How do you show up in your life?
Let me explain what I mean.
Have you seen the newest Weight Watchers commercial?
In it, Oprah interviews a woman who has recently lost weight using the Weight Watchers program. Now that the woman has finally achieved thinness, Oprah asks, “How do you show up in your life?”
To be honest, I don’t even remember the woman’s answer, because I got so caught up in the question.
Why do we wait to ask someone how they show up in their life now that the weight is gone? And what happens if she stops Weight Watchers and gains the weight back? Is she suddenly no longer allowed to show up the way she had been before?
The question “How do you show up in your life?” should not be attached to weight, it should he attached to our relationship with our bodies.
When we aren’t allowed to show up until we’re a certain weight, life becomes all about our size. When we recognize that we show up better when we treat our bodies with love, respect, and kindness, we set ourselves up for inner growth and outer health.
Want to practice how to use Body Knowledge with my system that gets you into a relationship with your body wherever she is at-together.
Gift: Know your Body Knowledge System® Essence of practicing a close relationship between you and your body by downloading this part of my playbook to get you practicing. Pages 71 to end of 74 please
When you have Body Knowledge you practice honoring your body where she is now and what you want for each other in the long run.
I encourage you to join me on this journey of practicing Body confidence and use this one tool now and see what happens
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