Last week and the week before, I told you about one of my favorite clients, Cathe (not her real name), volunteering to open up and share her progress (and setbacks), her ups and downs, her challenges and triumphs during our coaching calls for a few weeks.
If you missed last week, no worries . . . you should be able to jump in the middle of the story no problem at my blog.
[These events and their outcomes will resonate with you. Perhaps you can identify with them and certainly you’ll learn from them beyond the value Cathe’s received. She learned to love her body and how to showcase her new self- image to create more prosperity in her business through our time together…]
***[This week (#3) Cathe realizes how her body is playing an integral part with her business decisions and continues to use some Body Knowledge System® tools to help her move forward]
Come to the call…
For a risk free peek into my coaching process with Cathe.
SW: So where do you want more clarity today?
Cathe: (happily) I, uh, “we” accepted the offer, and we’re going on the cruise.
SW: So what did you do differently from the last time we spoke?
Cathe: (with confidence) I moved more, and paid attention while moving.
SW: And?
Cathe: It’s not just about moving for motion’s sake…it’s about meaningful motion with intention. My dance, practicing it, not perfecting it, you know?
SW: (with humor) So sit-ups aren’t part of your practice?
Cathe: (laughs) They belong in my fitness program, not in my practice! When my body and I dance our dance, we move meaningfully and then we can hear what each other is saying. We exchange information through graceful, free flowing motions…that’s when I know this system is working.
SW: How did this conflict lead to a better understanding?
Cathe: Well, quite frankly conflict brought me to more understanding of knowing what she wanted for me at the same time what I wanted for myself. I thought about my choices during our practice. It was neat to notice how my mind & body considered our options, the advantages and the disadvantages of going or not going, helping me make our decision.
SW: (curious) Did the answer come quickly?
Cathe: (laughs) No way! My body was pissed at me for neglecting her in the most meaningful way…not consulting with her when the issue first came up. Instead, I excluded her.
SW: (verifying) By keeping it to yourself, in your head?
Cathe: My mind focused on what I knew to do: to eat less and move more. She sure fooled me, didn’t she?
SW: She did a great job of getting your attention by making you feel uncomfortable in your clothes.
Cathe: (knowingly) Communicating in the only way she knew how, now that we had lost touch with each other. Separating myself from her, being unaware of her, and not bothering to listen to her input came from my head… not her heart.
SW: (smiling) Her heart is your heart. Your head is her head.
Cathe: Next week, I want to explore how to gain more confidence with my cruise presentation.
Message: Your body always supports your best interests. Your body ALWAYS tells the truth.
Learn to listen to your body, befriend your body, benefits both of you!
You can experience the same thing by joining this teleclass…for a risk-free peek into my coaching process.
January 29, 2013 at 3pm Eastern – Learn that the “E” Word (Exercise) is Easy and Fun
- Learn how to naturally incorporate exercise into your pre-existing lifestyle.
****Coming in March: Magic Recipes for your Business Passion and Inner Health****
Look for next week’s transcript with Cathe to read about her progress in our coaching calls.
Why not come to the teleclass this month or contact me directly today for a no-cost Healthier You session.
Tags: Body Image, Body Relationship, Career Transition, Dancing, Life Balance, Mind Body Connection
Last week, I told you about one of my favorite clients, Cathe (not her real name), volunteering to open up and share her progress (and setbacks), her ups and downs, her challenges and triumphs during our coaching calls for a few weeks.
If you missed last week, no worries . . . you should be able to jump in the middle of the story no problem.
[These events and their outcomes will resonate with you, perhaps you can identify with them, and certainly you’ll learn from them beyond the value Cathe’s received from learning to love her body and showcasing her new self- image to create more prosperity in her business through our time together…]
Come to the call…
for a risk free peek into my coaching process with Cathe.
Cathe: (thoughtfully) I’ve been thinking about answering your question from our last call…what is my body trying to tell me about going on the cruise. I’ve eased up on the crash dieting; and I’m still moving more; and I haven’t gained any more weight as of this morning; and I still can’t get more than one leg into my power suit pants. (laughing and crying) AND I can’t make up my mind to go or not to go…in spite of encouragement from my boss to accept the offer to speak.
SW: Consider this: is this about your body or your job, your potential promotion?
Cathe: Huh?
SW: If your zipper zipped, what would you do?
Cathe: (a pause, then) I’d go on the cruise!
SW: (silence)
Cathe: My pants fit fine last month—
SW: And what’s changed since then?
