
"Did you bring your body with you?"

[Body Confidence with Stephanie] Your body Confidence is important

How Body Confidence cures the Law of Distraction

Did you know that Distraction is the enemy of the Law Attraction?  Did you know Body Confidence from your personal body knowledge system cures the distraction that interferes with your successful practice of the law of attraction which gets in the way of what you want in life?


Every moment you spend energy on a distraction you are not approaching your vision for the future. Body Confidence from your body knowledge returns your attention to where it belongs: raising your vibration to attract all the good things life has to offer you and others who:


TIP: from Distraction to Attraction!

Want more insight in how to elevate your body confidence?

I invite you to answer these 5 questions (takes about 10 seconds)


Body Confidence is a “now” experience. We’ve made the point that we were all born with body confidence. Look at any baby who has a direct relationship with what he wants and getting it from his caretakers, often instantly! Now that’s the law of attraction in action.

All babies have body confidence and are therefore able to attract what they need without pausing to consider whether they deserve it, earned it, or are worthy of meeting their needs in a timely fashion.

As we mature, our natural body confidence fades under pressures from our environment and significant others. It’s still there but is buried beneath the often-negative energy our minds lay on our physical self. Judgments, criticism, despair are just three examples of the mind tricks played on our bodies to distract us from our worthwhile objectives.


TIP: Knowledge is Positive Power!

Want more insight in how to elevate your body confidence?

I invite you to answer these 5 questions (takes about 10 seconds)


Body Knowledge is positive power in action.

Moment to moment body knowledge allows us the confidence to focus on what we want and apply our positive energy to acquiring it. Your personal Body Knowledge System is one way of acquiring the intimate relationship with your body required to accelerate the Law of Attraction.

When your body becomes your BFF, every step of the Law of Attraction process eases you into getting what you want—sooner rather than later. Your personal body knowledge system allows you to befriend your body, to acknowledge your worthiness, and recover the body confidence that’s been hiding in the background since your infancy.

With Body Confidence you can:

  1. Own your objective. Claim your vision for the future as a real, positive possibility for your life. Why? Because you deserve it!
  2. Clarify your objective by dismissing the other options. Your body confidence confirms your choices as appropriate and achievable.
  3. That same body confidence propels you into the action required to achieve your goals or allow something better into your life.

When you practice your personal body knowledge you use your physical self to discipline your mental self to increase focus, remain in the present and raise your vibration and attract your vision. Your body knowledge is the confidence in the outcome, that you know (not expect!) will happen.

Knowing is in the present, not the future or the past.
Knowing is Body Confidence,
Body Confidence is knowing.


Body Confidence is the Law of Attraction in Action!

Want more insight in how to elevate your body confidence?

I invite you to answer these 5 questions (takes about 10 seconds)


Distraction is the enemy of Attraction.

Distractions pull you toward the future or anchor you in the past. For the Law of Attraction to be truly effective it must occur in real time, in the now! Body Confidence is always in the present. Applying your body knowledge to banish the distractions that weaken the power of the Law of Attraction process benefits you in so many ways beyond getting what you want in life.

It benefits all of us as we raise our vibration, others raise theirs, too and we are all better off when we get what we want. We live in an age of plenty. If we get what we want, it doesn’t mean depriving anyone else of anything.

There is always enough.

Coach Stephanie

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