
"Allow your Body’s wisdom to take center stage in your dance of life."


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Body Conscious

The ghost is back in the closet where it belongs, and you breathe a sigh of relief that you have 364 days to plan for next year’s costume decision. A glance at the calendar indicates you have enough time to do what it takes to get into that skinny, sexy black dress for this year’s Christmas party, or maybe by next Halloween to go as Vampira rather than Casper.

Body Confidence

However, time is NOT the issue. Your body is the issue, and it’s time you became aware of your body, not as your enemy, but as your BFF.  In order to get some body confidence for yourself, you can learn to accept your body for her support, and then welcome the guidance she’s ready to supply for both of you.

Body Knowledge

The Body Knowledge System® is the access point to your body’s friendship. As soon as you learn the system, you realize the benefits this new relationship with your body bestows upon both of you.

Contact Coach Stephanie Wood to learn more about it.

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