Cathe: The offer…OMG, THEY’RE CONNECTED! My body gained weight as soon as my boss mentioned this wonderful professional opportunity….
SW: And?
Cathe: (Amazed) I never thought I was afraid of success, is that what she’s saying?
SW: She is your body. I encourage you to just ask her J
Cathe: Ok, ok. I admit it: I felt the stress and may have misunderstood her message.
SW: Weight gain is one response to stress.
Cathe: The “C” word, cortisol, right? (LAUGH)
SW: Right. Whatever, your body’s reaction to stress, weight gain or loss, indicates your body’s need for attention from you. Let’s give your head a break and move your body around your room.
Cathe: Ok—give me a minute.
SW: As you have noticed in the past moving creates communication between your head and your body.
Cathe: Puts the phone down and we hear rustling of fabric, motion, a giggle and then…
Cathe: Ok, I feel better, but I still don’t have an answer…
SW: I encourage you to keep communicating with her and you will receive the right answer from both of you, for both of you. So how will you do that more often?
Cathe: (smiling with hope) Well, I certainly will have plenty of opportunity to move and hear her requests Ha!
SW: (smiling for her) It sounds like this process is getting easier and you are making it fun! .As you keep experiencing more movement, your decisions will become clear. To communicate with your body, practice your dance—ask the questions and listen for the answer.
You can experience the same thing by joining one of these teleclasses…for a risk-free peek into my coaching process.
January 15, 2013 at 3pm Eastern – Learn How to Include Your Body with Your Work
- Become someone who connects their mind to their body and really knows what the right answer feels like.
January 29, 2013 at 3pm Eastern – Learn that the “E” Word (Exercise) is Easy and Fun
- Learn how to naturally incorporate exercise into your pre-existing lifestyle.
Look for my next email to find out how Cathe answers my last question and read more about her progress in our coaching calls. Until then, feel free to contact me or email me any questions.
To your health and happiness,
Tags: Body Image, Body Relationship
Although hurricane Sandy has taken its toll on the Northeast including a lack of electricity for a couple of weeks now at my current residence, I wanted to let you know that I’m still able to offer my free tele-classes to you over the coming weeks!
The holidays can be a stressful time so now more than ever, it’s important for you to pay attention and connect with what your body is telling you.
November 17 at 2:30pm – Learn how to Bring Your Body to the Party, Eat, and Be Merry
- Get control of your eating patterns during any event.
- Envision your body and you having joy plus control when in new environments or away from home
December 10 at 3:00pm – How to Listen to Your Body during the Holidays – Body Talk 101
- Make exercise an enjoyable part of your day!
- Jump off your weight loss plateau!
December 15 at 2:30pm – Learn how to Bring Your Body to the Party, Eat, and Be Merry
- Get control of your eating patterns during any event.
- Envision your body and you having joy plus control when in new environments or away from home
December 18 at 1:00pm – How to find time for Movement with your body during this Holiday Season
- There’s a relationship between your personality style and what exercise works best for you.
- Discover your ideal movement/exercise style so you’re empowered to create a fitness strategy that you will look forward to everyday!
Make this Holiday season different. Let me hold your hand through Thanksgiving and Christmas, so that by the time New Year’s Eve hits, you can still fit in that black dress that you look so good in.
So if you know this is right for you . . . if you know it’s exactly what you’ve needed over the Holidays for a while now, get started today by clicking on the session you want above!
If the dates or times of these free group teleclasses are not convenient for you, contact me directly so we can create a date and time between us so that you can still experience and practice this Holiday Material.
With the black dress in mind.
Tags: Body Image, Body Relationship, Eating Healthy, Mind Body Connection, Reducing Stress
I know the holidays are still a couple months away, but I’m going to go ahead and say it…
Enough with New Year’s Resolutions!
For most people, the holidays are a time of enjoying food, family and friends. And after they’re over . . . they find themselves in a self-deprecating pit.
So — they do what everybody else does, and they vow to go to the gym five times a week to atone for their “sins” that they’ve committed over the past weeks and months.
Enough Already!
I remember how that used to feel. And it’s terrible. But I found a way to not only experience true freedom during the holidays, but every month that followed, too.
And I want that for you.
So, during the months of November, December and January, I’m doing something I’ve never done before.
I’m calling them holiday “bite-size” coaching sessions, supporting a healthier you. I know you’re busy during the holidays, (so am I), so I’m making this super flexible for both of us.
