
"Your body is not the enemy."

The Positives and Negatives of Bikinis

You might ask yourself, ‘what makes Stephanie think about bikini apparel during the Winter season?’

Because the essence of body confidence is unique and private and as your Body Confidence Coach I find that reviewing head on what might be getting in your way of better body confidence for yourself are cultural taboos such as wearing or not wearing a bikini. Read on…

Did you know that I coach women over the age of 50 to help them have better body confidence?

(By the way . . . you don’t have to be 50+ to experience my coaching skills )

**I saw an article about a bikini contest in China, and it got me asking a few questions. I want to share my thoughts with you and hear what you think too!




According to the Huffington Post, over 500 women participated in this year’s event in China.

A 68-year-old participant said, “Who said we are too old for bikinis?”

And get this… the oldest participant was 80-years-old!




Okay, here are my thoughts…

  • On the positive side – it’s encouraging to see women getting out and being confident in their bodies!
  • On the negative side – why is there so much pressure on women to look good in bikinis??
For years now… we’ve heard that if you don’t look good in a bikini, you’re not worth anything.

And that is ridiculous.

Who says you have to look good in a bikini, or even wear one at all?

Who gets to decide these things?

Our Culture?

Or you and your body?

Why not promote swimwear that works for all kinds of bodies?

Ask yourself – What would make *me* feel confident?

And then find clothes that are in line with that.

Find clothing that makes *you* feel confident.

Again, don’t let culture tell you that you’re only worth something if you look good in a bikini.

Listen to the voices in your head… and learn to laugh with them!

If you’re a woman who feels good in a bikini, go for it!

But what if you don’t?

Should you work and work until you do?

Wear one anyway?

Find something else?

What do the voices in your head say about that?




So… I want to know:

What do *you* think?

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and help you work through any questions you might have.

Post your comments below.

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