
"Dance is the hidden language of the Soul."

Better Body Image Questionnaire

The Body Knowledge System® has been created to address your body image issues and help you practice on a daily basis simple and fun techniques to boost your self-esteem.

Self-esteem and better body image go hand in hand  

    All Answers Are Required

    Your Name

    Your Email

    Your Phone Number

    1. What’s holding you back from achieving the freedom you want with your body?
    a. Health
    b. Weight
    c. Nutrition
    d. Relationships
    e. Work

    2. As you improve your better body image and self-esteem, what will/can happen as a result of this process? (Max 250 words)

    3. As you read this, what are the question(s) or comment(s) you most want to share with Coach Stephanie (max 250 words).

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    Wellness Assessment

    The Body Awareness Assessment© is your starting point to a system that will help you feel fabulous and inspire you to make a life-long commitment to maintaining that feeling.

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