We’ll do twice a month, half hour sessions (during a time that’s good for both of us) and I’ll give you the tips, techniques and tools that you need to be proactive this Holiday season … NOT reactive.
And by the time January rolls around . . . you’ll be joining me in saying, “Enough with resolutions!” because you won’t need to make any. Because you won’t be feeling fat and out of sorts with your Body like you may normally feel.
I want to make this a no-brainer for you.
And I know that funds get tight around the holidays. So, I’m offering you the lowest price I’ve ever offered before. Like ever.
Normally, 8 hours of my time would cost you $900. Not this time. I’ve decided to cut that by a third.
No, that’s not a typo. It will only be $297 (my Holiday gift to you).
Here’s how to get started . . .
1. Go here (NOT a sales page) and fill out this quick contact info form.
2. Sit tight and you’ll be hearing from me shortly.
It’s that easy. Only $37.13 per coaching session . . . and that’s a bite size price (total due by November 10th — after that the price goes up to $397). Two (2) 1/2 hour coaching sessions each month at a time that is flexible for both of us plus 2 more group sessions in January.
So if you know this is right for you . . . if you know it’s exactly what you’ve needed over the Holidays for a while now, fill out this form, and we’ll be connecting in no time.
To abolishing resolutions!
Tags: Body Image, Eating Healthy
It’s true that for some folks, the Fall season is the “most wonderful time of the year”. But for others, it’s also the “most fattening time of the year”.
My question to you: Why does it have to be one way or the other?
Maybe you’re worried about gaining the five, dreaded holiday pounds. Maybe you’re torn between enjoying all of those holiday goodies . . .
. . . and worrying about if you’d ever recover from your indulgence.
The holidays can be wonderful, but also stressful on many levels.
However, with the right practices in place, you can:
- Say NO to weight gain over the Holidays
- Stop the struggle between your body and your food
- Learn how to make this part of your lifestyle forever
- And avoid the holiday stress!
So, I’m offering a 90 minute Lifestyle Holiday Retreat on Saturday November 10th at 2:30pm Etd to help you zero in on solving the challenges specific to this special time of year. You’ll get the information you need . . . exactly when you need it.
Sign up here!
In this class we will:
- Address the areas around food, exercise, & family relationships that help us feel good or bad.
- Learn three specific Body Knowledge System® skills to help you find the choices that fit you.
- Have time for you to ask questions and get guidance on your needs.
If you’re tired of just “getting through” the holidays, then free yourself and join me for a 90 minute Teleseminar by telephone, in the comfort of your own home on November 10th 2012 starting at 2:30 pm Eastern.
When you sign up before October 26th you will also receive a no cost ‘Healthier You’ Session with me. Schedule it now. Again you must sign up before October 26th to receive this session for absolutely no cost. It’s my holiday gift to you.
PS. Can’t stand the weight gain and want to enjoy the Holiday Season? Then read on….
Let’s begin to be best friends with our bodies…
Here is what I know to be true:-)
- As you maintain communication with your body, you’ll discover your style by applying principles that will liberate you and away from other peoples’ standards.
- You will shift your emphasis from outside yourself and your body back where it originated and still belongs: within yourself.
- As you practice being more clear about your relationship with your body, you can adapt to any event.
- You will see life benefits that extend beyond what you had considered pertaining only to the body— exercise and eating. You may see that you deeply enjoy your work when you are in an authentic, thriving partnership with your body. You may find more sacred connections in your everyday life— connections that weren’t apparent before.
Sign up today!
To your Health and Happiness,
Tags: Body Image, Body Relationship, Eating Healthy, Reducing Stress
The quality of questions I’ve been receiving has been incredible and leads me beyond the easy answers from my body knowledge into your body’s knowledge. Many of the questions cover topics found in the Table of Contents of my book, Body Knowledge System®.
Here are your questions answered:
Q. What do you mean by “practice”? Is it about communicating with your body?
A. Practice means a habit, an ongoing exchange of information between me and my body. Since my first love is dancing, one form of communication between my body and me is spontaneous motion. Moving my body quiets my brain and allows me to hear my body’s information. PLUS it brings us both JOY!
-Penny S, Newark, DE
Q. Events? Environment? And my body?
A. Those three words appear to have no association with each other—until you acknowledge the impact the first two have on the third, your body. The only control any of us has is over our self and how we respond to events in our environment. Stuff happens, and our response determines the outcome. Your body’s intelligence guarantees a successful outcome—only when you access it.
