
"Did you bring your body with you?"


Want to know if coaching with Stephanie is a fit for you? Listen in to this recent interview

Wise Words from Coach Stephanie Wood, PCC

The dream that I champion for my clients are entrepreneurs who want to feel confident with certain skills and techniques they can rely on to make a difference in the world…

As your coach I want to create a business with your talents. I do this with my Body Knowledge System®. With my 30 years’ experience with developing entrepreneurial businesses. The women I coach want to be their own financier, make their own money, make their lifestyle exactly the way they want on their own terms as they develop their business.


How Stephanie got into coaching…

I was a professional dancer on the New York Stage, but auditioning became a drain;. So, I asked myself, ‘how can I combine my talent of movement with making money?’ I didn’t want to worry about somebody rejecting me. So that’s how I started my first business, which combined my talents of music and movement. Remember Jane Fonda when she put out her first aerobics video?

I watched that, and I said to myself, in my living room,’ I can do that!’ I can actually do that even better than her. I started my aerobics business. I went to churches and temples and VA facilities, I paid rent, I employed over 30 teachers, I created the routines that I choreographed. And I did that for a couple years. And that, combined with my talent of movement, and my essence of knowing how to make money, created a platform, which is my Coaching and the techniques of business know-how with my Body Knowledge System®.

Interested in learning more?  Contact me through this form to schedule a time to talk.



Body Positivity Messages with Body Shaming Messages
What’s a girl to do?
By Coach Stephanie Wood, PCC


Lisa my new client asked, ‘What should be my correct weight and body shape be?  I get mixed messages from my Family and the Media.’

If I look or weigh one way, I receive body shaming or on the other hand I receive Body Positives.

What’s a girl to follow?

Coaching from Stephanie
“Have you asked your body?”

“What do you mean?”

A perfect opening to a discussion of our Body Knowledge System ®. I explained the ideal intimate friendship between a person and their body. When you end the estrangement with your body, you welcome a new best friend forever into your life. Your body supports you in many ways beyond the physical. Providing emotional, psychological, and spiritual support, your body supplies reliable advice, guidance, and, most of all, love for the whole of you. (I coached Lisa with the Body Knowledge System® conversation so she experienced friendship with her body immediately).
Stephanie’s coaching challenge to Lisa to move forward
I challenged Lisa to create a phrase that will have her happy with her body image, her weight, her health and her spirit without media judgement.

Lisa’s phrase (and she can change it) ‘I love what my body can do every moment.’

Coaching Final Message
Two important Body Knowledge System® principles apply:

#1 Your body helps you reframe your life from the negative to the positive. Even when your mind is pulling you down with critical self-talk.
#2 When practicing your custom Body Knowledge System® your body supports you returning to the healthy weight for both of you.

The body positivity movement is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing since it alleviates much of the pain from harsh, and often untrue, criticism from outside and sometimes from inside sources. A curse because obesity is a national epidemic and can kill you.My clients learn to listen to their bodies’ wisdom to achieve their mutual goals. Practicing their Body Knowledge System® tunes into the messages sent by their body. The Body Knowledge System® works because it begins within your body to inspire your practice.

Just 2 minutes take my body confidence check-in
Take the Body Confidence Check-in Quiz

The Body Knowledge System® sustains you because you and your body developed your practice to address your specific wants, needs, and motivations. This new relationship with your body renews your faith in yourself and promotes your Body Confidence.Body Confidence expands as you progress on your journey to healthy fitness. When you establish the warm relationship with your body you were born with, it becomes a habit to share with each other when you make a choice, act on a decision, or plan for your future.

To your freedom,
Coach Stephanie

Young beautiful woman jumping with a scarf

A Body Confidence Coaching session with my Client Dee. Enjoy observing her challenges and her success.


A big part of the Body Knowledge System® is setting healthy intentions for your body or any part of your life. An intention is a sentence or two that affirms the kind of relationship you want to have with yourself and your body.

But setting an intention with words is only half the challenge.

By themselves, words have limited power. Take it from my client, Dee. The first time Dee read her intentions to me, she used language like, “I want to learn to be in tune with my body.’’


Can You Relate?

