
"Dance is the hidden language of the Soul."

Coaching Options

Custom Coaching

Are you aware that you Body has a Voice?

  • Are there times when your body feels unhealthy?
  • How many times have you put exercise on the shelf?
  • When was the last time you really nourished your body in the manner she most enjoys?
  • Is your body feeling uncomfortable at work, but there is always an excuse to stay put?

Coach Stephanie challenges, encourages and champions you to resolve your issues using the resource you were born with, grew with, and live with daily. By applying Body Awe(R) the magnificence of your physical self to the entirety of your life you will achieve your objectives.

Coach Stephanie’s Custom Personal Coaching Program combines tools and techniques from her Law of Attraction Practitioner, Business Coaching, and her original Body Knowledge System® to help you be the best you can be in life and in business.

Do your challenges include …

  • Maintaining energy movement in your physical, personal, and professional life?
  • Feeling somewhat ‘unfit’ physically, emotionally, professionally at this moment?
  • Not living what you know with exercise, diet, and self-care?

Stephanie always provides a win-win partnership

After an initial FREE consultation with Coach Stephanie you will determine the ideal program for you in your life and business.

Book your FREE 45 minute consult NOW!

One on One Coaching Packages

  • Are you a woman Solo Business Owner in the health, wellness, or beauty industry who craves a better relationship with your own self care and with your Entrepreneurial Business?
  • Are you a creative person or performer who wants to feel comfortable in your own skin while working and at home?
  • Are you a caregiver/Mom who gives to everyone but yourself?

Are you ready to end the estrangement between you and your body around health, work, exercise, eating, and your environment?

Let’s begin to learn and practice the tools and techniques with your Body and Business Coach/Mentor, Stephanie Wood, PCC

Being one of Stephanie’s clients you will soon discover what customized coaching means to you as soon as you begin your ownpersonal program of the Body Knowledge System with Stephanie’s expert guidance along the way working together towards the body and business you really want.

All coaching is done over the telephone.

In life, as in coaching, one size does not fit all!
Your body, life, style, work, relationships are very unique to you.

Stephanie Wood’s Custom Coaching in Body Knowledge respects you as an individual, your special “self”. She specializes as your Movement, Lifestyle, Mentor & Business Coach.

Stephanie coaches and teaches her clients with practical tools and techniques that she has created as well as incorporating her expertise in Business, Law of Attraction Principles, along with Body Knowledge System tools and techniques. Again all coaching is done over the phone.

In life, as in coaching, one size does not fit all! Your health, body, life, style, work, relationships are all very unique to you. Stephanie Wood’s Custom Coaching in Body Knowledge respects you as an individual, your special “self”. Specializing as your Movement, Lifestyle, Mentor & Business Coach.

Coach Stephanie’s Custom Personal Coaching Program combines tools and techniques from Law of Attraction Principles, Business Coaching, and her original Body Knowledge System® to help you be the best you can be in life and in business.

When you commit to personal and business coaching, you commit to improving your whole life: your physical self, your intellectual self, your professional self, and your spiritual self. You can feel more deeply that body mind connection in your life and with your body.

Your first session with Stephanie always ends with empowerment, optimism, and confidence…in you!

Start today for a better tomorrow! Contact Coach Stephanie for your free consultation.

Group Coaching Packages offers coaching in the Body Knowledge System for small groups in a series of conference calls and/or teleclasses by Coach Stephanie Wood. This series of classes in the Body Knowledge System focuses on “The Practicals”. They are the different areas of your life focusing on health, eating, exercise, work, life events, and environment. These six chapters from “The Body Knowledge System” playbook provides you with solutions to their most challenging issues or concerns.

Discover the successful sustainable solution to weight issues, resistance to exercise, enjoying events, business challenges, relationship issues, among other challenges that occur daily in all of our lives. Coach Stephanie’s group coaching series introduces the Body Knowledge System. Students then learn the secret behind personal success: end the estrangement with their bodies and begin to live full and happy lives.

Mentor Coaching Packages

Mentoring for Wellness Professionals and Coaches. Expand your practice to include The Body Knowledge System to:

  • Work with the whole person
  • Increase client satisfaction
  • Lengthen your clients commitment to your coaching

As a member of the Body Awe Professional Community, you will:

  • Increase your profits
  • Expand your influence
  • Enhance your satisfaction as well as your clients

As a wellness professional, weight loss coach, personal trainer, lifestyle counselor, nutrition coach, or career coach, find fulfillment in every aspect of your personal and professional life with a Body Knowledge System certification.

As you internalize the wisdom of The Body Knowledge System, learn valuable Body Awe skills, and apply them in your practice, your client’s results will be amazing. Integrate Body Awe into your lifestyle coaching, personal training, and nutrition coaching, to gain your clients’ appreciation. You’ve helped them solve their problems, achieve their goals, and meet their needs from this innovative business concept.

For a collaborative interview to discuss the possibilities for your business, Contact Stephanie Wood today!

Certification Opportunities

Become Certified in The Body Knowledge System to:

  • Share the successful sustainable solution with your clients
  • Expand your practice with an effective program that gets results for your clients
  • Satisfy your current clients and attract more clients to your practice

The Body Knowledge System provides a comprehensive program to certify wellness professionals, fitness trainers, coaching professionals, alternative healers, dietitians, health care professionals, nutritionists, and other personal consultants. An in-depth program, the Body Knowledge System certification explores the totality of Coach Stephanie’s life changing approach to health, wellness, and the client’s success in every area of their life.

Stephanie Wood’s Coaching Certification Program in the Body Knowledge System® will be available on the publication of her playbook, Body Knowledge System, An Awesome Intelligence which is ready for purchase now.

Check back often for updates in the Certification Program, and be one of the first to achieve the highest level of professionalism in the mind body connection for the benefit of your clients.

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Wellness Assessment

The Body Awareness Assessment© is your starting point to a system that will help you feel fabulous and inspire you to make a life-long commitment to maintaining that feeling.

Take The Free Assessment
