
"You are allowed to disagree with your body."

In this class, Stephanie showed us 3 tips for better self-esteem and how to learn to smile when you look in the mirror, smile when you step on the scale and smile when you see a photo of yourself.

This summer learn how to connect with your body and feel beautiful inside and out. Become comfortable with your body, wherever you are!

Here is the video of my May 7th class. This class covered two techniques that will carry you through the summer barbecues, beach parties, pool lounging events and beyond.

Hey there,

It’s Coach Stephanie, and I’m wondering if you remember the song “Treat Her Like A Lady” by Cornelius Ray and Sister Rose?

That song embodies the principles behind the practice of the Body Knowledge System®.

(We’ll listen to it here in a minute).

Your body deserves attention beyond the basics of food, shelter, clothing, and exercise. Your body deserves your RESPECT. and that requires your knowledge of her needs, wants, and desires. In exchange for that, your body shares her wisdom with you.

Wisdom? Doesn’t that reside in your mind?

No, not all of it.

So, how do you access that wisdom? Through your practice of the Body Knowledge System®.

Let’s Listen And Move…

Try this:

  1. Pick a number between 1 and 10 to represent a scale of your current mood: 1 being sad (pessimistic) all the way to 10 being happy (optimistic).
  1. Watch the video below:

3) Stand up and MOVE to the music… just listen & MOVE!

4) If you feel like it, keep moving to the music.

5) Now, where are you on the mood scale? I’ll bet it increased.

Keep moving to the music, or any music, until you’ve reached a “10”.

Embrace the feeling, enjoy the feeling, and engage your body in a commitment to continue to the feeling into your future.

Join Our Online Community

Join our online community of women who are learning RESPECT. and beginning the conversation as to what this means to you with other like-minded women!

  1. Use this form to contact me and enter “Google Plus Groups” in the comments.
  2. Then look out for my personalized invitation to join us! [Body Confidence with Stephanie Wood]

It’s that easy! And once you get my invite and accept, you are now part of this warm community. You’ll see the videos we’re recording to supplement these articles (and be able to have relevant conversations that you’re interested in to learn and laugh with each other plus share what you are involved with).

See you “on the inside” 🙂


I help women bring back confidence in their bodies.  This will bring forth their talents to the world… to make more money and have fun!

Sound like something you’re interested in? Read on…


Today, I want to help you learn to better love yourself, so that you can better love others.

You can begin by answering these brief questions to give us both insights.

Let me explain with a story…




Once upon a time, a beautiful princess moved through her days and nights doing what all princesses do: smiling, curtsying, nodding and dancing the mechanical dance of banquets and formality.

She dreamed things would change and that she would meet the perfect Prince for her.

After years and years of playing along and ignoring her own voice, the princess suddenly had an epiphany!

She would never be alone again, because she had just discovered why her Prince never came…

She had not listened to what her body was telling her. When she listened to her body she felt healthier, had more energy, plus she ran the kingdom better.

She realized she needed to have a good relationship with her body, or how could she have a good relationship with someone else?




This February, isn’t it time to learn how to start loving your body… so that you can have healthy relationships with others!

Love yourself

The first step is to have a healthy relationship with yourself. So if you are even mildly interested…

Then take a few minutes to answer these questions. These answers will help me better get to know you, so that I can better partner with you to create your greater purpose.

The month of February is a reminder of love and relationships…whether with others or with yourself or both.

And help is here. The first step is to answer these questions.

Let’s get you (or your clients) out in the world to showcase your true talents with body confidence in conjunction with your fun loving nature and talents.

How would you feel if, by loving yourself, you could give love to others?

Let me explain with a story…




Love yourself

Once upon a time, a beautiful princess moved through her days and nights doing what all princesses do: smiling, curtsying, nodding and dancing the mechanical dance of banquets and formality.

She felt nothing but a longing for a prince, her knight in shining armor, to rescue her from her monotony.

After years and years of playing along and ignoring her own voice, the princess suddenly had an epiphany!

Rejoicing, our princess realized her lonely days were over; she would never be alone again, because she had just discovered why her prince never came.  She didn’t have a good relationship with her body, so how could she have a good relationship with someone else?




This February, think about what that inner voice is telling you.  You may be waiting for all these changes to happen, forgetting that they all start with you.

Why not take this “Understand the Voice Within You” survey and then have a conversation with me…

…because when you come from your heart during a conversation, things you never thought about are explored and revealed.

The month of February is a reminder of love and relationships…whether with others or with yourself or both.


I’m sure over the years you have received some great advice or given it.

Well recently, I decided to have a contest to see what great advice other Wellness Professionals or those of you who practice Self Care and might be willing to share. The contest was sent out to all my connections….over 1,000 Self Care Practitioners!

The contest had several great responses but what really soared above the rest comes from Biancia Tate at Hope Network, Inc.

The best tip that I chose was….

