
"The magic of motion opens the way to share emotions between you & your body."

Body Confidence your way made easy


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Amy Schumer Gives US a Hit on the Head to Wake UP!

Sometimes we get great epiphanies how how to wake to the beauty within us. Today’s show is about waking up to the “I Feel So Pretty” scenario and keeping that positive spin going. Do we change our appearance to help us gain better Body Confidence on the inside OR do we reframe our thoughts on the inside to help us walk in the world on the outside. Listen in to hear what works!

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Using the Law of Attraction to get Body Confidence from the Inside Out!

Many of us use LOA’s powerful energy for what we desire in our lives. The implication is to attract things available in our environment, but not currently in our lives.The beauty of body confidence, the feeling of being comfortable with our appearance at any time under any circumstances, is we were born with that desirable quality.

Our challenge is to get it back and that’s where the Law of Attraction improves our lives.

At birth, our only fear was of falling, as we grew into adulthood, our personalities added other insecurities. As we matured, body confidence was socialized out of us by our parents, peers, and the media. For women, body image took center stage during our adolescence and continued affecting our overall confidence into adulthood.

In adulthood, every transition brought more body image issues.

There are three traditional LOA Steps to Creating Confidence:

  • Focus on the feeling in present time
  • Reframe negative emotions into positivity around this issue.
  • Allow Confidence to flow into you.

Those steps suggest Confidence lies outside of yourself, and it’s necessary to attract it to you. Practitioners of Law of Attraction will report mixed results with those steps, as well as other techniques traditionally used to draw non material things into their lives. Those unreliable results depend on the misconception that confidence is an external quality, one that is available somewhere “out there” and will be open to anyone who knows how to attract it.

And they are the same unenlightened people who attempt to acquire confidence with other external items: a fancy car, an attractive partner, a large house, lots of jewelry, and endless rounds of plastic surgery.

Those for whom,”More is never enough.”


Law of Attraction + Body Knowledge System= Body Confidence Made Simple.

Body Knowledge System practitioners understand the concept of “enough” and how it applies to every aspect of their lives. Ironically, those who also practice the Law of Attraction begin within their bodies to establish the trust between them for the Law of Attraction to be useful in all aspects of their lives.

The concept of “enough” when applied to confidence is particularly important when used to women in modern society. Assertiveness is often mistaken for arrogance and criticized harshly by those (men, mostly) we need to impress. And research indicates that women can react even more harshly to other women who possess the confidence they lack.

Overconfidence is a negative assessment whenever a project fails regardless of the gender of the person in charge. Overconfidence is forgivable in men, not so much when the failure belongs to women. The beauty of body knowledge is the degree of confidence expressed by either gender is always appropriate to the project.

Bring Back Your Birthright: How to Attract Body Confidence

As soon as you befriend your body through your unique body knowledge system, your body will share all the information you need to apply the law of attraction to bringing back your birthright: Body Confidence.

The only significant difference between the traditional application of the Law of Attraction is the replacement of Step Two with a body knowledge concept that you can use whenever you apply the Law of Attraction to any goal or acquisition you desire.

Here are more Body Knowledge System Steps to Apply to LOA for Creating Confidence.

Focus on the positive feeling: Where do you “feel”? Not in your head—no, you feel in your body.

When you’re experiencing confidence, you feel good, sometimes great. You straighten your spine to stand taller, your shoulders square, perhaps you widen your stance to command more space. Just like in the wild, you enlarge your impact on your environment to express your dominance. Think Wonder Woman stance!

Beyond the external expression of confidence, like other feelings, you experience them in your body. When in love, your “heart” soars, sings, and burns with passion. When afraid, your stomach tightens, your bowels loosen, and your brain may freeze. All that energy, positive or negative, begins in your body.

So does the Law of Attraction, as its power depends on the quality of the energy you express.



Let’s get your body involved, find your unique rhythm and get you dancing!


To eliminate the intrusion of negative feelings,thoughts, move your body. If you’re still “in your head” when practicing LOA, those downers are hard to get rid of for any length of time. And when they return, they can cancel out all the good energy your desire to reawaken the confidence available at your birth. Begin with your fingers, hands, arms, shoulders, and head, then turn to your toes, feet, legs and torso. If that distraction isn’t enough to return your focus, stand up and dance your dance. (See Body Knowledge System for more information)

Allow body confidence to reawaken the confidence you were born with: your birthright. Those who practice their body knowledge system rarely have issues with confidence in any situation. They have crossed that bridge in their maturing process and are prepared to self-actualize themselves using the Law of Attraction. Because they know they can rely on their body’s wisdom, support, and knowledge to always make the appropriate choices for both of them, they approach all of life’s challenges with the confidence available to them at birth.

Body Confidence Made Simple!

Feel your Body Confidence with every step and see how fast your life changes! Remember, Body knowledge is accomplished through renewed communication with your body. When that relationship is re-established, body confidence follows. Add the Law of Attraction and make all those dreams come true!?


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Listen to Coach Stephanie and Shelagh Jones on their delightful show:

Body-Confidence LOA Style.

To Listen, go to


To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

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