
"Be yourself with your body; remember your body is your personal barometer."

It’s Stephanie and this week I want to speak with you about superheroes. Yep, that’s right… superheroes.


Everybody’s familiar with Superman and Batman of course, but I’m wondering if you’ve ever heard of Wonder Woman?

As you can see in the picture, Wonder Woman has a very confident posture… let’s call it “the power position”.

And you know what’s interesting about the power position?




Research has actually shown that assuming that position – even for just two minutes – can increase testosterone levels by 20% (which boosts confidence) while simultaneously decreasing cortisol levels by 25% (which reduces anxiety).

Isn’t it crazy that simply changing your posture can increase your body confidence and decrease your anxiety?

(Well, it’s not so crazy to me… I’ve been aware of this for many years! 




When you wake up tomorrow, why not assume the power position for two minutes? Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and stand confidently.

See if this practice affects your body confidence in a positive way… and if it does, let me know!

P.S. I’m launching my Body Confidence Community with Stephanie Wood for women who want to revitalize their body confidence with a sustainable system.

And as a bonus: sending out contest information so you can get involved with each other in this community. It is a good thing. It is all about community and supporting each other.

I’m sure over the years you have received some great advice or given it.

Well recently I decided to have a contest to see what great advice other Wellness Professionals might be willing to share. The contest was sent out through Self Growth a leading health and wellness site.

The contest had great responses and I want to share one with you that really spoke to me. It comes from Gigi Blackshear (


My best tip is that when your spirits are low, take 10 minutes and stand in front of the mirror. Look beyond your face and into your own eyes.

Most of us don’t look at ourselves long enough to see the beauty that lies within. We see imperfections and either turn away or begin to criticize ourselves.

However, if you look past the imperfections and past the bad hair day hair, if you look into your own eyes long enough you will begin to see the beauty that we were all created with. The beauty of your spirit! It is there, just look deep enough! It will smile back at you and say that You are enough! Exactly the way you are! Beautiful from the inside out!

What wonderful advice don’t you think?

It’s important to feel good about yourself and communicate with your body.

I would love to hear your thoughts.

Coach Stephanie Wood


I’m sure you’ve noticed (as I have), that…

The older you get, the more your body changes (sagging skin, added weight, wrinkles, etc.).

And after age 35? You start to notice it even more.

So, what are your options?

  • You could ignore what really makes you sad when you look in the mirror.
  • You could go for laser treatment or plastic surgery
  • Or you could throw out everything delicious in your pantry

And frankly, none of those sound great to me. How about you?

So, instead here are a few reminders for you:

  1. ENJOY every delicious bite to the UTMOST.
  2. Work WITH your body to let you know when you’ve eaten enough.
  3. Appreciate your whole self, especially as you age

Need some guidance with these reminders?  I’ve got lots of experience on this topic.
Anyone can read a few tips… the tough part is implementing them.

Let me coach you through this! Contact me before July 31st and you will receive a 45 minute Self-Acceptance as you Age’ coaching session for half price! (That’s a $75 value)

Let’s go deeper on this, and make it a practical reality in your life!

fear of shopping

Does this sound like you?

  • You have a closet filled with padded shoulders, peasant blouses, bell-bottoms and leisure suits.
  • Your clothes are stained, shredded, or shriveled.
  • You firmly believe that your closet has shrunken your clothes because they fit last year, last month, last decade;
  • You’re still 5-10-20 pounds over (or underweight)

You may have a fear of clothes shopping!

But Your Personal Shopper is here with some FREE tips on how to SHOP WITHOUT FEAR!

Tip # 1: Ignore the size on the label!

Forget what size you “think” you wear. Every manufacturer’s product uses different criteria based on marketing considerations. These ARE NOT standard measurements. Stop suffering.

Tip# 2: Enjoy playing with a personal shopper!

At your favorite dress or department store, don’t waste time at the rack, instead ask for a personal shopper. She knows the merchandise and navigates the clothes with ease and certainty, so the clothes match your body and you walk out with a dancer’s body.

Tip # 3: Trust Your Body!

After discussing what you are looking for, your personal shopper will look at your body in order to select clothes she knows will fit your shape and enhance your appearance. Each selection will fit your form, it’s up to you to note how each outfit makes you and your body feel.

fear of shopping

How does a personal shopper help raise your self-esteem and feel good with the body shape you have?

