
"Speak up for your body!"

Body Confidence Motivation: Carrot or Stick?


What motivates you to action?

A reward, the carrot, or the threat of punishment, the stick?

Reward theory involves the promise of something pleasant when you reach your goal. Experts tell us the reward must be as soon as or shortly after the goal is reached to be effective. That works for some of us in some situations, but not all situations.

Or it doesn’t work at all.

  • Diets
  • Exercise programs
  • On the daily work experience
  • Social engagements
  • Sleep habits

For some of us, it’s the fear generated by the threat of punishment for failure to achieve the goal that motivates us to action.

Take a moment to consider the categories above and identify if you are a carrot or a stick motivatee.

In the Body Knowledge System® there is no place for negativity, regardless of what motivates the individuals who practice it. Body Confidence can not exist with fear, and your Body Knowledge System® banishes your fear.

Because you involve your BFF in pursuing your goals the experience is always positive, supportive, and reinforces your progress through your customized practice.

And the best news is every day you practice your Body Knowledge System® there is always an immediate reward in the gratification you share with your BFF. You both feel good, and often great!

Now, that’s Body Confidence!

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