“When you are woman and a caregiver, such as a wife or mother, many times, you will forget you are a woman. You feel guilty taking care of yourself but, your soul needs to be nurtured. So, take time out. You both need it and deserve it. Take a walk in the mall and stop by a make-up counter. Get a makeover. Spray yourself with some perfume. Then, go try on some clothes you will never buy. Then, finish up the day with some chocolate ice cream with lots of fudge and whip cream. Celebrate who you are.”


 Feel good

What wonderful advice…don’t you think? For direct questions to Biancia Tate, feel free to email her.

It’s important to feel good about yourself and communicate with your body with psychological tools and techniques that Bianca has made us aware of.

I would love to hear your thoughts.

This week I want to share some crazy results from a recent study with you.  The study – from Vanderbilt and Cornell Universities – looked at women, wealth and their weight. And guess what it found?




Jobs involving face time and interaction with others go to the more attractive, fit, thinner women and come with higher starting salaries as well as opportunities.

High paying

The lower paying jobs, many requiring physical actions, go to the overweight women who tend to remain there until age, retirement, or marriage interrupts their career.

Cornell Professor, John Cawley’s, study found that indeed weight is inversely related to pay… and the same effect does not pertain to men in the same professions.




So, what do you think? Are overweight women destined to work lower paying jobs till the end of time?

My answer: HECK NO!

What if the job you get (or don’t get) wasn’t dependent on weight, but on how you carry yourself? On your energy? On your self-esteem?

The focus is ‘how you carry yourself.’ For example: At a social event when a woman walks in with a glow and a happy disposition, graceful body movement and infectious smile and spirit that transforms the whole room…? Do you comment on her figure?

Again my answer: Heck no!

This is what I want for all of us as much as possible….even when you are alone

Remember: you are always in control of your self-esteem.

And if you feel like your weight is negatively affecting your self-esteem… let’s have a conversation. I’ve got some strategies to help you with that.

 Contact me to set up a time this week! Or comment about this below!

It’s Stephanie and this week I want to speak with you about superheroes. Yep, that’s right… superheroes.


Everybody’s familiar with Superman and Batman of course, but I’m wondering if you’ve ever heard of Wonder Woman?

As you can see in the picture, Wonder Woman has a very confident posture… let’s call it “the power position”.

And you know what’s interesting about the power position?




Research has actually shown that assuming that position – even for just two minutes – can increase testosterone levels by 20% (which boosts confidence) while simultaneously decreasing cortisol levels by 25% (which reduces anxiety).

Isn’t it crazy that simply changing your posture can increase your body confidence and decrease your anxiety?

(Well, it’s not so crazy to me… I’ve been aware of this for many years! 




When you wake up tomorrow, why not assume the power position for two minutes? Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and stand confidently.

See if this practice affects your body confidence in a positive way… and if it does, let me know!

P.S. I’m launching my Body Confidence Community with Stephanie Wood for women who want to revitalize their body confidence with a sustainable system.

And as a bonus: sending out contest information so you can get involved with each other in this community. It is a good thing. It is all about community and supporting each other.

self esteem

If you’ve ever struggled with letting the media (skinny models, fad diets, etc.) tell you how you should feel about yourself, this one’s for you.




Thank God for Eleanor Roosevelt! Every woman knows what it feels like to let someone make you feel bad about yourself.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

So whether it’s skinny models in magazines, super successful actresses on TMZ, an offensive Facebook post or email… whatever… those messages don’t have to dictate how you feel about yourself!

So…if or when other people make you feel bad about you—time to consider the source of all that feedback, and then ignore it, dismiss it, and finally avoid it.

Here’s a better way… are you ready to reclaim your birthright?




Remember when you were a kid? Back before you cared what other people thought about you?

…those were the days…

The good news is your body is still here: ready, willing and looking forward to communicating her truth with you as soon as you are willing to listen.

Are you ready for a mature relationship with your body?

When you re-establish your birthright, that intimate relationship with your body, no one and nothing has the power to make you feel inferior.




If you’re struggling with negative body image, here are your two options for moving forward:

1) Wait for the help you need, as I’ll be releasing these brand new articles over the coming months…


2) Contact me today for the help. I’ll even take $50 off your first consultation.

To you starting to love your body sooner rather than later,

P.S. Add me to your Google+ contacts since I will be using this as my new platform.

P.P.S. If you enjoyed this article, be sure to look for Article #2 coming next week!

Body Image

Over the next few months, I’ll be releasing a brand new article series about body image.

There are several factors that can impact how we view ourselves

Whether it’s close relationships, the media, how you see yourself in the mirror, or how much you eat and move… we are constantly bombarded with messages about how we look and who we are.

And when we’re honest….lots of those messages are pretty negative and they leave us feeling poorly about ourselves.

I am in the position to help change this!

Beginning today, you have two options when you are struggling with bad body image:

  1. Wait for the help you need, as I’ll be releasing these brand new articles over the coming months.


  1. Contact me today for the help that you need. I’ll even take $50 off your first consultation!

Here’s to you starting to love your body sooner rather than later!


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