She ignores the numbers, sizes on the labels, weight on the scale, BMI and pairs your body with her clothes for a perfect fit!

Bonus Tip #4

Your self-esteem begins on the inside and how you feel about yourself. It becomes apparent in how you present yourself on the outside. Your posture, your clothing, your expression, and your movement all reflect your internal level of self-esteem.

Let us have a conversation to see what other challenges you are having with your body image that is creating a negativity that you want to just get rid of.

The Self Esteem/Body Image Philosophy

Self-esteem is a circle emanating from the inside and then spirals either upward or downward depending on the feedback. Sometimes it’s negative self-talk, or your mother’s critical voice in your head. When you check yourself out in the mirror and your clothes fit perfectly, that self-talk becomes positive and your mother’s voice fades away or pays you a compliment.

The next time you leave your closet and venture outside of your home to work, to shop, to pick up kids, or drop off dry cleaning, note the reactions to your appearance when you wear the clothing you selected with the help of your personal shopper. Complete strangers can smile in response to the smile you are wearing because you feel so good about you!

That feedback resets your self-esteem spiral to a higher place, and that increases your happiness and automatically you are the attractive person you were born to be!

C,mon…try it out!

Again, let’s have a conversation to see what other challenges you are having with your body image that is creating a negativity that you want to just get rid of. Release your inner beauty!!


I believe we have a love/hate relationship with the number on our scale so I invite you to take my Body Image Survey and share your tips for changing your relationship with your scale.

But first here are my three tips to stop your love/hate relationship with the number on your scale.

  1. 1. When you say: “Oh My God! I cannot bear to look at the number on the scale!”
  2. Tip: Don’t look! Move around and dance with your body and enjoy how she (he) feels. 
  3. 2. When I see the number on the scale, I make a judgment that it is not to my liking!
  4. Tip: Acknowledge that your body may enjoy being at this specific weight but become more aware of your food portions 
  5. 3. I feel my clothes are a ‘scale’ as well….so does that make me less of a person with what I am in the world?
  6. Tip: Your body is your best friend and having a relationship with her (him) will bring you closer to how you want to present yourself in the world in the clothes you feel most comfortable in.

Bonus Tip: Look in the mirror and notice how you feel in that outfit. Your body is your best friend and having a relationship with her will bring you closer to acknowledging how she looks in the mirror and how you feel…versus fixating on ‘the number’

Love your scale

If you have a 4th tip, I’d love to hear it and in return I’ll give you a strategic healthier you consultation for free!

But you can take control today and I can help you get there!

I invite you to take this quick Body Image Survey so that you can become clearer.

The way you see yourself is not merely an issue of physicality. It involves the total you: Body, Mind, and Spirit. The numbers on the scale are objective. They provide standards of measurement. So, why do we let ourselves feel so awful over a number?

Free yourself from what is holding you back from being happy with YOU!

Dog's life

I got a beautiful dog a few months ago. His name is Copper and he’s pure bred Akita.  He’s a wonderful companion and I’m so glad that we decided to get him.  Copper’s got a routine.  In the morning, he wants his food . . . and he wants it first thing.  And guess what?  He gets his food, every single morning.  His body knows what he needs and I make sure that he gets it.

However – I’ve found that women don’t treat themselves as well as they take care of their animals’ needs and desires.

I mean, think about it . . . how many times have you missed your own breakfast?  Animals have daily routines.  They know what their bodies need, and they act accordingly.  Somewhere along the way, we’ve stopped paying attention to our own bodies.  For example:

How many times have you been sitting at your desk, working away, while your body screams:  “Take a break! Walk around!  Use the restroom!  Get a snack!”

Again, our bodies know what we need.  But we’ve taught ourselves to ignore our bodies and thereby, create unhealthy routines.

My dog – Copper – knows what he needs.  But he needs me, his owner, to help him implement.  He can’t the open door to let himself out and he can’t drive to the store to get more food when we run out.  He needs me for that.


In the same way, you need someone who will help you learn how to listen to your body once again . . . and not just listen, but ACT on what you’re hearing.  You need a partnership with a coach.

That’s where I come in!  For 20 years, I’ve helped women learn to listen to their bodies…to give them what they need… oh, and lose weight in the process (if appropriate).

If you’re interested in partnering with me, send me an email today.  We’ll schedule a free 20 minute consultation and go from there!

