
"Allow your Body’s wisdom to take center stage in your dance of life."

[Body confidence challenge resolved] ’I am in my head 24/7’


Coach Stephanie here to share a great client coaching session with Body Knowledge System ® techniques and coaching.

Interested? Read on

Today, I want to share a client story with you. I believe this story will resonate with you. I’ll be sharing details on how you can get started with the very same way of expressing yourself in the world with a method that sustains you while learning and being coached.

Meet Alissandra and Jaz
Here is a Body Knowledge System ® technique to gain better Body Confidence for yourself:

So who is Jaz?

Jaz is Alissandra’s name for her body. It helps to acknowledge that she has a body. Her body has an identity. When Jaz has her own identity then communication becomes easier for the two of them to be in relationship with each other.

Here is Alissandra/Jaz’s situation at the moment:

Alissandra – like many people in our culture – has put her work first for many, many years.

“I am in my head 24/7,” she told me. “My body is just along for the ride…period.”

Alissandra had lost touch with her body, even though she named her body ‘Jaz.’. They were estranged. But with coaching, she was ready to stop ignoring her body(Jaz), and thankfully, they began to communicate with each other.

Working within a coaching session, Alissandra discovered something deeper than physical training. When she allowed her body to do the talking, her body told her, “I enjoy moving more versus you always being with your work. Can we compromise?”

From “Overwhelmed” To “Being in relationship with your Body”

Working within our coaching relationship not only helped Alissandra/Jaz increase her body awareness she then took this expanded understanding of herself into a new and different field of work.

She was able to flip the switch from “overwhelmed” to “in relationship with her body”. By accessing her body’s

Knowledge, the question, for example, “What should I eat?” becomes “What food inspires me and my body?”


What did we learn today?


Body Knowledge System® is much more than a program for taking care of your body through exercise and healthy eating habits. It delves deeper, extends your influence, and encompasses the totality of you.

On the surface, you may want to improve your diet and exercise habits. Or you may want richer relationships, more abundance and more meaningful work. Ultimately, Body Knowledge System® is about honoring what feels good for your whole body and your whole life.


Want more?

Now it is about YOU!

For a limited time I’m offering a special “Body Confident made Simple” Coaching Session

During this powerful, one-on-one coaching session, we’ll work together to…

=> Create a vision for building a relationship with your body that will allow you to eat well, find enjoyable ways to move your body and love the way you look.

=> Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your relationship with your body, leaving you feeling deflated and unhappy with yourself.

=> Leave this session renewed, inspired, and ready to finally learn to love your body and be the confident person you’ve always wanted to be

To join me in a “Body Confident made Simple ” coaching session today, simply click the contact link below and include your name, phone number and email address.

(Please allow up to 25 minutes for this coaching session.) Contact me today and put in the Comments Section: Want body confidence coaching session now.
To your freedom,
Coach Stephanie

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