Can you relate to having this kind of relationship with your body? When you think about where you want to be, does it feel like you are involving your body in the process, or like you are telling a stranger what you would like them to do?

Within the Body Knowledge System® we added movement to her intention.

When Dee began to move with her body as she stated her intention, her words changed to, “I am in tune with my body.” The others in the group said they could hear the strength in her voice that she sounded like she was flying.

Dee was grateful for the feedback. Once she moved her body with her intention, she realized it had been there for her all along. Dee was able to move forward into a healthy relationship with her body’s wisdom, rather than continuing to feel estranged from her body.

Something Wonderful Happens

I’ve found that something wonderful happens when you fuse intention with movement. People become much clearer about what they want, and believe more strongly that it is possible.

Dee began to understand to move ( literally create movement with her intention, her words).

If Dee had continued to try and connect with her body without adding movement to her intention, she would have remained estranged from herself.

Your body is here for you, she is just waiting for you to invite it into your process of pursuing health.


Let’s get your body involved, find your unique rhythm and get you dancing!


Body Knowledge System® is much more than a program for taking care of your body through exercise and healthy eating habits. It delves deeper, extends your influence, and encompasses the totality of you in all areas of your life inclusive of your environments, health, work, events, relationships.

Let’s Get Started!

For a limited time I’m offering a special “Body Confident made Simple” Coaching Session

During this powerful, one-on-one coaching session, we’ll work together to…

=> Create a vision for building a relationship with your body that will allow you to eat well, find enjoyable ways to move your body and love the way you look.

=> Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your relationship with your body, leaving you feeling deflated and unhappy with yourself.

=> Leave this session renewed, inspired, and ready to finally learn to love your body and be the confident person you’ve always wanted to be


To join me in a “Body Confident made Simple” coaching session today, click here to contact me and take the Body confidence check in ( only 5 questions) as well.


(Please allow up to 25 minutes for this coaching session.)

Click here to join me.


Coach Stephanie here to share a great client coaching session with Body Knowledge System ® techniques and coaching.

Interested? Read on

Today, I want to share a client story with you. I believe this story will resonate with you. I’ll be sharing details on how you can get started with the very same way of expressing yourself in the world with a method that sustains you while learning and being coached.

Meet Alissandra and Jaz
Here is a Body Knowledge System ® technique to gain better Body Confidence for yourself:

So who is Jaz?

Jaz is Alissandra’s name for her body. It helps to acknowledge that she has a body. Her body has an identity. When Jaz has her own identity then communication becomes easier for the two of them to be in relationship with each other.

Here is Alissandra/Jaz’s situation at the moment:

Alissandra – like many people in our culture – has put her work first for many, many years.

“I am in my head 24/7,” she told me. “My body is just along for the ride…period.”

Alissandra had lost touch with her body, even though she named her body ‘Jaz.’. They were estranged. But with coaching, she was ready to stop ignoring her body(Jaz), and thankfully, they began to communicate with each other.

Working within a coaching session, Alissandra discovered something deeper than physical training. When she allowed her body to do the talking, her body told her, “I enjoy moving more versus you always being with your work. Can we compromise?”

From “Overwhelmed” To “Being in relationship with your Body”

Working within our coaching relationship not only helped Alissandra/Jaz increase her body awareness she then took this expanded understanding of herself into a new and different field of work.

She was able to flip the switch from “overwhelmed” to “in relationship with her body”. By accessing her body’s

Knowledge, the question, for example, “What should I eat?” becomes “What food inspires me and my body?”


What did we learn today?


Body Knowledge System® is much more than a program for taking care of your body through exercise and healthy eating habits. It delves deeper, extends your influence, and encompasses the totality of you.

On the surface, you may want to improve your diet and exercise habits. Or you may want richer relationships, more abundance and more meaningful work. Ultimately, Body Knowledge System® is about honoring what feels good for your whole body and your whole life.


Want more?

Now it is about YOU!

For a limited time I’m offering a special “Body Confident made Simple” Coaching Session

During this powerful, one-on-one coaching session, we’ll work together to…

=> Create a vision for building a relationship with your body that will allow you to eat well, find enjoyable ways to move your body and love the way you look.

=> Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your relationship with your body, leaving you feeling deflated and unhappy with yourself.

=> Leave this session renewed, inspired, and ready to finally learn to love your body and be the confident person you’ve always wanted to be

To join me in a “Body Confident made Simple ” coaching session today, simply click the contact link below and include your name, phone number and email address.

(Please allow up to 25 minutes for this coaching session.) Contact me today and put in the Comments Section: Want body confidence coaching session now.
To your freedom,
Coach Stephanie


It’s Coach Stephanie checking in:

Let me introduce you to 2 women briefly who are helping us all with our Body Confidence (one plays a character on TV and the other is changing the face of the fashion industry with her curvy body.

They are Actress Chrissy Metz who plays Kate Pearson on TV show ‘This is Us.’
The other woman who has helped me with my Body Confidence is Ashley Graham, a pioneer in the Fashion Industry for curvy women.


Who Is the character Kate Pearson?


Kate Pearson is played by Chrissy Metz. She’s a 37 year old woman who’s struggled with obesity most of her life.

Not Just a TV Show

Chrissy Metz doesn’t just play a curvy woman on This is Us. It’s part of her life outside the show, too.

Chrissy Metz And King Bach Visit Hollywood Today Live

In a recent interview, Metz said, “I love that they’re talking about my pregnancy. I love that it’s not like, ‘Oh, here’s a curvy girl just sitting in the corner, wishing her life would start.’

It’s true. What we’re actually seeing is that Kate is living a fuller, richer relationship with her body


Admiration with Ashley Graham


After 17 yrs. of being bullied because she grew up as a curvy woman, the fashion industry recognized her curvy body to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated.  She continues to be a model for curvy women. Her body confidence helps me with mine and I hope will help you with yours.

Sharing my Body Knowledge System ® teaches us that:

We are bodies, souls, hearts, minds, feelings and memories.

Chrissy and Ashley are practicing having a loving relationship with their bodies, talking with their bodies with loving kindness. I appreciate them both reminding all of us that practicing my Body Knowledge System® this way in their perspective Industries is an inspiration for all of us on a daily basis. We are real women with real bodies.

Here is a suggested first step:
Body Confidence Begins with Your Body!

If we communicate with her( your body) effectively, we understand the patience it takes to achieve those intentions. In many ways, it is our bodies who determine the success of those goals.

How do we have an intimate knowledge with our bodies? We need to know her wants, needs, desires, and most of all, her knowledge about achieving what’s best for both of us.


If Body Confidence is your objective, your first step should be learning about the Body Knowledge System® and applying it immediately. Schedule a free 40 minute conversation with me.

After developing the Body Knowledge System® to serve my coaching clients’ needs for a sustainable solution to their issues with their bodies, I realized that as soon as their intentions were clarified, they blossomed with renewed body confidence. Body issues dissipated which created a sense of accomplishment. All is good.

To your freedom,
Coach Stephanie


A + B = C

Attraction + Body Knowledge = Body Confidence!

That algebra equation is years behind all of us, but the validity of its results continues to be true today! As a Body Confidence Coach combining the principles of “Attraction” with the practice of my “Body Knowledge System®” the result has yielded Body Confidence, with a capital “C”!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Law of Attraction, and how I apply it in my Body Knowledge System® coaching practice, I have clarified these 2 methodologies below☺

The Law of Attraction is based upon contrasting your negative thinking into the energy of positive thinking. My Body Knowledge System® takes that one giant step farther with a practical way of including your body in this process.

1.  Identify what we want to attract into our lives: Body Confidence.

2.  Identify what we don’t want in our lives: Body Shame.

3.  Apply positive energy, as found in the Body Knowledge System® to achieve Body Confidence.


The Missing Piece in Law of Attraction is the Body Knowledge System®


My Body Knowledge System® enters the equation with intentional focused ACTION to achieve your goal with Practical components to help you feel that body confidence can be easily accessible all the time on your own terms.


Body Confidence Begins with Your Body!

In fact, to fully use the power available in the Law of Attraction, the first step is to communicate with your body to determine the intentions you both want to achieve. After all, she is your BFF, and she knows what’s best for both of you!

