
"Did you bring your body with you?"

[Body Confidence Insight] When in doubt, this is what I suggest

When in (Body Confidence) Doubt, DANCE!

Where does body confidence begin?

Within your body.

Where does your dance begin?

Within your body.

Where does your doubt begin?

Within your mind.


Doubt is fear. Fear begins in your mind and is never present in your body unless your mind places it there. Rather than trying to change your mind, move your body and allow her to change your mind into one of confidence, optimism, and positivity.


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Your dance is a pure manifestation of your body’s knowledge—about you! Your body was born with body confidence, and your body maintains that level of certitude through out your life. It’s your mind that gets influenced by negative, judgmental, critical comparisons to others that diminishes your self-assurance.

How to get your Body Confidence back when in doubt

Your body is your coaching tool to correct the imbalance between those outside influences and what you and your BFF know to be true about yourself.

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