Exercise & you…the first steps
C,mon, your body wants to move. Your body is built for motion.
Remember this is your body’s natural way of being in the world even when your mind says you have ‘other things to do!’
Consider this, the reason you are not moving is because you are
trying to do a program that someone else has prescribed and is not tailored for you.
Your body knows what she needs, and will be willing to maintain her best self…and all you have to do is ask her…so, what are you waiting for?
• Have a conversation with your body to understand how she wants to move
• State out loud and move with this intention
• Let you body tell you what she likes and doesn’t like
In this dance, follow her lead and see where it takes you….let me know I’d love to hear from you.
Still need a little more help? Check out my free teleclass Resist Exercising? Want to Know Why?
Tags: Body Relationship, movement
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?
…and it is not Sidney Poitier.
How would it feel to actually bring your body as a guest to the dinner table?
Remember, as you practice recognizing your body’s unique expression in the area of eating it then becomes sustainable, fun, and enjoyable. This is because the Body Knowledge System® is a practice, not a program, and fits into your lifestyle.
Quite successfully, a client described for me how her eating habits with her body has become less emotional eating by actually bringing her body to the table.
words,’ I treated my ‘body guest’ to a BBQ Saturday and I gave her some potato chips with my hamburger and did not give her the hamburger bun. We (my body and me) became creative together by using lettuce and slices of tomatoes to sandwich the hamburger with.’
Because, let’s me honest, if I came to your house for the weekend and I made it really clear what foods were important for me and my body, wouldn’t you graciously make sure you had those certain food’s that I needed for my nourishment in your kitchen? Of course you would…so the happy ending is to think of your body as your guest which happily makes it easier to give your body the nourishment she needs. This is win-win practice.
And if we are continuing to be honest, then we realize we can’t deprive ourselves from all our favorite foods. You can find ways to compromise within limits to stay healthy and continue on the path of well-being.
So, send an invitation to your ‘body guest’ and enjoy your next meal together.
Next week: 3rd part of the series is getting practical with understanding your
Body Knowledge Style© with ‘Eating and you.’
Tags: Body Relationship, Eating Healthy
Ever wondered how to bring your body to the dinner table and the grocery store?
(This is a foundation for a 3 part series Part 1 of 3)
Oh my god! All of a sudden, the pants and skirts are tighter!
You are feeling heavy, slow, and lethargic.
OK, Body Knowledge System® to the rescue.
Remember…think of your body as a guest in your home.
Questions to ask her:
• What foods do you want me to have for you in the pantry and fridge?
• What alone time do you want?
• When do you want time to enjoy movement?
• Who do you want to be with?
When your body is holding onto weight it is because she is not receiving the attention
She/he deserves.
Excerpt from the Playbook Body Knowledge System, an Awesome Intelligence ®
‘End the estrangement with your body.
Come into a full relationship with your body,
Come face to face with who you are and how you operate best.
Arrive at a sense of wholeness that allows you to see clearly your place in the world’
See you next week with how to take your body to the grocery store
I’d love to know your thoughts, just click on the title of this blog post to comment or post a question.
Copyright © Stephanie Wood 2000-2010 All right reserves all Media
Tags: Body Relationship, Eating Healthy
Your body already knows everything you need to know to get what you want in life. You were born knowing everything you need to know to make you happy. Your body still has that knowledge, and she’s ready, willing and able to share all of your body’s knowledge with you.
As soon as you
become aware of the vast store of knowledge available when you re-establish the relationship with your body, you will feel the difference! Pay attention to the lightness in your step, to the spontaneous smile on your face, to the warmth you radiate at work and at play.
Relationship is the first Body Knowledge Principle. Most of us know what a great relationship feels like, right? Well, here is your chance to bring your body into your home with your family and friends and colleagues. Doesn’t she give you the help you need while you are doing your work/play? Well, in any good relationship, we reciprocate. So what can you do for her today?
After Body knowledge, you have a secret—one that everyone in the BodyAwe Community shares with each other—and with you, as soon as you join us in our practice of the Body Knowledge System.
Tags: Body Relationship, Mind Body Connection, Uncategorized