
"You are allowed to disagree with your body."

[Body Confidence Insights]Your body and the mirror


‘Life’s Toughest Relationship’ is with yourself. Your inner critic undermines every thought, action, choice you make, and her solution is to love yourself.

So How do you do this?


Debra’s Dilemma

My client Debra called with a simple ask, “All the media advice givers tell us to ‘love yourself’, but they don’t tell us how!

I asked her to walk the phone over to a mirror, preferably a full-length mirror, and tell me what she saw.“YUCK!” she exclaimed. “Please don’t ask me to do that ever again!”

Her loud denial of appreciation for her own image, her body’s reflection told me all I needed to know.

I asked her, how would you love yourself and your body without the mirror?


I encourage you to answer this for Yourself AND
I offer you to experience the body confidence questionnaire



Personal and lifestyle coaching practices are full of clients who are not willing or able to give themselves the gift of love they provide others in their lives.


The Body Knowledge System® addresses ‘Life’s Toughest Relationship’ in the most direct way.

Begin with the body…

My body knowledge system begins with our original relationship: the one we have with our bodies. Step one is always acceptance, leading to respect, and finally affection. The affection we feel for our BFF, our Best Friend Forever because that’s exactly who she is!

End with Confidence, Body Confidence.



I offer you to experience the body confidence questionnaire



Empowerment means accepting responsibility for your choices, communications and actions. With your BFF by your side, your body knowledge system practice as the only resource you need, you are free to share your special self with the rest of the world.


Debra’s Delight…

So, we began with her body, her BFF. She needed to reframe her resentment to her physical self into the appreciation her body deserves. Using her custom body knowledge system practice, her paradigm shifted beyond appreciation into adoration for the body that had attracted her husband of 25 years, produced three healthy children, gave her a five handicap on the golf course, and the energy to create, manage, and succeed in her new real estate business.


I love happy endings, don’t you?

Coach Stephanie

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