
"Be yourself with your body; remember your body is your personal barometer."

Alternate Day Fasts? A Fading Fad.


As with most radical dieting programs, the recent solution to weight loss is to simply not eat anything, ok, almost anything every other day. Now that the experts have had time to study the effectiveness of starving, or cutting out over 75% of your daily caloric intake on alternating days the results are not promising for this latest trend in self-denial.

As reported in the August, 2017 issue of Consumer Reports “Health” magazine, a University of Illinois at Chicago study looked at the eating habits of 100 overweight men and women. The alternate day fasters restricted their daily calorie intake to 25% on fasting days, however it rose to 125% on non-fast days, another third ate 75% of their usual calories every day, and the final third ate as usual.  At the end of a year, the alternate group lost 6% of their body weight, the conventional dieters lost 5.3%, about the same results. However, the alternative day dieters had a hard time following that procedure, and the bad news is the rise in their LDL or bad cholesterol numbers!

If you befriend your body, you’ll know what works for you. Try the latest promotion if you feel like it, just remember to include your body in the decision, not just the results!

To find out how, contact Coach Stephanie!

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