
"Your body is not the enemy."

Body Confidence Made Simple

Businesswoman with Arms Outstretched

Our mission is to give women of any age the perspective through my Body Knowledge System® to gain their body confidence in order to showcase their talents to the world.

START! Listening to Your Body! (how do I do that? See below)

STOP! Listening to other people tell you how you should look, how you should live, how you should be in YOUR life!

Are you curious as to how you can nurture body confidence from the inside out?

Take the Body Confidence Check-in Quiz

(Also receive my new ebook edition of “Client Stories” using the Body Knowledge System®)

Take a moment to listen to Susan’s journey:


Susan’s plea is she wished others would simply stop judging her body and start accepting herself as the smart, educated, kind woman she is. Too bad she hasn’t accepted herself, her body, as the intelligent, wise, friend we all need to support us as we go through life.

Susan has been brainwashed to believe it’s all about the numbers: on her scale, on her clothing, on her tracker. What she really seeks is the “feeling” associated with self-esteem: confidence, body confidence.

And as any practitioner of the Body Knowledge System® can tell you, that feeling is located where all feelings are, in your body.


Step One: Make friends with your body.

Actually, step one is for Susan to acknowledge and accept the body she has as her support system, the most intimate part of her being (like you would do with a REAL friend). So, it’s counter-productive for her to resent her body, to depend on changing her body in order to feel better about her self—because her body is the vital part of herself, and progress can happen when she approaches her body with positive feelings.

That is the essence of befriending your body: envelop her in warmth, smile with affection when acknowledging her, and accept her unconditionally as you would anyone else you choose to befriend.

Susan’s Progress:

Applying the Body Knowledge System® through positive coaching sessions creates critical changes in Susan, beyond weight loss to true Body Confidence!

Susan’s Perfection: The outcome for Susan to enjoy the benefits of Body Confidence from the inside out!

Is it ok to allow others to dictate how you should look?

Then that influences you and makes you doubt your shape as insignificant.

Is that worth it?

Are you curious as to how you can nurture body confidence from the inside out?
Take the Body Confidence Check-in Quiz

(Also receive my new ebook edition of “Client Stories” using the Body Knowledge System®)


To your freedom,
Coach Stephanie

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