
"Your body is not the enemy."

[Body Confidence] Your Intention matters

Young beautiful woman jumping with a scarf

A Body Confidence Coaching session with my Client Dee. Enjoy observing her challenges and her success.


A big part of the Body Knowledge System® is setting healthy intentions for your body or any part of your life. An intention is a sentence or two that affirms the kind of relationship you want to have with yourself and your body.

But setting an intention with words is only half the challenge.

By themselves, words have limited power. Take it from my client, Dee. The first time Dee read her intentions to me, she used language like, “I want to learn to be in tune with my body.’’


Can You Relate?

Can you relate to having this kind of relationship with your body? When you think about where you want to be, does it feel like you are involving your body in the process, or like you are telling a stranger what you would like them to do?

Within the Body Knowledge System® we added movement to her intention.

When Dee began to move with her body as she stated her intention, her words changed to, “I am in tune with my body.” The others in the group said they could hear the strength in her voice that she sounded like she was flying.

Dee was grateful for the feedback. Once she moved her body with her intention, she realized it had been there for her all along. Dee was able to move forward into a healthy relationship with her body’s wisdom, rather than continuing to feel estranged from her body.

Something Wonderful Happens

I’ve found that something wonderful happens when you fuse intention with movement. People become much clearer about what they want, and believe more strongly that it is possible.

Dee began to understand to move ( literally create movement with her intention, her words).

If Dee had continued to try and connect with her body without adding movement to her intention, she would have remained estranged from herself.

Your body is here for you, she is just waiting for you to invite it into your process of pursuing health.


Let’s get your body involved, find your unique rhythm and get you dancing!


Body Knowledge System® is much more than a program for taking care of your body through exercise and healthy eating habits. It delves deeper, extends your influence, and encompasses the totality of you in all areas of your life inclusive of your environments, health, work, events, relationships.

Let’s Get Started!

For a limited time I’m offering a special “Body Confident made Simple” Coaching Session

During this powerful, one-on-one coaching session, we’ll work together to…

=> Create a vision for building a relationship with your body that will allow you to eat well, find enjoyable ways to move your body and love the way you look.

=> Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your relationship with your body, leaving you feeling deflated and unhappy with yourself.

=> Leave this session renewed, inspired, and ready to finally learn to love your body and be the confident person you’ve always wanted to be


To join me in a “Body Confident made Simple” coaching session today, click here to contact me and take the Body confidence check in ( only 5 questions) as well.


(Please allow up to 25 minutes for this coaching session.)

Click here to join me.

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