-Ella F,
Portland, OR
Q. My environment is beyond my control for now, so how can I apply your system to make it my system?
A. Your environment can support or defeat you if you are unaware of or ignore the affect it has on your body. Women particularly have environmental changes forced upon them with their various roles as professionals, homemakers, hosts, and guests. As with everything else in your personal body knowledge system, benefiting from your environment begins with communicating with your body’s intelligence.
-Gina M, Paris, IN
In order to solve a problem, first you have to identify it as a problem.
As a special invitation to you, I’m putting together a small, intimate group of 9 people and together, I’ll show you exactly how to:
- lose weight (and keep it off),
- get off your meds (for good),
- and how to enjoy every moment of every day . . .
So you lose weight, have greater esteem, feel lighter, and live where movement is part of your day
This is an exclusive invite so there’s only one way into the group. And that’s to have a conversation with me!
I’ve got a few time slots available here. This is on a first-come, first-serve basis, and I expect these slots to fill very quickly. Make your appointment now to get on your way to becoming a better you and in the meantime, take a look at what you could be learning!
Tags: Body Image, Mind Body Connection
Your Personal “Fun Factor” always guarantees a great time!
Regardless of your role at the event, put the JOY back into en-joy-ment!
FACT: You will be relaxed, happy, and enjoy any event as soon as you discover your Style and apply it to your role at the event. Ask your body, ‘Are we having fun, yet?’ Your answer depends on your personal comfort zone…beyond the physical; your comfort zone includes your emotional, spiritual and psychological state, as well.
Your body never lies. When you listen to her answer, you learn what you feel like in your comfort zone anytime, anywhere, with anyone. My clients check in with their BFFs, their bodies on a regular basis by asking that most important question: “Are we having fun, yet?”
Events & You
As an invited guest:
- Wear comfortable clothes, shoes, and a smile.
- Just before entering the event, dance your practice, practice your dance
- Control your consumption of food and alcohol
- Keep your foot far from your mouth
- HAVE A GREAT TIME meeting new people and catching up with familiar friends and family
As the hostess:
- Wear comfortable clothes, shoes, and welcoming smile.
- Dance Your Practice and Practice your Dance.
- This is YOUR party so do it YOUR way!
- Decorations, Food, Drinks, and Favors are simply a conversation away—with YOUR BODY.
There is Magic in Motion:
- You and your body circulate to create associations among your guests;
- Spread your positive energy around;
- Steer potential friends toward each other, potential enemies away from each other; and
- Set the fun example, by having a GREAT TIME at your own party!
As the honored guest:
- If you’re the bride, take off your Jimmy Chou’s after the ceremony and replace them with bunny slippers!
- If the attention on you creates discomfort, help the hostess with her social obligations. Helping always contributes to increasing your fun factor!
- If you LOVE being the FOCUS of everyone’s attention, DO NOT DISAPPOINT! Talk to your body and ENTERTAIN THE TROOPS with song, dance, speeches, and pictures of your last vacation! (I’m kidding about the pictures)
P.S. When you “Dance your practice, practice your dance!” the whole world dances with you!
Do this to increase EVERYONE’S FUN FACTOR!
If you would like to have a conversation with me, please contact me, or if you would like to be in a free group tele-class, learn more here.
Tags: Body Image, Body Relationship, Life Balance, Mind Body Connection
FACT: Events occurring in June contain four of the top ten anxiety inducing situations (marriage, family changes, debt and travel). When you’re stressed, your body has one of these three reactions:
Regardless of your specific response to stress inducers, your body’s reaction is always an extra dose of cortisol which slooooooowwwwwssssss your metabolism almost to a stop.
The result? FAT!
Celery or Chocolate Éclairs: regardless of what you eat, when you are stressed, you will get the most “bang” possible from every bite.
How ironic that when you want to look your best for an upcoming event, your body betrays you.
No! NOT TRUE! It is YOU who betrays your BODY!
The Body Knowledge System® is the Stress Solution for Event Anxiety.
1) Body talk keeps it real.
2) Comfortable clothes create confidence, enhance enjoyment, and reduce stress!
3) Make each event easy on yourself…you are a guest, not the main attraction.
