
"Your body only wants the best for both of you."

[Body Confidence]Enough with The “Plus Size”


I have noticed that the average American woman is a size 16-18 and you may have experienced the media trying to convince you otherwise. If you look around at magazines and billboards, you’d assume the average woman in America is a size 2.

For decades women sizes 16 and up have been forced to shop different styles, in a different section of the store. Maybe you’ve felt that division. Whether you’ve been less than appreciative of being labeled as “plus size” or you’ve found yourself relieved that you didn’t have to shop the plus section, you’ve experienced an unhealthy divide based on your size as a woman.


Imagine With Me…


Can you imagine if, in the grocery store, certain foods were manufactured and sold for some customers, but not for others? That would be ridiculous! Thankfully, things are changing and clothing stores are beginning to agree.

For example, “It has just been reported that Kmart will label their signs saying plus size section to the “Fabulously Sized” section. Even better, they’re now offering their regular sized clothes in an extended range, to get rid of the separate sections all together.

Kelly Cook, Kmart’s chief marketing director told newscasters, “Fashion is ageless, shapeless and weightless. We want to be inclusive and empower women to find apparel that makes them look and feel good, and be whoever they want to be.”



An inside Tip


Isn’t it interesting to notice the impact that words have on how we feel about ourselves and our bodies?

Say out-loud ‘plus size’ or visualize the sign in a store and THEN say or visualize ‘fabulously sizes’.

A  big, big difference. Yes?

Words create thoughts which create beliefs that can empower you with better body confidence or bring into negative places.


By the way:


For more interesting conversations and tips to enhance your body confidence, check out some of my radio episodes. My partner in crime is Debi Talbert where we bring in my body Knowledge System ® principles sprinkled with Law of Attraction principles.

The conversations are short and sweet to get you into the habit of enjoying your body’s know-how.

You are probably ready to learn and discover more body confidence techniques.

Slowly, our world is becoming more accepting of real women and their various shapes and sizes. What about your world? Is your mind and heart a safe place for you? Learn to eliminate judgements, limitations and hurtful messages which could be are holding you back?

Bravo! To all of us taking the lead with this body confidence movement


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