
"Allow your Body’s wisdom to take center stage in your dance of life."

[Body Confidence Insight] Body Shaming? Strategies to combat

Body Positivity Messages with Body Shaming Messages
What’s a girl to do?
By Coach Stephanie Wood, PCC


Lisa my new client asked, ‘What should be my correct weight and body shape be?  I get mixed messages from my Family and the Media.’

If I look or weigh one way, I receive body shaming or on the other hand I receive Body Positives.

What’s a girl to follow?

Coaching from Stephanie
“Have you asked your body?”

“What do you mean?”

A perfect opening to a discussion of our Body Knowledge System ®. I explained the ideal intimate friendship between a person and their body. When you end the estrangement with your body, you welcome a new best friend forever into your life. Your body supports you in many ways beyond the physical. Providing emotional, psychological, and spiritual support, your body supplies reliable advice, guidance, and, most of all, love for the whole of you. (I coached Lisa with the Body Knowledge System® conversation so she experienced friendship with her body immediately).
Stephanie’s coaching challenge to Lisa to move forward
I challenged Lisa to create a phrase that will have her happy with her body image, her weight, her health and her spirit without media judgement.

Lisa’s phrase (and she can change it) ‘I love what my body can do every moment.’

Coaching Final Message
Two important Body Knowledge System® principles apply:

#1 Your body helps you reframe your life from the negative to the positive. Even when your mind is pulling you down with critical self-talk.
#2 When practicing your custom Body Knowledge System® your body supports you returning to the healthy weight for both of you.

The body positivity movement is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing since it alleviates much of the pain from harsh, and often untrue, criticism from outside and sometimes from inside sources. A curse because obesity is a national epidemic and can kill you.My clients learn to listen to their bodies’ wisdom to achieve their mutual goals. Practicing their Body Knowledge System® tunes into the messages sent by their body. The Body Knowledge System® works because it begins within your body to inspire your practice.

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The Body Knowledge System® sustains you because you and your body developed your practice to address your specific wants, needs, and motivations. This new relationship with your body renews your faith in yourself and promotes your Body Confidence.Body Confidence expands as you progress on your journey to healthy fitness. When you establish the warm relationship with your body you were born with, it becomes a habit to share with each other when you make a choice, act on a decision, or plan for your future.

To your freedom,
Coach Stephanie

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