Client Story
Dahlia felt her stomach tighten as soon as she saw the return address embossed on the creamy linen envelope containing an invitation to her niece’s elaborate June wedding in Beverly Hills, CA. Aware of the upcoming event for months, she had dreaded this moment due to the family’s expectations. Her hand shook as she stared at the RSVP card. Taking a deep breath, she reached for her copy of the Body Knowledge System®. Flipping it open to page 288, she read the introduction to the “Events & You” chapter. Her heartbeat slowed as she continued reading the reassuring words and the notations she had made in the margins. By page 308, she felt her smile return as she reviewed her notes addressing this event. Those notes were a product of her rediscovery of a real relationship with her body and the deep friendship that had been developing since she began to practice the Body Knowledge System® with her coach, Stephanie Wood, PPC.
Remember: Whether it’s a family event, or a networking opportunity, or a party with total strangers, or people you really don’t want to be with, BKS has a hot flash for you: JUST SAY NO, THANK YOU! And feel your anxiety slip away…taking the cortisol with it.
As an alternative, send a gift, and spend the day at the beach, the movies, or with a good book.
If you would like to have a conversation with me, please contact me, or if you would like to be in a free group tele-class, learn more here.
Tags: Body Image, Body Relationship, Eating Healthy, Reducing Stress
Myth-stakes for May
MYTH: “April Showers Bring May Flowers” is a commonly accepted “myth” that creates false expectations for both months. According to the national weather service, measurable rain fall has less to do with the calendar and everything to do with climatic conditions…which vary from year to year and place to place. For instance, in Hawaii other tropical climates, every month produces ageless blossoms.
FACT: Regardless of when or where flowers appear, we appreciate their fragrance, color, and the promise of eternal youth.
My Story
“You need a lift,” said the sales person as I was shopping for a new dress for my 55th birthday the last day in April.
After trying on several selections, I found the right one. Smiling, I emerged from the dressing room and asked for her feedback of my selection. Watching her face closely for a reaction, her expression was of stunned surprise, not smiling-not frowning, simply staring straight ahead.
“You need a lift,” she hissed, as she pointed a well-manicured index finger at my breasts.
Huh?” I responded.
“If you intend to wear that dress out in public, you need a better bra…”
‘Better’ as in ‘perky’, as in ‘uplift’, as in ‘younger’—BG, or Before Gravity.
Five years ago, B BKS, or Before Body Knowledge System®, her remarks would have reduced me to tears.
Now? No way! Today, it’s MY WAY!
BKS® identified my comfort level and provided me with the confidence to understand where she was coming from without any need or desire to react to her issues.
For a woman who resists the effects of each passing day on her appearance, this salesperson’s May flowers may never bloom.
And what a tragedy that would be…
Because if she were aware of the support her body gives her every single day, she might accept, even welcome, the comfort her body wants to provide.
Body Knowledge System® supports YOU, your way.
remarks are her issue, not mine—
Her perception indicates her estrangement from her body, and the support it’s there to provide, if only she’d open herself to the BKS® option.
Learn more about the origins, the seeds of your judgments, when it applies to others…then tune in to your personal Body Knowledge and smell the flowers…
Unlike May flowers that are dependent upon the soil, sunshine, and rain,
the flower that is you is never dependent upon the weather or the environment, or
someone else’s opinion of your appearance.
Your outcome stems (pardon the pun) from your input: body, mind, spirit!
I would love to hear your comments.
To your health and happiness,
Tags: Body Image, Body Relationship, Mind Body Connection, Self Esteem
Re-invent yourself by re-connecting to your body.
This month marks more than turning a page on the calendar. October signifies a shift in the seasons, too. In the Fall…
- The leaves change color
- TV shows change time slots
- The students change grades, and sometimes schools.
And you change into warmer, and sometimes larger, clothes.
Mother Nature controls the firs point, network executives control the second, and teachers control the third.
You control your clothing choices. Regardless of the season, often you achieve your body’s comfort zone with your clothing choices.
For the sun worshippers: With your last swim, you put away your bathing suit. You replace last summer’s cover-up with cable sweaters, baggy sweats, and swirling skirts. You smile in relief with the knowledge your days of exposing yourself to the scrutiny of the others on the beach or at the pool are over…for now.
For the sun avoiders: You relax in the knowledge there will be no more invitations to pool parties to regret, no more hiding in your home or office until it is “safe” to transition to another environment, no more squinting, sneezing from allergies, and no more sweating.
Fall is an ideal transition between the two extremes of summer’s and winter’s uncontrollable temperatures as it eases you from thin, light weight to thick, heavy weight clothing. Prior to covering her up, take advantage of this shift in seasons to get to know your body…before she goes into hiding on her way to hibernation for the winter.
Fall is the time to declare a truce with your body.
