
"The magic of motion opens the way to share emotions between you & your body."

[Body Confidence Insight] Learn the game of Body Confidence


Courtly Confidence

‘A famous Tennis Player can give you insights inside of your own body confidence’ Body Knowledge System® with Coach Stephanie Wood, PCC

Body Confidence Boost
Before reading take 10 seconds to inform yourself of your own personal body confidence confidence
and then resume reading

One of my recent clients, a professional athlete on the verge of the biggest competition in her life to date, called to thank me for getting her there. She gave credit to me, but it belonged to her renewed relationship with her body. Throughout her coaching sessions she applied the body knowledge she acquired to her performance on the tennis court.Successful physical competition depends on the conditioning we provide our instrument, our bodies. To raise the effort into eligibility for the winner’s circle takes confidence in our bodies to achieve the win. To obtain that body confidence requires the practice of your personal body knowledge system.

Get Your “A” Game On!
Your body knowledge system establishes the direct lines of communication between you and your body to take your talents from the practice courts onto center court in whatever arena you choose to compete! Whether launching your new business, trying for a promotion, or looking for love in all the right places, body confidence contributes to your “A” game.

Magnetize Your Positivity with Body Confidence
Magnetism, the force behind all attraction, draws similar or improved outcomes into the individual’s reality. Those of us who express body confidence can’t avoid attracting like-minded individuals into their sphere of influence. Those associates’ positivity contributes to the higher vibration already present in the individual with body confidence.
As soon as your relationship with your body returns to the loving, trusting, supportive relationship you were born with, the positive energy ignites to attract the success you seek—personal, professional, on or off the court.

Game, Set, Match!
Over our bi-weekly sessions, my client referenced her upcoming tournaments and what specific issues concerned her about her body’s response to her training regimen and mental preparation for each potential opponent.

Time to take 10 seconds to see how your personal Body confidence is doing

Committed athletes accept the mind-body totality to bring their best performance to the court, field, pool. Unfortunately, many of them see the axis as two individuals: mind, body. The Body Knowledge System dissolves the separation and unites the elements to create superior performances wherever they occur.
Entrepreneurs (committed athletes) face the same challenges when launching and succeeding in business…even though the opponent is rarely across a net, a field, or a lane. For most entrepreneurs their opponent is themselves:

  • Inertia
  • Procrastination
  • Fear of Failure

All of these “opponents” live in their own minds! The way to defeat them is through BODY confidence, and the way to get body confidence is through your body knowledge system!

Go ahead and answer my body confidence questions; just 10 seconds


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