
"You are allowed to disagree with your body."

[Body Confidence] Just ask your body


Last year

– You’ve listed your wants

– You’ve created your vision boards

– You’ve sent out positive energy daily

And, you are certain you are “allowing” it, or something better to enter your life…yet, 2017 has come and gone, and…has it happened yet.

Why not?

Ask your body, he/she has the answer.

It’s time for you to identify the hidden negativity behind your desires in order to access the power behind your positive energy to make it work for you.

– What happens if it works for you…?

– What happens if it doesn’t work for you?

– How will you feel in either case?

It’s not about fear of failure, it’s about fear of success!


Body Confidence, Your First Step!


Practitioners of the LOA know it works, they are confident it will work, and perhaps that’s why it works so well for them.There are only two basic feelings: fear and love. Fear refers to False Evidence Appearing Real and since they aren’t, sometimes negative energy surrounds them. Love is real, love is now, and love is always positive.

So, when the Law of Attraction skips a beat, the reason lies in personal fear, never love. When what you desire involves your body, your Best Friend Forever (BFF), it’s always about love.

Invitation to take short body confidence check in so you see where you are


Fear cannot exist with the presence of Body Confidence.


And returning to the intimate relationship with your body, through the Body Knowledge System®, brings back the body confidence you were born with, your birthright!

Psychologists know we are unable to hold two conflicting thoughts/feelings at the same time. So, the key to getting the most out of your practice of the Law of Attraction is to renew your relationship with your BFF, your body, through increased body knowledge.

Invitation to take short body confidence check in so you can see where you stand


“I lost the weight, but I still see FAT in the mirror!”



One of our regular listeners, and my coaching client, contacted me last week to check in after the holidays.

I sensed a hesitation in her voice, and asked, “So what’s wrong? Have you stopped your body knowledge practice, now that you’ve reached your goal?”

“No!” she exclaimed, “My body is my BFF, and we have our conversations daily.”


“My party dressed fit perfectly, in fact, it still fits and the weight I lost is still gone, and my body and I, uh, we feel great!  But…”

“But what? Is it the old saying, ‘be careful what you wish for’?”

“Sort of.” She laughs without humor. “Thanks to you and the Law of Attraction, I am attractive now! People paid me compliments, men were interested in talking to me at all of the events professional and personal, and, in fact, I had the best week of my life over the holidays!”

Now the laugh was genuine, so I joined her.

This wasn’t the first time one of my clients received evidence that the outcome was exactly what they wanted, and this wasn’t the first time I’d heard this reaction, shock, humor in the disbelief when the evidence was right there in front of them.

“Why do I still see fat in my mirror?”

Seeing fat in the mirror when she had clearly accomplished her goal was a product of her fear of leaving her comfort zone, “fat”, in the first place. Although the actual results were all positive, the negative energy originating in her fear of not being able to lose the weight, the previous failures of her attempts to get back to her “fighting” weight, or the fear of perhaps losing friends or family if she did, continued to haunt her.

“Skip the mirror for a few days. Instead use the time to practice your dance, and dance your practice, in other words focus on your relationship with your body with only positive energy. Then look at yourself and your BFF in the mirror, and remember to smile when you do!”

The subject of fear of failure when practicing the Law of Attraction was the subject of our next radio show.  After it aired, she called me to thank me again, my suggestions worked!

This New Year make your resolution to open yourself to the Law of Attraction. With body confidence, there is no longer anything to fear.

What do you have to lose?

Body Confidence LOA style at the LOA Radio network

Coach Stephanie, “Body knowledge is accomplished through renewed communication with your body. When that relationship is re-established, body confidence follows. Add the Law of Attraction and make all those dreams come true!”

To your freedom,
Coach Stephanie

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