
"Dance is the hidden language of the Soul."

[Body Confidence]Real women, real bodies are here to stay


It’s Coach Stephanie checking in:

Let me introduce you to 2 women briefly who are helping us all with our Body Confidence (one plays a character on TV and the other is changing the face of the fashion industry with her curvy body.

They are Actress Chrissy Metz who plays Kate Pearson on TV show ‘This is Us.’
The other woman who has helped me with my Body Confidence is Ashley Graham, a pioneer in the Fashion Industry for curvy women.


Who Is the character Kate Pearson?


Kate Pearson is played by Chrissy Metz. She’s a 37 year old woman who’s struggled with obesity most of her life.

Not Just a TV Show

Chrissy Metz doesn’t just play a curvy woman on This is Us. It’s part of her life outside the show, too.

Chrissy Metz And King Bach Visit Hollywood Today Live

In a recent interview, Metz said, “I love that they’re talking about my pregnancy. I love that it’s not like, ‘Oh, here’s a curvy girl just sitting in the corner, wishing her life would start.’

It’s true. What we’re actually seeing is that Kate is living a fuller, richer relationship with her body


Admiration with Ashley Graham


After 17 yrs. of being bullied because she grew up as a curvy woman, the fashion industry recognized her curvy body to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated.  She continues to be a model for curvy women. Her body confidence helps me with mine and I hope will help you with yours.

Sharing my Body Knowledge System ® teaches us that:

We are bodies, souls, hearts, minds, feelings and memories.

Chrissy and Ashley are practicing having a loving relationship with their bodies, talking with their bodies with loving kindness. I appreciate them both reminding all of us that practicing my Body Knowledge System® this way in their perspective Industries is an inspiration for all of us on a daily basis. We are real women with real bodies.

Here is a suggested first step:
Body Confidence Begins with Your Body!

If we communicate with her( your body) effectively, we understand the patience it takes to achieve those intentions. In many ways, it is our bodies who determine the success of those goals.

How do we have an intimate knowledge with our bodies? We need to know her wants, needs, desires, and most of all, her knowledge about achieving what’s best for both of us.


If Body Confidence is your objective, your first step should be learning about the Body Knowledge System® and applying it immediately. Schedule a free 40 minute conversation with me.

After developing the Body Knowledge System® to serve my coaching clients’ needs for a sustainable solution to their issues with their bodies, I realized that as soon as their intentions were clarified, they blossomed with renewed body confidence. Body issues dissipated which created a sense of accomplishment. All is good.

To your freedom,
Coach Stephanie

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