
"Your body only wants the best for both of you."

[Body Confidence News] Learn how to eat ‘your way’

Knowing your Body Knowledge Style ® makes eating choices simple

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My client Betsy said, when starting the Weight Watchers Program:

“Who has time for points; detailed record keeping and daily at home weigh-ins?”

When Betsy called me for coaching with how to eat with her body so both of them were happier, she felt ashamed of herself for flunking out of Weight Watchers without meeting her goals.

As her coach, here is the new learning Betsy will benefit from:

“My clients who fall into the Analytical Style have success with the Weight Watcher’s attention to detail,” I replied. “However, the majority of us need to know our individual style in order to determine what will work for us.”

As your Coach, I want you to be aware of as many tools and techniques to have the body confidence you deserve to move into this world with grace and finesse.

Body Confidence Eating Style Questionnaire

I know you will be open: here is the next step:

Did you know that the Body Knowledge System ® can create an environment for you around how you eat in a sustainable way?

Learn how you can navigate Weight Watchers Program (or any other ‘lose quick’ weight program)  With our Body Knowledge System® Style Orientation to make better eating choices.

Our System acknowledges what our body needs and wants versus what a program pushes us to adhere to;


My inspiration to you is to acknowledge your style

Body Confidence Eating Style Questionnaire

(it takes 10 seconds or less)


In doing so, any Nutrition Program you decide to participate in will give you the empowerment to do it YOUR WAY knowing your Personal Body Knowledge System® Style.

Ready to play? Click here

Coach Stephanie

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