Isn’t it time you learn to live a dog’s life?

Turkey day is rapidly approaching and along with that, of course, comes the mashed potatoes, the pecan pie, the champagne, etc. etc.

Speaking of the Holidays, most people take one of two approaches to them.  Does either of these approaches sound like you??


  1. “I am going to enjoy the great food and company right now but inside I know I’m not bringing my body’s needs to the table so I will feel guilty tomorrow. There has got to be a better compromise-a better way!”
  2. “I know I’m going to regret this in a few weeks, but hell, that’s what New Year’s Resolutions are for, right?”

Those are NOT your only two options so I’m here to teach you the third (and best) option.

During the months of November, December and January, I’m opening my “one-on-one through the Holidays” personalized support directly to you! 


Make this Holiday season different.  Let me hold your hand through Thanksgiving and Christmas, so that by the time New Year’s Eve hits, you can still fit in that black dress or those slim, comfortable black pants that you look so attractive wearing.

So if this sounds like something you need. . . if you know it’s exactly what you’ve been looking for over the Holidays for a while now, get started today!

  1. Go to my contact page and fill out the form.
  2. You will hear from me shortly to make dates for us for November, December and January. We’ll meet 2 times per month by phone plus participate in two group sessions in January. 
  3. To get us in full gear contact me by Tuesday November 12th or sooner!

With the black dress in mind,


RunningSo I was talking to a friend the other day, and he starts telling me about the trouble he’s been having with working out lately. This is what he said:

“It was Sunday night and I set my alarm for 5:30 AM. I went to bed early and was feeling great about getting up to go for a run the next morning. But then….when the alarm went off, I looked out the window…. and saw it was snowing. Dang! L Here we go again! I don’t get it! As soon as I try to start getting back on track, nature conspires against me and I can’t even take the first step. EESh!”

Sound familiar? Have you ever felt this way? (It’s totally not your fault, if you do).

I know the feeling. But unlike my friend, I chose not to stay there because the Body Knowledge techniques I created helped me out.

So if your story is similar to my friends, why not give me the opportunity to share with you the tools that will help you stop pushing that convenient snooze button. (ouch!)

Are you ready for us to make a plan to keep you from self-sabotaging for the rest of your life?

Let’s get on the phone and work this out.

Email or call me at (866) 76-COACH by the end of the day with

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a few times that work for you in this coming week and we’ll work it out from there.

Don’t wake up tomorrow and hit the same damn snooze button.

Stop creating silly excuses for yourself.

Learn the techniques that helped my friend and hundreds of other people attain the goals that they’ve set for themselves the night before.


You are not aloneCathe: OK, I heard my body tell me her fatness was to get my attention…well, she got my attention all right!

SW: Is this her usual strategy with you so you pay attention?

Cathe: Yes, as I look back in time, she gets my attention with weight gain.  Now I know the stress brought on by this presentation is not about my kids, it’s all about me—and my fear of success. But stage fright?  Now?  At my age?

SW: How can you and your body be more comfortable with your speeches and bringing your talents to an audience that respects you and wants to get to know you?

Cathe: Not sure. I was a speech major in college, for goodness sakes!

SW: What’s different about this presentation?

Cathe: A really BIG promotion is tied to my success…or f-f-f-failure in front of everybody!


Cathe: I am sooooooooo afraid of failure!

SW: What does your body tell you? Is she afraid you’ll fail?

Cathe: Uh, I haven’t asked her…yet.

SW: There’s no time like the present—Let’s put down the phone and start moving, practicing your dance.

[A thud, the sound of fabric, some humming, a growl of disgust, a stomp then]

Cathe’s voice: Nada, nothing, zip, zero. She’s not talking and I need a confidence boost from someone, somewhere…please

SW: Oh, she’s talking all right—keep listening. Was your practice easy, flowing, or hurky-jerky, stiff and forced?

Cathe: (a long pause) The last part—it was more like the elephant dance than swan lake…

SW: Ok, How about: Take a very deep breath, all the way down your abdomen, pause, then let it out through pursed lips oh, so, slowly. Then think of, “Hail to the Chief” or “Jump” or “When the Saints Come Marching In…” and practice your dance.

Cathe: (doubtfully) Okay….what are you going to do?

SW: Move, of course!

few moments later.

