
"Speak up for your body!"

Use Your DNA to personalize your eating plan, or ask your body.

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If you haven’t read Tuesday’s words of wisdom, click here then come right back for the rest of the info.

There are several resources to get your genetic eating plan that provides body confidence for what’s best for you to fuel your body efficiently, effectively, and healthily. As reviewed by Dr. Jen Ashton, there has not been enough data to determine the outcomes, but the placebo effect works 3o % of the time.

The most expensive at $309 examines your DNA, metabolism and blood work from an at-home test to determine which one of 7 categories fit you. In addition, they supply some coaching, online App, and follow up recommendations.

The Orig3n service at $149 looks at your DNA from the saliva sample you mail in from home. Those results will provide dietary suggestions to achieve your goals.

There are others popping up online if you Google them, however the Body Knowledge System® can supply all the information required for a successful eating program to achieve body confidence.

Take the short cut to body confidence, contact Coach Stephanie to learn how to talk to your body and stop your war with food!

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