your body’s intelligence guarantees a successful outcome—only when you access it.
-Ella F,
Portland, OR
Q. My environment is beyond my control for now, so how can I apply your system to make it my system?
A. Your environment can support or defeat you if you are unaware of or ignore the affect it has on your body. Women particularly have environmental changes forced upon them with their various roles as professionals, homemakers, hosts, and guests. As with everything else in your personal body knowledge system, benefiting from your environment begins with communicating with your body’s intelligence.
-Gina M, Paris, IN
In order to solve a problem, first you have to identify it as a problem.
As a special invitation to you, I’m putting together a small, intimate group of 9 people and together, I’ll show you exactly how to:
- lose weight (and keep it off),
- get off your meds (for good),
- and how to enjoy every moment of every day . . .
So you lose weight, have greater esteem, feel lighter, and live where movement is part of your day
This is an exclusive invite so there’s only one way into the group. And that’s to have a conversation with me!
I’ve got a few time slots available here. This is on a first-come, first-serve basis, and I expect these slots to fill very quickly. Make your appointment now to get on your way to becoming a better you and in the meantime, take a look at what you could be learning!
Tags: Body Image, Mind Body Connection
Here is a sample of more conversations I have been having with those who are experiencing the Healthy Lifestyle Resource Kit
Q. What’s the difference between my “body brain” and my “brain brain”?
A. When my client referred to her “body brain” on the audio, she referred to her body’s intelligence— the essence of my system. When we respect our body’s innate intelligence; learn to access and share it; learn to communicate back and forth, we will co-create a body knowledge system that works for you.
-Dana S, Parker Ranch, CO
Q. What do you mean by “separation”, “estrangement” between me and my body? I can’t go anywhere without her…
A. Nor can I, however, I am ALWAYS CONSCIOUS of her presence where ever, whenever we are, and whatever we are doing while we’re doing it. Her support, her friendship, her input creates the life we both love!
-Leslie L, Frisco, TX
Q. When you talk about personal Styles, do you mean behavior?
A. Yes, and choices, activities, decisions you make based on so many factors genetically and environmentally influenced. Some of us are RE-ACTORS who try the latest fad diet, exercise craze, shoe style foisted upon us by the media. Others are PRO-ACTORS, the pioneers, the seekers who keep trying any and everything until they find something that works—for a while. The Styles express your natural selection, intrinsic solutions, in other words, WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!
-Mildred Q, Philadelphia, PA
My system teaches you how to identify your style in every area of your life, and then how to incorporate it into your life. One Style does NOT FIT ALL, and may not apply to every area in your life…find out which style fits each activity with Your Body Knowledge System.
Go here and get it now!
Tags: Body Relationship, Eating Healthy, Life Balance, Mind Body Connection
Your Personal “Fun Factor” always guarantees a great time!
Regardless of your role at the event, put the JOY back into en-joy-ment!
FACT: You will be relaxed, happy, and enjoy any event as soon as you discover your Style and apply it to your role at the event. Ask your body, ‘Are we having fun, yet?’ Your answer depends on your personal comfort zone…beyond the physical; your comfort zone includes your emotional, spiritual and psychological state, as well.
Your body never lies. When you listen to her answer, you learn what you feel like in your comfort zone anytime, anywhere, with anyone. My clients check in with their BFFs, their bodies on a regular basis by asking that most important question: “Are we having fun, yet?”
Events & You
As an invited guest:
- Wear comfortable clothes, shoes, and a smile.
- Just before entering the event, dance your practice, practice your dance
- Control your consumption of food and alcohol
- Keep your foot far from your mouth
- HAVE A GREAT TIME meeting new people and catching up with familiar friends and family
As the hostess:
- Wear comfortable clothes, shoes, and welcoming smile.
- Dance Your Practice and Practice your Dance.
- This is YOUR party so do it YOUR way!
- Decorations, Food, Drinks, and Favors are simply a conversation away—with YOUR BODY.
There is Magic in Motion:
- You and your body circulate to create associations among your guests;
- Spread your positive energy around;
- Steer potential friends toward each other, potential enemies away from each other; and
- Set the fun example, by having a GREAT TIME at your own party!
As the honored guest:
- If you’re the bride, take off your Jimmy Chou’s after the ceremony and replace them with bunny slippers!
- If the attention on you creates discomfort, help the hostess with her social obligations. Helping always contributes to increasing your fun factor!
- If you LOVE being the FOCUS of everyone’s attention, DO NOT DISAPPOINT! Talk to your body and ENTERTAIN THE TROOPS with song, dance, speeches, and pictures of your last vacation! (I’m kidding about the pictures)
P.S. When you “Dance your practice, practice your dance!” the whole world dances with you!
Do this to increase EVERYONE’S FUN FACTOR!
If you would like to have a conversation with me, please contact me, or if you would like to be in a free group tele-class, learn more here.
Tags: Body Image, Body Relationship, Life Balance, Mind Body Connection
When you apply the Body Knowledge System®, you and your body will host a very successful event with confidence, because you are doing it your way! When you obligated yourself to provide the celebration, you owe it to yourself to celebrate with your guests. When you have a great time, a glorious time; your guests will share in your spirit, especially the affection everyone has for the HONORED GUEST.
- Become the generous hostess who provides all your guests people with all of the food, frolic and fun but please yourself and your body first—
- Work WITH your body when making decisions as to the Who-What-Where-When-How of the event. What makes her feel good, makes you feel good, too. Fun for you, means fun for your guests!
- You are NOT responsible for anyone’s expectations, only your actions
No Early Bird Specials, Chez Stephanie!
I truly enjoy entertaining guests in my home. Rhythm (my body) and I take great delight giving dinner parties, because we schedule “Me Time” to take care of ourselves first. After spending the morning giving to myself first, by the time the first guest arrives, Rhythm and I welcome them into our home in eager anticipation of giving to others.
PS: Why stop the celebration when the door closes behind the last guest?
Dance Your Practice and Practice Your Dance to keep the spirit going, and the spirits flowing.
If you would like to have a conversation with me, please contact me, or if you would like to be in a free group tele-class, learn more here.
Tags: Body Relationship, Dancing, Life Balance, Mind Body Connection