Cathe: Ahhhh…I, er, we feel so much better! Up, lighter, and optimistic! I’m even looking forward to the presentation!

 SW: Your body is always there to support you…you are never alone, because your body shares your feelings and awaits your communication with her, so that she can share her confidence, her knowledge of you, and will always give you the boost you need to do what’s best for you!

Cathe: I feel like Rocky on the steps of the Philly Museum—

SW: Fortunately you don’t LOOK like Sly Stallone…

Cathe: Thank you. I feel good, really good about me today…and with further conversation with my BFF, we’ll get there confidently and FEEL great about our presentation! I will call you when I get home.

So what did you think?  If Cathe was inspiring to you then you must learn about an upcoming teleseminar I am co-hosting with Judith Wentzel called ‘Magic Recipes for Your Life, Business Passion and Inner Health’.

This unique interactive teleseminar will let you discover how to access your body’s knowledge so that you can nurture the passion and inner health necessary to live a healthy life for yourself and your business with ease.

You will come away with two (2) original techniques which you can implement immediately for a healthier body and business life, plus a lot of bonuses just for attending.

Stay tuned for more into coming soon and make sure you save the date, Saturday, March 16th, 2013 from 1pm-2:30pm, Eastern Time

Mind Body BusinessLast week and the week before, I told you about one of my favorite clients, Cathe (not her real name), volunteering to open up and share her progress (and setbacks), her ups and downs, her challenges and triumphs during our coaching calls for a few weeks.

If you missed last week, no worries . . . you should be able to jump in the middle of the story no problem at my blog.

[These events and their outcomes will resonate with you. Perhaps you can identify with them and certainly you’ll learn from them beyond the value Cathe’s received. She learned to love her body and how to showcase her new self- image to create more prosperity in her business through our time together…]

***[This week (#3) Cathe realizes how her body is playing an integral part with her business decisions and continues to use some Body Knowledge System® tools to help her move forward]

Come to the call…
For a risk free peek into my coaching process with Cathe.

SW: So where do you want more clarity today?

Cathe: (happily) I, uh, “we” accepted the offer, and we’re going on the cruise.

SW: So what did you do differently from the last time we spoke?

Cathe: (with confidence) I moved more, and paid attention while moving.

SW: And?

Dance your DanceCathe: It’s not just about moving for motion’s sake…it’s about meaningful motion with intention. My dance, practicing it, not perfecting it, you know?

SW: (with humor) So sit-ups aren’t part of your practice?

Cathe: (laughs) They belong in my fitness program, not in my practice! When my body and I dance our dance, we move meaningfully and then we can hear what each other is saying. We exchange information through graceful, free flowing motions…that’s when I know this system is working.

SW: How did this conflict lead to a better understanding?

Cathe: Well, quite frankly conflict brought me to more understanding of knowing what she wanted for me at the same time what I wanted for myself. I thought about my choices during our practice. It was neat to notice how my mind & body considered our options, the advantages and the disadvantages of going or not going, helping me make our decision.

SW: (curious) Did the answer come quickly?

Cathe: (laughs) No way! My body was pissed at me for neglecting her in the most meaningful way…not consulting with her when the issue first came up. Instead, I excluded her.

SW:  (verifying) By keeping it to yourself, in your head?

Cathe: My mind focused on what I knew to do: to eat less and move more. She sure fooled me, didn’t she?

SW: She did a great job of getting your attention by making you feel uncomfortable in your clothes.

Cathe: (knowingly) Communicating in the only way she knew how, now that we had lost touch with each other. Separating myself from her, being unaware of her, and not bothering to listen to her input came from my head… not her heart.

SW: (smiling) Her heart is your heart. Your head is her head.

Cathe: Next week, I want to explore how to gain more confidence with my cruise presentation.

Message: Your body always supports your best interests. Your body ALWAYS tells the truth.

Learn to listen to your body, befriend your body, benefits both of you!

You can experience the same thing by joining this teleclass…for a risk-free peek into my coaching process.

January 29, 2013 at 3pm Eastern – Learn that the “E” Word (Exercise) is Easy and Fun

  • Learn how to naturally incorporate exercise into your pre-existing lifestyle.

****Coming in March: Magic Recipes for your Business Passion and Inner Health****

Look for next week’s transcript with Cathe to read about her progress in our coaching calls.

Why not come to the teleclass this month or contact me directly today for a no-cost Healthier You session.


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