
"Speak up for your body!"

Body Confidence Began at Birth?

pictures of baby smile

Of Course it does…

Look at any baby who’s been fed, watered, changed and put down in a comfy, warm container for a nap. Sometimes there’s a smile, but always that is a face of contentment.

After the initial parting scream when the baby emerged from mother’s womb to indicate his or her body’s discomfort, the baby’s body communicates his or her needs, wants, desires. The body’s cries are intended to get the caretaker’s attention to fix the body’s discomfort. When satisfaction is achieved, the cries cease.

Hence, the innate body confidence at birth.

For most of us, when our body communicated, our caretakers responded.

That connection fostered the body confidence in the future, until the estrangement began when we became outer-directed rather than inner directed.

But it’s never too late to return to our source: our body!

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