
"Allow your Body’s wisdom to take center stage in your dance of life."

[Body Confidence Insight] Curvy mannequins are being created and seen

We are athletes, too …


Successful athletic performance has always been a confidence builder for women regardless of the fame, income, or respect gained after winning an event. Whether in the professional arena, or simply for the pleasure of knowing your actions led to a win at school, on the court, or on the golf course where you are only competing against yourself—each success builds our confidence quotient.

Some sports require a specific height, weight, or shape to enhance the competitor’s chances for a win. Until recently, clothing manufacturers catered only to male athletes in design and function. Athletic women were on their own to find functioning clothing for their events.

My client Patty was a championship swimmer during her college days.  Her specialties were the butterfly then and she continues to compete in long distance events. The English Channel was prominent on her bucket list.

Although we’ve never met, I understood she was physically qualified for these competitions, and referred to her athletic body during our regular coaching sessions over the years.

“It was pure joy I heard over the phone when she announced Nike’s new Plus Size line of sports clothing for women who enjoyed athletics whether in competition of not AND have the curvy mannequins online and in stores to showcase this type of beauty.”

“At last, I don’t have to ignore those size 0 mannequins when searching for sports clothing to wear when I’m working out or practicing—now there’s a model who represents my body in a bathing suit, sweats, spandex…”Patty giggled. “What a time saver! And it feels so good to find us represented’



blk mamequin

Sarah Hannan, Nike’s General Manager, stated in a recent USA Today article, “With the incredible momentum in women’s sports…athletes have a desire to get the best fit and function in their apparel and they want to feel good!

Client Patty exclaimed ‘A curvy mannequin empowers me to honor my body as she really is! Thanks brand Nike for taking the lead with this evolution.’

Coach Stephanie’s message:

There’s no doubt competition creates confidence, and athletic confidence depends on body confidence. However, body confidence is no longer restricted to male athletes and is available to all women with a thorough knowledge of their bodies.


The best way to achieve that body wisdom is through your custom Body Knowledge System®. When you practice your Body Knowledge System®, body confidence is more than a by-product: Body Confidence Becomes a Way of Life!

To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

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