
"Your body only wants the best for both of you."

[Body Confidence] A Big Win

Project Runway’s New Look: Real Bodies, Real Women, and Real Life


Hi, it’s Body Confidence Coach Stephanie here!

I’m in the business of helping women love their bodies. When Project Runway recently announced they’d have models size 0-22 walking their runway this season, I considered it a huge media win!

Finally, this popular show recognized that a runway full of impossibly thin models wasn’t healthy. As Heidi Klum said on this season’s first episode, a truly gifted designer must be able to dress women as they appear in the real world: a diverse range of shapes and sizes.


You as a Runway Model


Can you imagine what it would have been like to work as a runway model on previous seasons?

My guess is…you can.

Maybe your paycheck doesn’t depend on your pant size, but does your sense of self-worth? Your confidence level when you walk into a room and Your ability to feel worthy in relationships?


How I Can Help

If you identified with any of the above, The Body Knowledge System® is for you.

I use my Body Knowledge methodology to help you stop resisting you own Self Confidence and body worthiness.

One of my favorite sections of the Body Knowledge System® Playbook talks about your Body’s voice. As you have internalized the pressure to look a certain way, you’ve become estranged to your own body’s voice and begun to listen to the voice of the media, your peers and other outside pressures.

Maybe you’ve tried to improve your body image before, with little success. That’s because you haven’t truly joined forces with your body.


Try this Simple Practice


You might be able to say, “I am alive” while you’re sitting down, but when you say those same words as you move from sitting to standing, they feel more powerful, don’t they? That’s because you joined forces with your body!

The Body Knowledge System® will teach you to live your life with that same energy. You’ll no longer dictate over your body, you’ll learn to dance with her. This dance will allow you to pursue your life’s passions with joy.

What Are You Waiting For!?!

Project Runway has recognized that it’s time for models to listen to their own voices, not the voice of the industry.

Size 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 models will have the body confidence necessary to successfully model in front of a nationally televised audience.

Now, it’s your turn. Whatever size or shape you are, why not take advantage of my simple, sustainable tools and techniques.

Practicing the Body Knowledge System® will release your inner body confidence and rock your life like it’s your very own runway.

 Gift :FREE ebook now

Better yet, contact me- Coach Stephanie, to start your strut down the runway of your life!

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