
"You are allowed to disagree with your body."

[Body Confidence Insight] Business Decisions Better with Body Confidence

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“I have never felt body confidence.” is the most common answer to the first question with my body confidence check in questionnaire.


Time out! Engage for 2 minutes to take this questionnaire

Your results will take you on a new path and give you access to a uplifting body confidence coaching experience…on me  or just call me now at 1-866-76-COACH/leave your cell phone number and we will connect and make a date


Did you know that body confidence begins in our body, and we are all born with it, even men? Males’ body confidence lasts a lifetime. Not so for women, as we mature physically, we may lose our body confidence birthright.

Inside the Image
In the 21st Century we have the tools to level the body confidence playing field. It is no longer about image or appearance, it’s about our connection with the location of our body confidence: our body.Body Confidence never left our body. Our awareness of it has lessened to the point of invisibility, and if we want body confidence we need to get out of our heads and resume our relationship with our body.First

Identify the Feeling

The Body Knowledge System® is the efficient, effective way to re-connect with your body to answer the first question in the Body Confidence check in questionnaire with a specific age, date, or event. Once you identify the feeling of confidence located in your body with all of your other feelings, the next step becomes possible.

Next Experience the Feeling
There’s no need to “fake it until you make it” with your personalized body knowledge system as soon as you re-establish your relationship with your BFF, your body.

Time out! Engage for 2 minutes to take this questionnaire

Your results will take you on a new path and give you access to a uplifting body confidence coaching experience…on me  or just call me now at 1-866-76-COACH/leave your cell phone number and we will connect and make a date.

Let’s see what you have found out about yourself, then contact me (Stephanie) to get you where you want to be. Resume the Relationship with your body through your personal Body Knowledge System®.

To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

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