
"Your body is not the enemy."

Hot Flash! Body Confidence in Menopause?

hot flash

My USTA Tennis team was called the Hot Flashes! And we won our local, regional, and state competitions, only to come in 2nd or maybe it was 3d, (hahaha, memory loss is a symptom of the change of life, or so they tell me) in the Southwest!

The Body Knowledge System® belongs in Menopause, too!

Women enter the change of life at all ages due to genetics, chemotherapy, hysterectomy. The transition is either sudden as is usually the case with surgery or other medical intervention or progressive over a decade or two. The result is the same: loss of hormones creates physical discomfort in many, but not all women.

Those physical changes are real, your reactions to them are valid. Some of those reactions are psychological, some are behavioral, but ALL begin within your body.

If you haven’t re-established the open relationship you began with your body before birth, it’s not too late. (In fact, it’s NEVER TOO LATE!)

This might be the ideal time to share your feelings with the body that produces the hormones that affect those feelings!

Find out more how your body will help you through this transition: Contact Coach Stephanie today to get your body knowledge system to maintain the body confidence prior to peri-menopause…

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