
"Dance is the hidden language of the Soul."

Are You Anxious About Your Body?


More specifically, do you have anxiety around your body’s image?

At times in our life, we have anxiety about our appearance, our bodies.

Blemishes, Bed Head, and Belly Bloat?

Bad Hair Days, the zit on the end of your nose before the class or company picture, monthly bloat, or shopping for a bathing suit, bridal gown, or business suit, sends the stress meter through the top. The Body Knowledge System® gets you past those anxious moments by giving you the tools to cope with events, circumstances beyond your control. Better yet, the Body Knowledge System® teaches you how to take back the control you were born with.

Pause, Breathe, Share, then Practice your BKS® Practice…

When facing any of the above-mentioned stressors, simply talk to your body, and await her answer. Those who know and use the Body Knowledge System® often need a reminder when the anxious moments override your everyday actions. For those of you who have yet to experience the benefits of the Body Knowledge System®, help is as easy as an email away.

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