
"Your body only wants the best for both of you."

Feel Good About Yourself With This Tip

I’m sure over the years you have received some great advice or given it.

Well recently, I decided to have a contest to see what great advice other Wellness Professionals or those of you who practice Self Care and might be willing to share. The contest was sent out to all my connections….over 1,000 Self Care Practitioners!

The contest had several great responses but what really soared above the rest comes from Biancia Tate at Hope Network, Inc.

The best tip that I chose was….

“When you are woman and a caregiver, such as a wife or mother, many times, you will forget you are a woman. You feel guilty taking care of yourself but, your soul needs to be nurtured. So, take time out. You both need it and deserve it. Take a walk in the mall and stop by a make-up counter. Get a makeover. Spray yourself with some perfume. Then, go try on some clothes you will never buy. Then, finish up the day with some chocolate ice cream with lots of fudge and whip cream. Celebrate who you are.”


 Feel good

What wonderful advice…don’t you think? For direct questions to Biancia Tate, feel free to email her.

It’s important to feel good about yourself and communicate with your body with psychological tools and techniques that Bianca has made us aware of.

I would love to hear your thoughts.

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