The easy answer to clear up any confusion about Body Confidence and what it is:
Find a baby and observe his or her behavior.
Well-being expresses itself when the baby is awake, asleep, or anywhere in between. Baby’s body and baby are in constant communication with each other. When baby’s body experiences hunger, pain, fear, anxiety, tiredness, thirst or any category of discomfort, baby’s body reacts with cries in expectation that the caretakers will supply what she needs to fulfill the need or want. After the need is satisfied, the baby returns to well-being.
And there is no pause, no space between the stimulus of discomfort and the outcry indicating it. Baby doesn’t bother with appropriate expectations or behavior; baby is oblivious to others’ expectations for her; and lastly, baby is focused on getting her needs met, the sooner the better for all those in her environment.
Ok, that behavior is tyrannical, and goes way beyond body confidence.
But it’s a start.
As an adult, body confidence takes a step back. Our body knows what she needs, and instead of relying on her caretakers, she has transitioned to depending on you, her BFF to fulfill those needs, wants, desires.
Your body was born with body confidence, and therefore so were you. As you matured you have lost contact with your body and have ceased to listen to her for guidance.
To get in touch with your birthright, the body confidence you were born with, you need to get back in touch with your body. It’s never too late to listen to your body.
Contact Coach Stephanie to learn more about it.
All babies are born with body confidence, because they communicate to their significant others all they need, want, desire to feel good about themselves.
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