Once you agree that body confidence is a missing part in your life, and is therefore a reasonable and achievable intention; shame around your body dissolves immediately.


Enter the Body Knowledge System® and Instant Body Confidence!


At first, you may think that your body has little or nothing to do with the practice or performance of the Law of Attraction.

And where does your energy reside? In your body, of course!

All the cells, organs, synapses rely on energetic connections to perform the functions we need to live and grow in health. Within your body is the solution to creating the life you want as soon as you can harness all that energy and focus it in a positive direction.

Begin with your personal Body Knowledge to experience Body Confidence in a practical and sustainable process.

In a nutshell ( summation)

The Body Knowledge System® depends on pure positive energy from you and your body to get what you want.  The relationship you establish with your body determines the expression of all energy emitting into the universe.

The results from your Law of Attraction practice depend on the quality of the energy you are sending into the universe.  How can you expect results from a practice that totally relies on the positive energy you emit for it to work, when you ignore your body as the origin of all your energy?


Yes, we often take our bodies for granted when all parts are functioning normally. She gets us up in the morning, provides the energy to get us to work and play, and allows us to do the “heavy lifting” physically, mentally and emotionally in our daily lives.  And when we notice we’re tired from the daytime activities, she puts us to bed at night.

Let’s not overlook; she provides us the focus to practice the tools and techniques of Law of Attraction for the process to benefit us. Our bodies provide us the commitment to our intentions.

Body Confidence Begins with Your Body!

If we communicate with her effectively, we understand the patience it takes to achieve those intentions. In many ways, it is our bodies who determine the success of those goals.

How can we expect success in our practice of the Law of Attraction without an intimate knowledge of our bodies? We need to know her wants, needs, desires, and most of all, her knowledge about achieving what’s best for both of us.

It’s not as hard as it seems, in fact, it’s easy and should be the first step in anyone’s practice of the Law of Attraction to maximize, and yes, speed up the positive results of your process! If Body Confidence is your objective, your first step should be learning about the Body Knowledge System® and applying it immediately.

After developing the Body Knowledge System® to serve my coaching clients’ needs for a sustainable solution to their issues with their bodies, I realized that as soon as their intentions were clarified, they blossomed with renewed body confidence. Body issues dissipated which created a sense of accomplishment. All is good.

To your freedom,
Coach Stephanie



A simple formula that works for more than acquiring body confidence,

A + B = C.  Beyond the first simple equation we learned in Algebra 1, and thought we’d never use again, yet there’s a reason those letters linger in our consciousness into adulthood. Regardless of what each letter represents, the result of the formula is true. Simply combine A and B in order to get C.

In this case, if you combine the law of Attraction with the Body knowledge system, the result will always be body Confidence. As a lifestyle coach for over a decade I have taught my clients the Body Knowledge System® with influence of the Law of Attraction built into the process…because both practices use the power of positivity.

The message is as simple as ABC, when you apply positive thinking to the Body Knowledge System®, good things happen.

Find out how by contacting Coach Stephanie Wood for a conversation about your Body Confidence!


The Law of Attraction works well for those who understand it, and as a certified Law of Attraction Coach, I understand the Law of Attraction and want to share it with you.

The Law of Attraction is a method of getting us what we want, or something better. As explained in a popular video, “The Secret”, over a decade ago, the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. It’s basic karma: express positive feelings and receive positive results in return.

There are three basic principles:

  1. Identify what you want
  2. Eliminate what you don’t want
  3. Open yourself to receiving your desire or something better.

The problem with the basic formula is it overlooks a necessary element: action. For the Law of Attraction to be effective, the practitioner must take action. Without the energy action produces, there is no re-action (a primary law of thermodynamics). So without action, there is nothing for the Law of Attraction to use to return the desired results.

If you’re reading this, you are interested in acquiring Body Confidence for yourself. If you are already familiar with the Law of Attraction, yet it is not delivering the results you want or expect, I have the solution for you: the Body Knowledge System®.

Beyond vision boards, meditation, and daydreams the Body Knowledge System® is the action that energizes the Law of Attraction for your Body Confidence!


