
"Your body speaks up for you when you do not speak up for yourself."

[Body confidence challenge resolved] ’I don’t like the gym!’

’I don’t like the gym!’


Hi! Coach Stephanie here to share with you something that will give you better insight into your personal Body Confidence.

Want to get to know yourself better?

Two (2) choices:

Engage in Body confidence check in questionnaire(5  questions)

and follow up with me in a 25 minute coaching session

Read on to experience a client’s progress

P.S. This is about gaining Better Body Confidence using my Body Knowledge System ®.

You will learn the powerful technique of naming your body. Yes, She/he has an identity. As with any relationship, when you know who you are talking to, you gain better communication. With better communication you create a better relationship.  The result is Better Body Confidence.


Isn’t this what we want, to move our talents into the world?

Let’s get started with a client story.

Today, I want to share another powerful client story with you. My guess is that you’ll be able to relate to this client’s challenges. I’m going to share her story with you, and then I’ll walk you through how you can get started on the same path.

Meet Marilyn and the name she has given her body is Lightness:
Naming your Body jump starts with having a better relationship with your body to make better decisions in all areas of her life.

So, who is Lightness?

Here is a Body Knowledge System ® technique to gain better Body Confidence for you and your body.

Lightness is the name Marilyn gave her body. Our bodies have their own identities, needs, and wisdom. When Marilyn named her body, it helped her remember to be in tune with Lightness. Marilyn learned to communicate with Lightness and was able to form a healthy relationship with her body as a result.

Marilyn’s/Lightness’s situation when I met them:
Marilyn – like many women who desire to work out – had tried for years to stick with a workout regimen she didn’t enjoy. Inevitably, she would fail to keep up her workout routine and then she would feel guilty.

Marilyn wasn’t in touch with her body. She was trying to take care of herself by working out, but she realized that she was skipping her trips to the gym far more than she was going!

But with coaching, Marilyn discovered her body’s style. Lightness was a spontaneous exerciser…she didn’t like the gym!  Marilyn let go of the belief that working out had to take place in the gym and she began to let Lightness decide how she would move each day. Some days they garden, other days they dance, and other days they play soccer with a group of friends.


From “Frustrated with Routine” To “Moving in relationship with your Body”


After working within our coaching relationship, Marilyn said,”Wow! This new way of living is wonderful. Natural, easy to do, and life-affirming…and what fun!” Marilyn exuded excitement, enthusiasm, and warmth when talking to me about her new point of view.

Exercise and wellness

By accessing her Body’s Knowledge, the question, for example, “What workout should I do?” becomes “What type of movement does my body feel inspired to do today?”

What did we learn today?

Did you know that Body Knowledge System® is much more than a program for taking care of your body through exercise and healthy eating habits. It delves deeper, extends your influence, and encompasses the totality of you.

On the surface, you may want to improve your diet and exercise habits. Or you may want richer relationships, more abundance and more meaningful work. Ultimately, Body Knowledge System® is about honoring what feels good for your whole body and your whole life.

Want more?

Now it is about YOU!

For a limited time I’m offering a special “Body Confident made Simple” Coaching Session

During this powerful, one-on-one coaching session, we’ll work together to…

=> Create a vision for building a relationship with your body that will allow you to eat well, find enjoyable ways to move your body and love the way you look.

=> Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your relationship with your body, leaving you feeling deflated and unhappy with yourself.

=> Leave this session renewed, inspired, and ready to finally learn to love your body and be the confident person you’ve always wanted to be.


Here is what we do first together

Body Confidence Check In


To join me in a “Body Confident made Simple ” coaching session today,


(Please allow up to 25 minutes for this coaching session.)
To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

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