We practice this in the Body Knowledge System®
Here are some reminders but please feel free to add more by contacting me.
- STOP covering her up i.e. Allow her to breathe with pride
- STOP confronting her in the mirror i.e. As you see her let her know how much you love her
- STOP corrupting her with excess i.e. Practice thinking of her needs first
- STOP condemning her with every thought and word i.e. Remember she hears you, be careful
Re-invent yourself and reacquaint yourself with your body, your Buddy. Your body is there to help you, not hinder you. Your body works very well WITH you, FOR you, and always in your best interest. Getting to know her comes with body knowledge. Familiarize yourself with her as she renews her relationship with you. Teamwork, partnership, and support between you and your body accomplish miracles.
A new moon, a new month, a new season leads to a new you. Go with the flow of the calendar and change yourself with the season.
Re-invent yourself and reacquaint yourself with your body, your Buddy. Your body is there to help you, not hinder you.
Before September’s shift from summer to fall, we enjoyed that last burst of heat and sunshine present in Indian summer, the last kiss of the sun prior to the rains and snows of the upcoming seasons. Regardless of where you live, your climate, your urban or rural environment, when summertime fades into fall, the heat recedes into the past season.
Summertime heat affects you and your body in many ways. For some of you the warmth is welcome as you peel off layers of clothing to welcome the weather. Some of you peel off extra pounds from the winter hibernation, too. Others fill their days with good intentions to fit into last year’s bathing suit, then eventually give up and buy the next larger size when August fades into September. Labor Day signifies the swimming season is coming to a close, so all those good intentions fade with the colors of the leaves and you’ll lose those pounds, get in shape for next year’s swim season.
Part of your procrastination is a result of the warmer weather’s effect on your motivation. There’s a reason tropical climates are more relaxed than seasonal ones. As the sunshine warms us naturally, it also mellows us to not take ourselves so seriously. Vitamin D3 comes from the sun and is known to affect our physical and psychological well- being. In northern climates, physicians recommend supplementing our diet with D3 during the other seasons.
Increased temperatures create excessive perspiration. We need to drink more water to maintain our physical and mental health. Dehydration is not only depressing, but also dangerous to our well-being. Since your body is mostly fluid, when you lose too much you lose vital minerals as well and it weakens every aspect of you. Your immune system becomes unable to fight off infections without the minerals you’ve lost in your increased perspiration.
Increased humidity in the summer can also take a lot out of us—not just moisture. As the water content of the air increases, so does the swelling of your extremities: feet, ankles, and hands, fingers. Perhaps the number on your scale remains within 5 pounds of your desired weight, but your clothing seems to shrink as it covers moist, sticky skin. Increased humidity brings your sunny spirit into the shadows, as if you retreat in order to return to your comfort level.
Skin damage from the sun’s rays age us prematurely and is a known source for cancers. Even though the sensation of warmth on our skin elevates our spirit as it colors our skin, too much of any good thing can be toxic. Whether sun worshipping is a part of your daily summertime routine or available only over the weekend during breaks from your office work, it is one of the pleasures available to us during that cheerful season. Vacations, road trips, beach picnics, long weekend holidays, family reunions are all part of that season of expansion, growth, and relaxation for some of us.
Specifically, like flowers some of us open to welcome the rays of the sun on our skin. Others detest the results of summertime heat on the way we look, the way we feel, and the way we move. Some of you bounce from bed, climb into your bathing suit or sundress, slather yourself in sunscreen, and then skip outside with the early rays of the day. Others pull down the blinds, turn down the a/c, and reach for a cold drink to wait for the relief sunset brings.
Summertime heat and all that sunshine can energize you if you respond well to it, or it can drain and depress you by restricting you to the darkness of indoors. The seasons change and regardless of how you feel about summer, you resist change because you are a human being.
Change is the only constant; and seasonal change is as radical as the climate you live and work in. For those in the tropics the change is hardly noticeable, for those in more temperate climates, the transitions between seasons can be subtle or radical depending on the current weather patterns.
Re-invent yourself and reacquaint yourself with your body, your Buddy. Your body is there to help you, not hinder you.
Your body works very well WITH you, FOR you, and always in your best interest. Getting to know her comes with body knowledge. Familiarize yourself with her as she renews her relationship with you. Teamwork, partnership, and support between you and your body accomplish miracles.
A new moon, a new month, a new season leads to a new you.
Go with the flow of the calendar and change yourself with the season.

Tags: Body Image, Body Relationship, Eating Healthy, Mind Body Connection