
"Speak up for your body!"

[Body Confidence 101] Is it possible to truly love your body’s shape?

It’s Coach Stephanie with some Body Confidence insights:

Have you ever thought, “If I could just feel better about my body, I would finally be happy?”


Well, according to a recent study by Chapman University, you might be right.

Survey Says…

The study surveyed over 12,000 Americans and studied factors like personality, feelings about romantic relationships, and overall self-esteem to determine whether they are linked to satisfaction with appearance and weight.

The study showed links between body satisfaction and the factors the researchers studied, but that wasn’t all.

“Our study shows that men’s and women’s feelings about their weight and appearance play a major role in how satisfied they are with their lives overall,” said David Frederick, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology at Chapman University and lead author on the study.


Here’s The Bad News:


Sadly, only half the participants reported feeling somewhat to extremely satisfied with their bodies. According to Dr. Frederick, these findings are consistent with our society’s emphasis on an athletic appearance for men and a thin appearance for women.

He said, “It would seem therefore, that we still have a long way to go before we achieve the goal of Americans being truly happy with their bodies.”

What’s more, the study found that the more TV a person watched, the less happy they were with their bodies. Why? because they were comparing themselves to an impossible ideal portrayed in the media.

It’s interesting that Dr. Frederick simply noted that we should work toward being truly happy with our bodies. And you ask yourself ’how do I this?’



So, How Do We Get Started?


I encourage you to start with a new body ideal. Instead of telling our bodies how they should look, what if we let our bodies tell us? What if we learned to take care of ourselves by listening to our bodies’ intelligence?

Come on board! My Body Knowledge System® will help you connect with your body ( yes ! I want you to come on board). You’ll learn to care for yourself in a way that honors your unique makeup and needs.

Does this system sound too simple? Well it is simple and sustainable and doable. Let’s end the estrangement between you and your body and re unite with him/her ( I enjoy sharing my life’s work with you and delight in seeing you have a renewed relationship with your body. It’s fun!)

As you grow to love and listen to your body, you will look and feel your best. And like the study says, true body confidence will leave you feeling happier than ever.

Taking notice of the image allows you and your body to create a positive reaction, and therefore attract what you appreciate about her  or something better, into your life.


Wouldn’t it be nice and exciting to make this body knowledge a part of your daily practices?


A  Body Confidence Coaching partnership with me is something to consider

**Practicing this Body Knowledge System® creates a space for you to practice Body Confidence. Let me know.

Bonus: Listen to radio shows I have created with Debi Talbert that gives different perspectives of body confidence that are honest and filled with ways of encouraging yourself to live your healthy lifestyle with humor and sustainability.

Body confidence group conversations at

To you – and your body’s – freedom,

Coach Stephanie

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