I have noticed that the average American woman is a size 16-18 and you may have experienced the media trying to convince you otherwise. If you look around at magazines and billboards, you’d assume the average woman in America is a size 2.

For decades women sizes 16 and up have been forced to shop different styles, in a different section of the store. Maybe you’ve felt that division. Whether you’ve been less than appreciative of being labeled as “plus size” or you’ve found yourself relieved that you didn’t have to shop the plus section, you’ve experienced an unhealthy divide based on your size as a woman.


Imagine With Me…


Can you imagine if, in the grocery store, certain foods were manufactured and sold for some customers, but not for others? That would be ridiculous! Thankfully, things are changing and clothing stores are beginning to agree.

For example, “It has just been reported that Kmart will label their signs saying plus size section to the “Fabulously Sized” section. Even better, they’re now offering their regular sized clothes in an extended range, to get rid of the separate sections all together.

Kelly Cook, Kmart’s chief marketing director told newscasters, “Fashion is ageless, shapeless and weightless. We want to be inclusive and empower women to find apparel that makes them look and feel good, and be whoever they want to be.”



An inside Tip


Isn’t it interesting to notice the impact that words have on how we feel about ourselves and our bodies?

Say out-loud ‘plus size’ or visualize the sign in a store and THEN say or visualize ‘fabulously sizes’.

A  big, big difference. Yes?

Words create thoughts which create beliefs that can empower you with better body confidence or bring into negative places.


By the way:


For more interesting conversations and tips to enhance your body confidence, check out some of my radio episodes. My partner in crime is Debi Talbert where we bring in my body Knowledge System ® principles sprinkled with Law of Attraction principles.

The conversations are short and sweet to get you into the habit of enjoying your body’s know-how.

You are probably ready to learn and discover more body confidence techniques.

Slowly, our world is becoming more accepting of real women and their various shapes and sizes. What about your world? Is your mind and heart a safe place for you? Learn to eliminate judgements, limitations and hurtful messages which could be are holding you back?

Bravo! To all of us taking the lead with this body confidence movement


Project Runway’s New Look: Real Bodies, Real Women, and Real Life


Hi, it’s Body Confidence Coach Stephanie here!

I’m in the business of helping women love their bodies. When Project Runway recently announced they’d have models size 0-22 walking their runway this season, I considered it a huge media win!

Finally, this popular show recognized that a runway full of impossibly thin models wasn’t healthy. As Heidi Klum said on this season’s first episode, a truly gifted designer must be able to dress women as they appear in the real world: a diverse range of shapes and sizes.


You as a Runway Model


Can you imagine what it would have been like to work as a runway model on previous seasons?

My guess is…you can.

Maybe your paycheck doesn’t depend on your pant size, but does your sense of self-worth? Your confidence level when you walk into a room and Your ability to feel worthy in relationships?


How I Can Help

If you identified with any of the above, The Body Knowledge System® is for you.

I use my Body Knowledge methodology to help you stop resisting you own Self Confidence and body worthiness.

One of my favorite sections of the Body Knowledge System® Playbook talks about your Body’s voice. As you have internalized the pressure to look a certain way, you’ve become estranged to your own body’s voice and begun to listen to the voice of the media, your peers and other outside pressures.

Maybe you’ve tried to improve your body image before, with little success. That’s because you haven’t truly joined forces with your body.


Try this Simple Practice


You might be able to say, “I am alive” while you’re sitting down, but when you say those same words as you move from sitting to standing, they feel more powerful, don’t they? That’s because you joined forces with your body!

The Body Knowledge System® will teach you to live your life with that same energy. You’ll no longer dictate over your body, you’ll learn to dance with her. This dance will allow you to pursue your life’s passions with joy.

What Are You Waiting For!?!

Project Runway has recognized that it’s time for models to listen to their own voices, not the voice of the industry.

Size 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 models will have the body confidence necessary to successfully model in front of a nationally televised audience.

Now, it’s your turn. Whatever size or shape you are, why not take advantage of my simple, sustainable tools and techniques.

Practicing the Body Knowledge System® will release your inner body confidence and rock your life like it’s your very own runway.

 Gift :FREE ebook now

Better yet, contact me- Coach Stephanie, to start your strut down the runway of your life!

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